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jeanpierre 07-22-2020 10:36 PM

NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

TheOak 07-23-2020 03:11 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
Who is thinking up this absurd crap, that somehow two letters on a sticker tell us whom it represents?....

If that was negotiated someone got screwed. Royally.

Rugby Saint II 07-23-2020 11:34 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
I'm not totally against this idea. If a white player puts a decal of a white person shot by a black policeman how will that be perceived? Or is that not part of the discussion?

Perhaps we could also advertise churches on the helmet as well.

AsylumGuido 07-23-2020 12:06 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
As long as we have football I don't care what's on the helmets or uniforms.

St. Sherman 07-24-2020 01:51 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
Wow. The NFL is so brave. Can a player put H.K. on their helmet for Hong Kong? Asking for Lebron and the NBA.

AsylumGuido 07-24-2020 02:52 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by St. Sherman (Post 892925)
Wow. The NFL is so brave. Can a player put H.K. on their helmet for Hong Kong? Asking for Lebron and the NBA.

They're wearing helmets in the NBA now? Cool.

Cruize 07-25-2020 05:57 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
All of the things we do EXCEPT actually doing something to address/fix the problem. Admitting a problem is cool. Acknowledging there's a problem is good. One could argue it's a start. One could argue it's part of the process. One could argue it's progress. But, kneeling, black anthems, stickers, and painting streets just seems like meaningless placating to me. It could also just be my frustration at nothing real getting done to address the problem. A problem some refuse to even see as a problem. Equal rights. Police reform. Accountability. It's really not that hard.

Audiotom 07-26-2020 10:21 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
Can they put the faces of 4-20 year old kids killed by the rioting mob

Rugby Saint II 07-27-2020 01:34 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
It needs to be renamed Ex-con lives matter! People who obey the law don't normally get into confrontations with police.

shawnkytonk 07-27-2020 02:22 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893088)
It needs to be renamed Ex-con lives matter! People who obey the law don't normally get into confrontations with police.

This isn't necessarily true. Cops think they are above the law and harass people on a daily basis for whatever reason they want. The age of cell phones has shown that. It has to get boring quite a bit being a cop. They will look for any reason to find someone suspicious.

Rugby Saint II 08-03-2020 02:05 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 893093)
This isn't necessarily true. Cops think they are above the law and harass people on a daily basis for whatever reason they want. The age of cell phones has shown that. It has to get boring quite a bit being a cop. They will look for any reason to find someone suspicious.

You make a good point. Nonetheless, it's mostly the uncooperative people who get shot. I know that black people are taught to fear the police. They do go to jail more often than whites do. Of course the education factor is much lower for blacks and therefore this can lead to theft from lack of an income.

If the black people want to go to college for free then I'm down with that. It's not my job to lift them up but I'm happy to give them the education so that they can achieve success on their own. Feed a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you've fed him for a life time.

Black music is a horrible influence on young people. Raping and killing are common themes in their music. They need to stop using the N word if I do. Once again, I feel like they live by a double standard.

The Dude 08-04-2020 07:50 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 893093)
This isn't necessarily true. Cops think they are above the law and harass people on a daily basis for whatever reason they want. The age of cell phones has shown that. It has to get boring quite a bit being a cop. They will look for any reason to find someone suspicious.

One time I was sitting at home with my daughter watching Tv when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked through the window and saw this sketchy looking meth head outside. When I cracked the door and asked him what he wanted and he asked if he could use the phone. I told him no and went to close the door and he jammed his foot between the door and the door sill. I pushed on it got it closed called the cops and told them what happened. I described him as a white male, 6’, shoulder length hair wearing shorts and a wife beater.
About 10 min later I saw them pass my street so I went out to flag them down. I had just had surgery to repair my rotator cuff and labrum so I am jumping up and down waiving with one arm and my other in a sling. When they saw me they gunned it and would have absolutely run me over if I hadn’t jumped out of the way. They got out with their guns drawn and ordered me to get on the ground, jerked my arm out of my sling, cuffed me and threw me in the back of their car. It took about 10 minutes to explain to them that I was the one that called. They said that I fit the description yada, yada, yada. I’m 5’6”, short hair, pajama bottoms, short sleeve shirt and had my arm in a sling.
Turns out the dude sold drugs to an undercover officer in the neighborhood next to mine and made a run when they tried to arrest them.
I wound up having to get my shoulder repaired again because of it.
It happens to both whites and blacks.

Danno 08-04-2020 09:15 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
Will the decal show him holding a gun to a pregnant woman?

ChrisXVI 08-04-2020 09:33 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
Just a reminder that they tried to fine Demario Davis for wearing a Man or God headband.

Beastmode 08-04-2020 09:56 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
There will be an app for all this stuff. Let's viewers pick and choose what decals they want on players.

