10-07-2019, 03:24 AM
1000 Posts +
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,331
Already at .500
When Brees got hurt, it seemed like everyone sports person on the planet had the same exact breakdown of what we needed to do while Brees was out: That we needed to go .500 to keep our season afloat. Considering that Bridgewater will probably play 6 games at the most, it looks like he's already achieved that goal. I think over the last few weeks every Saints fan has gone from being a neurotic mess to feeling like they are peacefully drinking rum and smoking cubans on some peaceful island with the sound of waterfalls all around. I really can't be more proud of the way this team has stepped up in Brees absence and completely dominated. This is certainly one of my high points as a Saint fan and I just don't know if I could be any happier with how we've responded to the adversity that was put in front of us. Payton should be unanimous coach of the year.