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TheOak 04-07-2020 03:31 PM

The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
I find my sef coming here lately to get a break from Covid-19 discussions only to click a thread and find that it has turned into a Covid-19 discussion.

Maybe we could keep all the Covid-19 discussions here in one thread so that people have an escape? Its healthy for people to have an escape.

I'll even seed a few discussion points from what i know.

1. Stop looking at WHO, China, or any UN statistics for that matter.. They are all lies. The WHO Ignored Taiwan officials concerns over human to human transmission of Covid-19 in Wuhan in December over fears of damaging WHO’s relationship with China.

2. Why was Italy hit so hard? Because of trade, specifically between Northern Italy and Wuhan China.... and a Northern Italy lock-down that caused infected people to travel south spreading it across the entire country.

3. Stop comparing Spanish Flu to Covid-19.. CNN did a piece on masks and why things changed between 1918 and now. Read the entire piece it all sounds logical... Now what is missing? Maybe the part that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was ****ing airborn and Covid-9 isnt should be a one line answer to the question in the title. CNN= Lazy hack jobs.

I am not asking anyone not to talk about what is going on, just asking that we allow everyone to talk about only football when they want. :bng:

burningmetal 04-07-2020 03:50 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Unfortunately, what else is there to talk about? I agree that an escape from the madness is needed, but there just isn't anything going on, and venting about the idiocy of this whole situation is pretty much what happens.

Unless we all start talking about our personal lives. Today, I ate pizza. It was good. I think I'll have it again in the future. I like pizza and football. A football has a weird shape... It's made of pig skin. Some people eat fried pig skin. I wonder if it tastes like a football?

I don't know why the Kardashian's are famous.

A cousin of mine once told me that milk is cold... And wet. It's not that I disagreed with her, but I'm not sure what her point was... And I still don't know why the Kardashian's are famous.

Well, man, I tried.

TheOak 04-08-2020 05:07 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 884446)
Unfortunately, what else is there to talk about? I agree that an escape from the madness is needed, but there just isn't anything going on, and venting about the idiocy of this whole situation is pretty much what happens.

Unless we all start talking about our personal lives. Today, I ate pizza. It was good. I think I'll have it again in the future. I like pizza and football. A football has a weird shape... It's made of pig skin. Some people eat fried pig skin. I wonder if it tastes like a football?

I don't know why the Kardashian's are famous.

A cousin of mine once told me that milk is cold... And wet. It's not that I disagreed with her, but I'm not sure what her point was... And I still don't know why the Kardashian's are famous.

Well, man, I tried.

It doesnt sound like you bothered to read what I wrote at all. No where did I request that anyone stop talking about it. I just requested a consolidation of discussion to allow other topics to be Covid-19 free.

Topic distancing....

TheOak 04-08-2020 05:22 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
To everyone in a panic and those that argue projection models... Just dont.

The basis for all of it is garbage and both the government and their agencies will make you look foolish.

Stop trusting what they tell you. Its crap and DHS should take a ton of politicians in to custody for inciting terror.

burningmetal 04-08-2020 06:08 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 884498)
It doesnt sound like you bothered to read what I wrote at all. No where did I request that anyone stop talking about it. I just requested a consolidation of discussion to allow other topics to be Covid-19 free.

Topic distancing....

You know, Oak, I've come across a lot of BS in various discussions in these forums. And it usually comes from people being intellectually dishonest, because they have a clear agenda to protect, and not because they are incapable of understanding things if they really wanted to.

But with you, it's like you're in your own world, where words somehow have a separate meaning, and it's ALWAYS the fault of someone else for not understanding YOU.

I read very clearly what you said, and at NO POINT did I say that you asked for all covid discussion to stop. I'm saying, there is NOTHING ELSE GOING ON. I don't know how else I can say that, in a way that you won't construe, for the billionth time, that I somehow failed to understand your point. I read your post, I got your point, and I raised you another... Covid keeps coming up, because that's all that's dominating our lives, with all of the actions that are being taken that affect each and every one of us.

There are no games being played. Free agency is over. The draft is a couple of weeks away. We'd all like an escape from what is going on, but we're right in the middle of it, and there just isn't any way around it.

I tried to add a little humor in my post as a gesture toward changing the subject. But I can see that your ego is too strong to notice anything else. So I'll be sure not to waste my time responding to the next thread you start.

Beastmode 04-08-2020 08:34 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
MLB says they are seriously considering starting games using their training camp fields. This might work well considering those parks being so close. No traveling city to city so the potential virus exsposure is next to nothing.