Budsdrinker 08-04-2020 09:57 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
And they wouldn't allow the cowgirls to have decals honoring the Dallas officers that were killed a couple years ago.

jeanpierre 08-04-2020 11:03 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 893554)
Just a reminder that they tried to fine Demario Davis for wearing a Man or God headband.

Yeah, that's not politically correct but deifying a convict like George Floyd is?

They'd done better keeping the politics out it - when I want to tap out, used to look to sports...

But now some over-privileged *ssholes want to lecture me about advantage, thrust their politics into my football time...

blackangold 08-04-2020 12:37 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 892875)
As long as we have football I don't care what's on the helmets or uniforms.

How about a swastika or the communist hammer and sickle, would you be a'okay with that?

Rugby Saint II 08-04-2020 01:24 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
I was coming through a shady neighborhood on a short cut back from the convenience store after dark. Blue lights came on and I pulled to the side where they came up with guns drawn and threw me on the ground and cuffed me while they searched my car and found nothing but candy. They were all apologetic and they were black and white cops that did that to me.

Not every white cop is a bad guy. I've known plenty of rugby players that were policemen who loved their black team mates. My twin brother and I took a keg to the black fraternity in college to recruit new rugby players. We became close friends with 5 of them and had them to my family home a lot where we taught them how to shoot. They became good shots with pistols very quickly and played damn good rugby. I don't see color.

Every race has it's fair share of racists though . I've seen racists cops from both races. Just like I've seen extremes from both races. From the KKK to the small percentage of blacks that are looting and rioting rather than peaceful protests that is the majority.

blackangold 08-04-2020 02:01 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 893093)
This isn't necessarily true. Cops think they are above the law and harass people on a daily basis for whatever reason they want. The age of cell phones has shown that. It has to get boring quite a bit being a cop. They will look for any reason to find someone suspicious.

Hell of a fallacy there.

We only see the bad things being posted and going viral. Consider that today 80% of departments have body cam requirements and the amount of ordinary people there are to capture everything on phones. Only the negative aspect of their job is broadcast and promoted, you can see the positive side if you look.

99.8% of cops just want to do their job, protect people and property and go home. However, the media and SJW will have you focus on the .2% for a reason. Don't be fooled. Law and order enforced by LEOs is the only thing holding this country back from being a 3rd world hellhole. We need more, not less police, and they need more not less funding to provide more, not less training.

The biggest issue with policing is they don't spend enough time training on deescalation, community policing and physical combat.

AsylumGuido 08-04-2020 02:37 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 893565)
How about a swastika or the communist hammer and sickle, would you be a'okay with that?

Sure. Dallas wears a star. It wouldn't be any worse than that as far as I'm concerned. I watch and enjoy the game for what it is. I don't care what players do or wear. I'm simply not that fragile.

iceshack149 08-04-2020 09:09 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893573)
Sure. Dallas wears a star. It wouldn't be any worse than that as far as I'm concerned. I watch and enjoy the game for what it is. I don't care what players do or wear. I'm simply not that fragile.

Principles do not equal fragility, comrade.

captainshawn 08-04-2020 11:10 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
George Floyd was more a victim of himself than of the police.

AsylumGuido 08-05-2020 07:05 AM

NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 893588)
Principles do not equal fragility, comrade.

Personal principles are a basic set of rules that guide your life. Principles vary from person to person. What falls within one person's set of principles may very well not fit within yours. Your principles guide what you say or do, not what others say or do. Understandably, you personally would not wear a swastika or hammer and sickle on your helmet because it is against your principles. Someone else may not have the same boundaries within their set of principles. What they do or say should not affect your principles, or what you do or say. So what you say is true. Fragility doesn't equal principles. Fragility in the sense that I used it refers to a lack of tolerance of another's set of rules or principles ... what they choose to do or say.

I personally would not wear a swastika or hammer and sickle on my helmet because it is against my principles. However, I must be far more tolerant of others' principles. I do not let them upset me because they have no personal impact upon what I say or do. It all comes down to tolerance, or lack thereof, I suppose.

Rugby Saint II 08-05-2020 11:36 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by captainshawn (Post 893590)
George Floyd was more a victim of himself than of the police.

This should be the national message. We are idolizing a man who recently robbed a pregnant woman at gun point. Black folks are picking the wrong heroes. That is the type of thing that has helped hold them back. Black men and women love to holler at the police.

SaintFanInATLHELL 08-05-2020 11:54 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893606)
This should be the national message. We are idolizing a man who recently robbed a pregnant woman at gun point. Black folks are picking the wrong heroes. That is the type of thing that has helped hold them back. Black men and women love to holler at the police.

Conflating two different things. Everything about George Floyd is about the day that he died. It would not have mattered if he was a serial killer earlier in his life. Nothing he did on the day he died deserved the torture and death he received under the knee of that police officer.

