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To all you people that sold your tickets to Cowboy fans

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Just reconsidering this. I beg to differ here. Congrats to every Saints fan or other season ticket holder that sold their tickets for a profit to those stupid assed Cowpattie fans. I hope you made a ton and was able ...

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Old 09-30-2019, 06:26 PM   #11
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Bossier City, LA
Posts: 26,274
Re: To all you people that sold your tickets to Cowboy fans

Just reconsidering this. I beg to differ here. Congrats to every Saints fan or other season ticket holder that sold their tickets for a profit to those stupid assed Cowpattie fans. I hope you made a ton and was able to enjoy the game on your wide screen at home. Let those sorry assed Cowgirl fans spend their hard earned toilet cleaning money on those tickets while getting emotionally destroyed. And then they went down to Bourbon Street and loaded their toilet derived money into our state's economy. Good job!

**** the Cowgirls!

Who Dat!

18-1 Baby!

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To all you people that sold your tickets to Cowboy fans This thread Refback 09-29-2019 01:27 PM 3

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