It could work for just about any sport if there are fields, arenas in close proximity. I hope MLB goes for it because we need something right now beside constant virus coverage. Can't get away from it.

saintsfan1976 04-08-2020 09:19 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
I don't see anything wrong with The Oak's post. It seems he's trying to create a single thread directly related to COVID. That's fine.

However, for many people this is the single greatest event of our lifetimes. Financially, mentally, emotionally.... it's impossible not to discuss it's impact and how it may or may not relate to sports.

So, either you want to come to this specific post to discuss COVID-related issues or you don't. You may chose to PM each other and offer support. That's fine too.

The most important thing, is that we remain respectful of each other's thoughts and opinions through this time.

WillMacKenzie 04-08-2020 10:17 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
I’m now seeing headlines about people firing into gatherings, and people assaulting people over “social distancing.”

Has it really been so easy to bring people to this point? We’re f***ed.

blackangold 04-08-2020 10:23 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Few trackers I find useful:

For daily numbers-

For projected death and peak hospital usage (by state is included)-

Some good news, they just lowered projected death count to 60k. When mitigation efforts first started the projection was 140-220k.

JayFoster 04-08-2020 10:41 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 884500)
You know, Oak, I've come across a lot of BS in various discussions in these forums. And it usually comes from people being intellectually dishonest, because they have a clear agenda to protect, and not because they are incapable of understanding things if they really wanted to.

But with you, it's like you're in your own world, where words somehow have a separate meaning, and it's ALWAYS the fault of someone else for not understanding YOU.

I read very clearly what you said, and at NO POINT did I say that you asked for all covid discussion to stop. I'm saying, there is NOTHING ELSE GOING ON. I don't know how else I can say that, in a way that you won't construe, for the billionth time, that I somehow failed to understand your point. I read your post, I got your point, and I raised you another... Covid keeps coming up, because that's all that's dominating our lives, with all of the actions that are being taken that affect each and every one of us.

There are no games being played. Free agency is over. The draft is a couple of weeks away. We'd all like an escape from what is going on, but we're right in the middle of it, and there just isn't any way around it.

I tried to add a little humor in my post as a gesture toward changing the subject. But I can see that your ego is too strong to notice anything else. So I'll be sure not to waste my time responding to the next thread you start.


But, I can tell you that some people in the world live in some sort of alternate reality so it will not matter what you say, even if it is on video with 1000 witnesses.

TheOak 04-09-2020 04:06 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 884500)
You know, Oak, I've come across a lot of BS in various discussions in these forums. And it usually comes from people being intellectually dishonest, because they have a clear agenda to protect, and not because they are incapable of understanding things if they really wanted to.

But with you, it's like you're in your own world, where words somehow have a separate meaning, and it's ALWAYS the fault of someone else for not understanding YOU.

I read very clearly what you said, and at NO POINT did I say that you asked for all covid discussion to stop. I'm saying, there is NOTHING ELSE GOING ON. I don't know how else I can say that, in a way that you won't construe, for the billionth time, that I somehow failed to understand your point. I read your post, I got your point, and I raised you another... Covid keeps coming up, because that's all that's dominating our lives, with all of the actions that are being taken that affect each and every one of us.

There are no games being played. Free agency is over. The draft is a couple of weeks away. We'd all like an escape from what is going on, but we're right in the middle of it, and there just isn't any way around it.

I tried to add a little humor in my post as a gesture toward changing the subject. But I can see that your ego is too strong to notice anything else. So I'll be sure not to waste my time responding to the next thread you start.

Sincerest apologies, I read your reply as a misinterpretation of my post. I watched over 1/2 a dozen co-workers get cut and took a pay cut the day before, head probably wasn't the clearest.

Just so you might understand my replies better in the future, that wasn't arrogance, it was sarcasm.

TheOak 04-09-2020 04:25 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by WillMacKenzie (Post 884527)
I’m now seeing headlines about people firing into gatherings, and people assaulting people over “social distancing.”

Has it really been so easy to bring people to this point? We’re f***ed.

Were you expecting something different? Katrina shenanigans... LA riots... Crap, Black Friday shopping....

We hope that people act civilized, but the percentage of people in prison for violent crimes speaks to how civilized mankind truly is.

burningmetal 04-09-2020 06:47 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 884640)
Sincerest apologies, I read your reply as a misinterpretation of my post. I watched over 1/2 a dozen co-workers get cut and took a pay cut the day before, head probably wasn't the clearest.

Just so you might understand my replies better in the future, that wasn't arrogance, it was sarcasm.

I'm not sure what kind of apology ends in you saying you were being sarcastic, but I'm assuming not a genuine one. I also do not ask for any apology, though I'll accept it, nonetheless. All I ask, is stop implying I don't understand you.