No unarmed, cuffed person deserves that treatment no matter who they are or what they did. That's what folks who are calling for change are motivated by.

He's not a hero. He's a victim.


Rugby Saint II 08-05-2020 12:01 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 893611)
Conflating two different things. Everything about George Floyd is about the day that he died. It would not have mattered if he was a serial killer earlier in his life. Nothing he did on the day he died deserved the torture and death he received under the knee of that police officer.

No unarmed, cuffed person deserves that treatment no matter who they are or what they did. That's what folks who are calling for change are motivated by.

He's not a hero. He's a victim.


But he set himself up for failure by not cooperating with the police. But I guess that's what happens to ex-cons. Ex-con lives matter. To me all lives matter but I'm not supposed to say that because I'm offending someone.

Why do black people call each other the N word and yet it is offensive from whites? Is it offensive if a native American says it? What about Hispanics? We've got to stop the double standard.

SaintFanInATLHELL 08-05-2020 07:37 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893612)
But he set himself up for failure by not cooperating with the police. But I guess that's what happens to ex-cons. Ex-con lives matter. To me all lives matter but I'm not supposed to say that because I'm offending someone.

This attitude is exactly what's wrong with some policing. Floyd was no threat to 4 armed police officers. The man was unarmed and cuffed. There was no reason for him to be prone with 3 grown men laying their bodyweight into him. Victim blaming simply doesn't work here.

Why do black people call each other the N word and yet it is offensive from whites? Is it offensive if a native American says it? What about Hispanics? We've got to stop the double standard.
None of this has anything to do with police brutality. So it's just a distraction from the issue at hand.

Point me to one thing and I'll go back to being quiet. Show me one instance where police shot an unarmed white guy in the back (Walter Scott, South Carolina, 2015), or choked to death pleading "I can't breathe" (Eric Garner, 2014), or a white child playing in a park gunned down by police (Tamir Rice, 2014), or a white woman gunned down by police in her own home while asleep (Brionna Taylor, 2020), or a white guy gunned down at a traffic stop while trying to explain possession of a legal firearm in the car (Philando Castille, 2016). Or an unarmed naked man being gunned down (Anthony Hill, Air Force Vet, 2015). I'll wait...

It's exactly the "must be an ex-con" or "they say the n-word to one another" or "that music" or whatever cultual reference that makes Black people "the other" that is the trigger for such brutality and death. Presuming guilt, performing the execution, then blaming the victim. This is a cycle that needs to stop.


jnormand 08-05-2020 08:24 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
I think the police should just argue the same thing as black people. "You don't know what's it's like being....a police officer. You don't understand what's it's like to have people look at you and hate you just because of the color of your uniform. You don't know what's it's like to have people treat you differently because of the color of your uniform. Because some cop on the other side of the United States made a bad decision or got scared and ****ed up. You don't know what it's like to be judged by people just because of your occupation. You don't know what it's like to have people want to hurt you or your family because of your occupation. "

SaintFanInATLHELL 08-05-2020 09:37 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 893652)
I think the police should just argue the same thing as black people. "You don't know what's it's like being....a police officer. You don't understand what's it's like to have people look at you and hate you just because of the color of your uniform. You don't know what's it's like to have people treat you differently because of the color of your uniform. Because some cop on the other side of the United States made a bad decision or got scared and ****ed up. You don't know what it's like to be judged by people just because of your occupation. You don't know what it's like to have people want to hurt you or your family because of your occupation. "

That is absolutely true for 99.9% of officers out there. They just want to come in, do their job, go home, and be with their families just like the rest of us. And nothing that I've pointed out so far does not negate the fact that there are bad actors of all stripes.

The difference is that police officers have a state sponsored mandate that allows for them to apply force, up to and including lethal force, against the public. With that mandate comes the responsibility and the restraint needed not to kill people in the public unless they are in fact in a situation where their lives are threatened. And a civilian, especially an unarmed one, who happens to not immediately comply with an order from an officer isn't immediately a threat to the life of that officer.

And unfortunately it happens everywhere. So while this week it's police in Aurora, Colorado taking a 6 year old and her family out of a car, cuffing her, and forcing her to the ground, next week it'll be somewhere else where someone's brother, father, sister, or aunt will be subject to similar or worse treatment. Does anyone expect that child to ever trust a police officer again?

Bad actors in uniform need to be stopped. When there are tasers, guns, radio, backup, and an entire force available to you, it's not too much to ask not to mistreat unarmed civilians, especially ones who are cuffed, no matter how they are acting.


