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AsylumGuido 07-26-2020 12:26 PM

NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report
This explains those preventive stipulations (fines and incentives) that I mentioned earlier regarding protocols. If all of these are followed by all personnel the chance for any outbreak are almost nil.

NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Things could get expensive quickly for players who don't respect COVID-19 guidelines

Some of the items that needed to be hashed out between the NFL and the NFLPA to get training camp started as scheduled were complex, and often exceedingly so. Other matters seemed a bit more rooted in common sense, however, and rely heavily on players simply doing the right thing amid the ongoing (and again surging) COVID-19 pandemic. To help nudge them in the right direction is a new clause that's been reportedly agreed to by both sides, and it involves potential punishment for players who partake in activities that put them at a higher risk of contracting the novel coronavirus.

According to Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk, players are prohibited from engaging in such activities including, but not limited to, attending bars and/or nightclubs, hosting or attending indoor parties and concerts where more than 15 people will be present, as well as a ban on professional sporting events and even indoor church services that exceed 25 percent capacity. There are obvious caveats, in that players are allowed to pick up food from a bar, and the professional sporting event they can attend would be their own.

Should a player be found in violation of this new subset of COVID-19 driven rules, they could be subject to a fine, and would reportedly not be paid for any games missed if they test positive afterward. As it stands, players who test positive would be held in a separate section of the injury report, but still paid. High-risk behavior off the field would not only negate that right to compensation while sidelined, but possibly void future guaranteed money as well.

The latter is an extremely poignant stance, seeing as it mirrors what would occur if a player was suspended, i.e., often giving the respective team the right to void guaranteed money.

As far as enforcement of the social activities rule goes, well, it's up to teams to decide how they'll keep their players in line. While it's entirely possible they'll keep a stern eye on franchise players whose absence could completely put them at a competitive disadvantage for upwards of two weeks or more, most of the roster would simply be at the mercy of a world driven by social media and a camera in every hand waiting to get a glimpse of an NFL player doing the wrong thing. The good news for players is avoiding punishment is fairly simple and straightforward, in that all one must do is what they should've been doing up to this point anyway: staying home when possible, social distancing and avoiding high-risk gatherings and establishments.

In other words, as the NFL and NFLPA attempt to keep a lid on the number of positive tests during training camp and the regular season, stay home or risk both your health and your paychecks.

Rugby Saint II 07-26-2020 01:16 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report
Common sense stuff like Guido said. Toe the line or don't get paid. That sounds like a lot of the jobs I've had...

saintsfan1976 07-26-2020 02:08 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report
The NFL took a hard stance! Good for them.

COVID must mean way more to the league than domestic abuse, rape and murder.

AsylumGuido 07-26-2020 02:42 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893002)
The NFL took a hard stance! Good for them.

COVID must mean way more to the league than domestic abuse, rape and murder.

Those things don't get into the way of revenue.

saintsfan1976 07-27-2020 04:11 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893006)
Those things don't get into the way of revenue.

Until fans leave.

AsylumGuido 07-27-2020 04:58 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893102)
Until fans leave.

You have to understand the growing demographics of the NFL fan. For example, the fans that seem to be upset about some kneeling protest are limited to a small percentage of white, conservative, mostly southern Americans. Fans in other countries have no issue with it. Ethnic Americans and domestic foreigners have no issue with it. Blacks fans have no issue with it. Liberal fans have no issue with it. The vast majority of moderate fans have no issue with it. Native Americans and other North American indigenous people have no issue with it.

The NFL fanbase is absolutely the most diverse fanbase of any sport in the world. It is the perfect model for economic success. If every fan that is so sensitive that something like that bothers them to the point of giving up great entertainment gallantly decides to, and actually does not watch another NFL game for the rest of their lives it will not be a blip on the NFL's bottom line.

That is a fact. The only thing that can affect the NFL bottom line is a global pandemic, another world war, or perhaps end times.

But back to domestic abuse, rape and murder. There is no more occurrences of any of these things in the NFL than in any other sector of public life. Perhaps even less per capita, to be honest. When it does rarely happen it is more visible than the couple down the street, or what happened in the park near your home last night, or what happens multiple times in every decent sized city on a daily basis.

Rugby Saint II 07-28-2020 11:33 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report
I wonder which dumbass is going to be the first to step over the line? Whoever it is Godhell will make an example of him and it will get ugly.