I had no "problem" with your original post. I merely wanted to point out that it should not be surprising that coronavirus conversations are all you see in every thread, when this is all that's going on. Some people believe the hype and are scared, and some of us are angry that this country is being duped. But whatever side people fall on, it's brought everything around us to a halt, and this forum is where some of us go just to vent.

So while I appreciate and agree with your desire to have an escape from the topic, it's just not practical, at least in my mind, that people are going to come to this thread only, for this topic. Everywhere you turn, something else we enjoy is affected by all of this. That is the long version of the point I was trying to make, without poo pooing your idea, altogether. Because I got what you were trying to do.

TheOak 04-09-2020 07:18 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 884657)
I'm not sure what kind of apology ends in you saying you were being sarcastic, but I'm assuming not a genuine one. I also do not ask for any apology, though I'll accept it, nonetheless. All I ask, is stop implying I don't understand you.

I had no "problem" with your original post. I merely wanted to point out that it should not be surprising that coronavirus conversations are all you see in every thread, when this is all that's going on. Some people believe the hype and are scared, and some of us are angry that this country is being duped. But whatever side people fall on, it's brought everything around us to a halt, and this forum is where some of us go just to vent.

So while I appreciate and agree with your desire to have an escape from the topic, it's just not practical, at least in my mind, that people are going to come to this thread only, for this topic. Everywhere you turn, something else we enjoy is affected by all of this. That is the long version of the point I was trying to make, without poo pooing your idea, altogether. Because I got what you were trying to do.

I don't always assume you are misunderstanding as though you 'cant comprehend', Its more like misreading or misinterpreting which happens often when people aren't talking face to face.

See if this makes more sense.. The apology was sincere. The previous reply that started this was sarcasm, not arrogance (in reference to your comment about my ego).

Thank you for accepting my apology. If you ever think I am being patronizing or arrogant its probably not intentional but just ask. Ill tell you.

spkb25 04-09-2020 07:27 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Let's talk about a man at a park with his 6 year old daughter being handcuffed and detained for being at a park with his 6 year old daughter. Let's also discuss the woman out driving alone in her car ticketed for being out driving in her car alone.

Sounds important

TheOak 04-09-2020 07:37 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 884660)
Let's talk about a man at a park with his 6 year old daughter being handcuffed and detained for being at a park with his 6 year old daughter. Let's also discuss the woman out driving alone in her car ticketed for being out driving in her car alone.

Sounds important

I heard about both..

Sounds asinine and the product of someone that was promoted to incompetence (Peter Principle) misunderstanding the application and function of policy.

burningmetal 04-09-2020 07:40 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 884658)
I don't always assume you are misunderstanding as though you 'cant comprehend', Its more like misreading or misinterpreting which happens often when people aren't talking face to face.

See if this makes more sense.. The apology was sincere. The previous reply that started this was sarcasm, not arrogance (in reference to your comment about my ego).

Thank you for accepting my apology. If you ever think I am being patronizing or arrogant its probably not intentional but just ask. Ill tell you.

We'll shake virtual hands on that note. I'll admit, for my part, that my patience is thinner than usual, and my annoyance meter is therefore higher. Let's move on.

TheOak 04-09-2020 07:56 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by spkb25 (Post 884660)
Let's talk about a man at a park with his 6 year old daughter being handcuffed and detained for being at a park with his 6 year old daughter. Let's also discuss the woman out driving alone in her car ticketed for being out driving in her car alone.

Sounds important

Stupidity is also a global pandemic

saintsfan1976 04-09-2020 10:46 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Thank you All

The Dude 04-09-2020 12:20 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 884499)
To everyone in a panic and those that argue projection models... Just dont.

The basis for all of it is garbage and both the government and their agencies will make you look foolish.

Stop trusting what they tell you. Its crap and DHS should take a ton of politicians in to custody for inciting terror.

This. I dont believe a word of anything we are being told about the numbers. There are simply too many variables for them to be accurate. I don’t trust them that they would tell us the truth even if they did have accurate numbers.

TheOak 04-09-2020 12:20 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 884678)
Thank you All

How are you? Being surrounded by Falcons fans must have tempered you in preparation for a pandemic?

Rugby Saint II 04-09-2020 01:35 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Personally, I don't believe a word from the government. Trump has mislead the public with misleading statements to down right lies since COVID-19 appeared. His legacy is what matters to him...not human lives.

I'd like to believe that in my 61 years I've learned how to read people and make sound judgement calls. I prefer to let evidence build up rather than jumping to conclusions.I don't trust anyone who rolls back all our EPA protections during this crisis to further his agenda. One way or the other he is taking lives with his policies. Will the economy be back up and running on Easter like Trump insisted on?

iceshack149 04-09-2020 03:33 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Politics are divisive for sure.