Danno 08-05-2020 10:04 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 893651)

Point me to one thing and I'll go back to being quiet. Show me one instance where police shot an unarmed white guy in the back

On Video, Chicago Police Shoot Man At Grand-State Red Line Station After He Was Moving Between Cars

Black Cop Shoots Unarmed White Man In Viral Video

Daniel Leetin Shaver of Granbury, Texas was fatally shot by police officer Philip Brailsford in the hallway of a La Quinta Inn & Suites

saintsfan1976 08-06-2020 10:17 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 893653)

Bad actors in uniform need to be stopped. When there are tasers, guns, radio, backup, and an entire force available to you, it's not too much to ask not to mistreat unarmed civilians, especially ones who are cuffed, no matter how they are acting.


This sums it up perfectly in my mind.

Police forces don't need less funding they need more.
- More training
- More qualified people
- More technical skills
- More pay
- More professionals who can approach and handle situations without escalating

Communities need more also.
- Better leaders
- More focused programs
- More accountability for others in individual communities

saintsfan1976 08-06-2020 10:33 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
I also see the side of officers who are worked to death for minimal pay.

I also empathize with the job itself. One minute you're helping a lost child reunite with a frantic parent, the next you're in danger of losing your life.

There's no other job like it and I believe many of us take that for granted.

pinch 08-06-2020 10:37 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

None of this has anything to do with police brutality. So it's just a distraction from the issue at hand.
And police brutality has nothing to do with giving black people free stuff and preferential treatment. But we all know that's the ultimate goal of 99% of the people pushing for "reform".

vpheughan 08-06-2020 11:37 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
"More than 85% of police contracts in major cities around the country include language limiting oversight or discipline of officers, according to an analysis by Campaign Zero, a criminal justice reform advocacy group."

They act as if they are above the law because in some instances they are.
A little research will reveal many more examples of the ones listed below.

Officers even have been rehired after being fired for high-profile fatal shootings. In Miami, an arbitrator in 2014 ordered the police department to reinstate detective Reynaldo Goyos, who fatally shot an unarmed man in a shooting that a department review board ruled was "unjustified."

In Oakland, officer Hector Jimenez won his job back in arbitration in 2011 after being fired for fatally shooting two unarmed men in separate incidents within a year, shooting one in the back.

pinch 08-06-2020 11:41 AM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

If the black people want to go to college for free then I'm down with that.
Why not just skip that and give them the best jobs? Even if they're not qualified?

How about we just give the your job since you've treated them so unfairly? Or how about your kids' potential jobs when they get out of college since they were born white?

Rugby Saint II 08-06-2020 02:34 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
I am coming around to the BLM movement. But we have to stop living by double standards with the degrading lyrics of black music. The messages aren't the same as a rock band, country, or Blue grass. Black music glorifies violence. If I'm supposed to change my mind then I need something in return. Change the messages and we can change the culture to a better future for everyone. And quit rioting for God's sake. That is not a good message either.

Bill Cosby was making great strides calling out these bad cultural influences before he went to jail. People were actually listening and discussing his moral views and how to bring the black people up with open and honest discussions.

halloween 65 08-06-2020 03:07 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
For every action there is a reaction. White, Black, Hispanic, Native American, Man, Woman, Child,the list goes on, don't comply with the cops they have the right to use force, and if they have dealings with or have dealt with an individual before they have that right. I'm not a cop fan, never have been, but I'm not an idiot either, I comply, right or wrong, weather I like it or not . Everyone has a choice.

SaintGup 08-08-2020 12:07 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 893093)
This isn't necessarily true. Cops think they are above the law and harass people on a daily basis for whatever reason they want. The age of cell phones has shown that. It has to get boring quite a bit being a cop. They will look for any reason to find someone suspicious.

Yes. Because all cops are like that. All white people are racist and all black people are oppressed. All Asians are good with computers and/or know martial arts. And as for the Dallas Cowboys wanting to put the names of the five cops that were shot dead on their helmets? No way. Not on your life! NFL must be uniform and it can't change. You and those like you are the reason racism will persist. You don't think for yourself, but just follow what is deemed to be acceptable. Are there bad cops? Yes. Are there racist people? Absolutely. But here is the rub; people are allowed to be racist but are NOT entitled to use that against anyone to harm them or discriminate when it comes to employment.
Take this little piece of advice or don't, it matters little to me...
Try and think for yourself, do your research and don't accuse people of the very thing that you are doing, which is judging a group of people based on the actions of a few individuals.

Rugby Saint II 08-08-2020 02:01 PM

Re: NFL To Allow Players To Wear Helmet Decals For Victims Like George Floyd et al
So that the message is clear let's all agree that Black Lives Matter too!

I know it's not a popular opinion but Police Lives Matter to me.

In every group there are good and bad apples. A small percentage of blacks are trouble makers. And a small percentage of cops are bullies and/or racist. However, I dare you to say that blacks aren't prejudiced more than any other race.

Free education for all blacks is my new motto. :peace:

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