AsylumGuido 07-28-2020 11:50 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893160)
I wonder which dumbass is going to be the first to step over the line? Whoever it is Godhell will make an example of him and it will get ugly.

It's not Goodell that is wielding the hammer this time. It is the Player's Association. They are the ones that came up with the off-field restrictions. And according to several players I have heard on NFL Radio there will be quite a bit of direction in the locker room from veterans. They said things like they'll be telling younger players that you can wait until after the season to go to nightclubs or beaches. You can wait six months to visit family or go out to eat at restaurants. You can wait until after the playoffs to hang out with friends.

RaginCajun83 07-28-2020 05:47 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893162)
It's not Goodell that is wielding the hammer this time. It is the Player's Association. They are the ones that came up with the off-field restrictions. And according to several players I have heard on NFL Radio there will be quite a bit of direction in the locker room from veterans. They said things like they'll be telling younger players that you can wait until after the season to go to nightclubs or beaches. You can wait six months to visit family or go out to eat at restaurants. You can wait until after the playoffs to hang out with friends.

That’s all well and good but you know someone is going to break this set of rules.

AsylumGuido 07-29-2020 06:32 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 893184)
That’s all well and good but you know someone is going to break this set of rules.

I hope so. Early on in training camp. Hopefully some young star on another team. They'll show up for practice after a day off and test positive in the morning exam. They be placed in isolation and then questioned. They'll come up with some story about a McDonald's drive-thu, but word gets out they were at a club with friends. The hammer comes down. Suspended for the season with no pay and no accrued year. Lesson learned across the league.

Rugby Saint II 07-29-2020 11:00 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893202)
I hope so. Early on in training camp. Hopefully some young star on another team. They'll show up for practice after a day off and test positive in the morning exam. They be placed in isolation and then questioned. They'll come up with some story about a McDonald's drive-thu, but word gets out they were at a club with friends. The hammer comes down. Suspended for the season with no pay and no accrued year. Lesson learned across the league.

It sounds like they mean business. That is a good thing. Sometimes these young guys get full of themselves and think they are invincible and that's usually fine. This time around a poor decision can hurt the whole team and their families.

AsylumGuido 07-29-2020 11:07 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893240)
It sounds like they mean business. That is a good thing. Sometimes these young guys get full of themselves and think they are invincible and that's usually fine. This time around a poor decision can hurt the whole team and their families.

The players want to play badly and the vets are not going to put up with idiots threatening their paychecks. Very real policing happens within an NFL locker room. Kirk Morrison, former LB, said on NFL radio that team leaders will make a point with all players as soon as real camp begins how things are to be done. No if's, and's or but's.

RaginCajun83 07-29-2020 04:36 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893202)
I hope so. Early on in training camp. Hopefully some young star on another team. They'll show up for practice after a day off and test positive in the morning exam. They be placed in isolation and then questioned. They'll come up with some story about a McDonald's drive-thu, but word gets out they were at a club with friends. The hammer comes down. Suspended for the season with no pay and no accrued year. Lesson learned across the league.

Get realistic, no one would get suspended for a season for getting sick no matter how stupid the excuse. Lou Williams of the Clippers went to a strip club on his approved leave for a funeral and all he got from the NBA was a 10 day quarantine

saintsfan1976 07-29-2020 04:38 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893104)
You have to understand the growing demographics of the NFL fan. For example, the fans that seem to be upset about some kneeling protest are limited to a small percentage of white, conservative, mostly southern Americans. Fans in other countries have no issue with it. Ethnic Americans and domestic foreigners have no issue with it. Blacks fans have no issue with it. Liberal fans have no issue with it. The vast majority of moderate fans have no issue with it. Native Americans and other North American indigenous people have no issue with it.

The NFL fanbase is absolutely the most diverse fanbase of any sport in the world. It is the perfect model for economic success. If every fan that is so sensitive that something like that bothers them to the point of giving up great entertainment gallantly decides to, and actually does not watch another NFL game for the rest of their lives it will not be a blip on the NFL's bottom line.

That is a fact. The only thing that can affect the NFL bottom line is a global pandemic, another world war, or perhaps end times.

But back to domestic abuse, rape and murder. There is no more occurrences of any of these things in the NFL than in any other sector of public life. Perhaps even less per capita, to be honest. When it does rarely happen it is more visible than the couple down the street, or what happened in the park near your home last night, or what happens multiple times in every decent sized city on a daily basis.