Want to throw another wrench into the discussion? Religion!

“In three short months, just like He did with the plagues of Egypt, God has taken away everything we worship,” he said.
“God said, ‘you want to worship athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. You want to worship musicians, I will shut down Civic Centers. You want to worship actors, I will shut down theaters. You want to worship money, I will shut down the economy and collapse the stock market. You don't want to go to church and worship Me, I will make it where you can't go to church,” he added.

For what it's worth, I truly believe that God has His hand in all things so the Hulkster may have a valid point.

jeanpierre 04-09-2020 05:01 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 884707)
Politics are divisive for sure.

Want to throw another wrench into the discussion? Religion!

“In three short months, just like He did with the plagues of Egypt, God has taken away everything we worship,” he said.
“God said, ‘you want to worship athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. You want to worship musicians, I will shut down Civic Centers. You want to worship actors, I will shut down theaters. You want to worship money, I will shut down the economy and collapse the stock market. You don't want to go to church and worship Me, I will make it where you can't go to church,” he added.

For what it's worth, I truly believe that God has His hand in all things so the Hulkster may have a valid point.

Shack, Baby, what are you doing?!?

iceshack149 04-09-2020 08:21 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 884709)

saintsfan1976 04-09-2020 08:28 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 884690)
This. I dont believe a word of anything we are being told about the numbers. There are simply too many variables for them to be accurate. I don’t trust them that they would tell us the truth even if they did have accurate numbers.

a lot of truth to that statement. Mostly however is this;
1. we don't know true numbers (foreign or domestic)
2. everyone is scrambling to "get it right" and therefore wrong

blackangold 04-09-2020 08:31 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Geez... the boards gone down hill fast.

My ignore list is filling up.

Would be great if mods kept this forum football related (aside from FF updates).

TheOak 04-10-2020 08:42 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
1 Attachment(s)
..... Happy Friday!

saintsfan1976 04-10-2020 09:25 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 884691)
How are you? Being surrounded by Falcons fans must have tempered you in preparation for a pandemic?

We are good. Wife has a compromised immune system. We had to pull the kids out of school early. Two parents, indoors, full time jobs (our industries have been chaotic), with two kids under 4.... My liver is not happy.

Hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.

Atlanta fans know better than to mess with me. They don't have a leg to stand on....

turbo_dog 04-10-2020 09:37 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 884691)
How are you? Being surrounded by Falcons fans must have tempered you in preparation for a pandemic?

As an Atlanta citizen now, I can tell you that my BS tolerance has been tested many times over the most ridiculous arguments you can ever hear when it comes to football. Right now, they are stoked over the new uniforms and that will make them "rise up" to take the NFC south. I can only laugh at them (many are my friends), and raise a glass. :bng:

blackangold 04-10-2020 09:47 AM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by turbo_dog (Post 884787)
As an Atlanta citizen now, I can tell you that my BS tolerance has been tested many times over the most ridiculous arguments you can ever hear when it comes to football. Right now, they are stoked over the new uniforms and that will make them "rise up" to take the NFC south. I can only laugh at them (many are my friends), and raise a glass. :bng:


They went all black and home and all white away... I don't know why but that seems so familiar.

TheOak 04-10-2020 04:58 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

TheOak 04-10-2020 05:10 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 884784)
We are good. Wife has a compromised immune system. We had to pull the kids out of school early. Two parents, indoors, full time jobs (our industries have been chaotic), with two kids under 4.... My liver is not happy.

Hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.

Atlanta fans know better than to mess with me. They don't have a leg to stand on....

We are isolated and surrounded by Texans fans that just got Brandin Cook (eye roll)...

I wake up every morning thankful, that in spite of everything, I get to enjoy a lot of quality time with my wife and daughters. With the way we work, and them being teen/preteen, its time I would have not been otherwise afforded.

When we need to relieve stress, I open a bottle of wine, plug in my bass and share my eclectic taste in music with my captive audience neighbors. :bng:

Rugby Saint II 04-18-2020 07:10 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
How many of ya'll live in the country and this is sort of the normal? The only real difference in Fairhope, Al is less traffic and lots of folks wearing face masks. We do social distancing in public but I've got plenty of room to run around in my large yard as do most country folks. City dwellers don't have that luxury.

Stay safe ya'll!

Rugby Saint II 04-18-2020 07:15 PM

Re: The Black&Gold Official Covid-19 Discussion (please)
Here's a quick follow up on social distancing. What about an Antarctica league? I haven't heard of any reports coming from there. The Penguins could be the original team. Think about it....

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