I think you're making assumptions about fans around the world and their opinions of players...

You argue it's less prevalent in the NFL than public life but how do you know? All we do know is the NFL lies to protect it's image and therefore less cases come to light. Besides, multi-million dollar athletes committing crime isn't an apples-to-apples comparison with John Q Public. They make more in a week than most make in a year. So they should be held to a higher standard. Their gifts are physical and although admired, don't make them any better than you and me.

I wasn't referring to protests but since you brought it up, viewership did decline around the protests. Neither of us can say for certain it was solely due to protests but it's likely. You can google the data.

However, you've accurately pointed out protests didn't stop most fans (including me) from tuning in and spending money. Personally, I thought the issue was overblown.

But here's what I think you're missing:

The NFL has knowingly covered up:
- Rape
- Murder
- Domestic Abuse
- Critical Health Safety & Science
- Concussion Data
- "Pay for Performance" Hoaxes (I threw that on in because I'm still salty)

Life has a funny way of being cyclical and the NFL is not immune to history. One day, it will lose it's luster and my money is on fans finding something more entertaining to watch.

AsylumGuido 07-29-2020 04:41 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 893248)
Get realistic, no one would get suspended for a season for getting sick no matter how stupid the excuse. Lou Williams of the Clippers went to a strip club on his approved leave for a funeral and all he got from the NBA was a 10 day quarantine

Ragin, it is in the guidelines provided by the NFLPA to their members. If they become infected through any method but essential trips they will be suspended. They are coming down hard to control.

AsylumGuido 07-29-2020 04:45 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893249)
I think you're making assumptions about fans around the world and their opinions of players...

You argue it's less prevalent in the NFL than public life but how do you know? All we do know is the NFL lies to protect it's image and therefore less cases come to light. Besides, multi-million dollar athletes committing crime isn't an apples-to-apples comparison with John Q Public. They make more in a week than most make in a year. So they should be held to a higher standard. Their gifts are physical and although admired, don't make them any better than you and me.

I wasn't referring to protests but since you brought it up, viewership did decline around the protests. Neither of us can say for certain it was solely due to protests but it's likely. You can google the data.

However, you've accurately pointed out protests didn't stop most fans (including me) from tuning in and spending money. Personally, I thought the issue was overblown.

But here's what I think you're missing:

The NFL has knowingly covered up:
- Rape
- Murder
- Domestic Abuse
- Critical Health Safety & Science
- Concussion Data
- "Pay for Performance" Hoaxes (I threw that on in because I'm still salty)

Life has a funny way of being cyclical and the NFL is not immune to history. One day, it will lose it's luster and my money is on fans finding something more entertaining to watch.

I don't need to google the data. I have went over it in detail the past decade. The nominal declines also coincided with the introduction of streaming services, Red Zone Channel, the popularity of central viewing points such as sports bars and such which do not count in the numbers, etc. This decline started BEFORE any of the protests started. Those on both sides of the political spectrum want to claim it is because of them. Wrong. Technology. Sorry.

RaginCajun83 07-29-2020 04:48 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report
Of course you don’t have to google. You know it all

RaginCajun83 07-29-2020 04:48 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893250)
Ragin, it is in the guidelines provided by the NFLPA to their members. If they become infected through any method but essential trips they will be suspended. They are coming down hard to control.

I’m still calling BS until I see it

AsylumGuido 07-29-2020 04:50 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 893253)
I’m still calling BS until I see it

That's fine. You are showing the ability to reserve judgement, albeit in a reverse order from normal.


AsylumGuido 07-29-2020 04:55 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 893252)
Of course you don’t have to google. You know it all

I'm am a retired analyst with all the time in the world at my hands (after taking care of the working wife) and spend much time already googling everything to do with the Saints and the NFL. Also manage to get in a five to six mile walk daily and cook every meal for the past 32 year of married bliss. Not to mention yard work, home repair, church volunteering.

Thank you very much!

No I don't know it all. But I have made it a point to learn everything I can about something I care about. ;)

saintsfan1976 07-29-2020 06:45 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893251)
I don't need to google the data. I have went over it in detail the past decade. The nominal declines also coincided with the introduction of streaming services, Red Zone Channel, the popularity of central viewing points such as sports bars and such which do not count in the numbers, etc. This decline started BEFORE any of the protests started. Those on both sides of the political spectrum want to claim it is because of them. Wrong. Technology. Sorry.

I can't debate you on the impact of expanded technology but I will say as a parent of two young boys there's a list of sports I'll let them play before they ever play football (if at all). And thanks to the revelations about CTE, I'm not alone.

The growing awareness of the dangers of football is causing parents to push more kids away from football and ultimately away from being future fans.

RaginCajun83 07-29-2020 08:21 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report
We already had that talk and he’s 7. No playing football in this house

AsylumGuido 07-30-2020 06:52 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893257)
I can't debate you on the impact of expanded technology but I will say as a parent of two young boys there's a list of sports I'll let them play before they ever play football (if at all). And thanks to the revelations about CTE, I'm not alone.

The growing awareness of the dangers of football is causing parents to push more kids away from football and ultimately away from being future fans.

I played baseball growing up. My older son was a swimmer. Neither of us ever played football. Yet, we are both die-hard NFL fans. Playing a sport has nothing to do with being a fan of the sport. At all. In fact, I have heard people say that they played football their entire lives and they have no desire to watch it.

saintsfan1976 07-30-2020 08:42 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893269)
I played baseball growing up. My older son was a swimmer. Neither of us ever played football. Yet, we are both die-hard NFL fans. Playing a sport has nothing to do with being a fan of the sport. At all. In fact, I have heard people say that they played football their entire lives and they have no desire to watch it.

You're talking about the past, I'm talking about the futre.

AsylumGuido 07-30-2020 08:45 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893282)
You're talking about the past, I'm talking about the futre.

Yes. The future is bright for the NFL. They are just beginning to tap into the global market. A small percentage of American thinking about tuning out for one reason or another isn't going to register a blip moving forward.

Rugby Saint II 07-30-2020 10:12 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893284)
Yes. The future is bright for the NFL. They are just beginning to tap into the global market. A small percentage of American thinking about tuning out for one reason or another isn't going to register a blip moving forward.

Unfortunately, he's right.

I don't watch football anymore other than my beloved Saints. Too much BS involved and I used to live for football even though I never played!

AsylumGuido 07-30-2020 11:21 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893292)
Unfortunately, he's right.

I don't watch football anymore other than my beloved Saints. Too much BS involved and I used to live for football even though I never played!

That's the point. Most people ignore BS. We don't let it bother us. Life is full of BS. None of it is important enough to me to get in the way of my entertainment, though. Portions of society have become far too sensitive. I have mentioned this before, the only person being affected by refusing to watch anything, not only football, is the person missing out on the entertainment.

The vast majority of the country do not have the same concerns about the game. The rest of the world certainly doesn't. They couldn't care less if a player took a dump on the sideline during our National Anthem. American politics is meaningless when it comes to the NFL as far as they are concerned. Pretty much the same sentiment of the vast majority of the public.

Having actually played the game has no impact on any of this. I would venture to say that 99% of the NFL viewing audience has never played a snap of organized football in their lives.

AsylumGuido 07-30-2020 11:37 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893257)
I can't debate you on the impact of expanded technology but I will say as a parent of two young boys there's a list of sports I'll let them play before they ever play football (if at all). And thanks to the revelations about CTE, I'm not alone.

The growing awareness of the dangers of football is causing parents to push more kids away from football and ultimately away from being future fans.

While I was on my morning walk I was thinking about this. I have heard this argument before about the safety concerns for the NFL players and how it affects how people feel about the game. It is even more relevant considering COVID-19. I have always thought it interesting, this concern. Do people not realize there are dozens of professions FAR more dangerous than that of a professional football player? Should firefighters stop fighting fires? Should soldiers stop defending their country? Should construction workers stop building bridges? Should farmers stop growing crops? Should fisherman stop supplying fish? Should truck drivers stop delivering goods? Should we eliminate auto racing and MMA? How about movies stunts? What about trash collection? One of the ten most dangerous jobs in the world. How about mining? My dad's family were coal miners. Extremely dangerous. What about logging workers? Per capita the most dangerous job in the world.

There is definitely a risk playing football ... in any environment. But, they are well compensated so why should we be concerned over their welfare any more than they are themselves? They know the risks far better than us.

saintsfan1976 08-01-2020 11:18 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893302)
While I was on my morning walk I was thinking about this. I have heard this argument before about the safety concerns for the NFL players and how it affects how people feel about the game. It is even more relevant considering COVID-19. I have always thought it interesting, this concern. Do people not realize there are dozens of professions FAR more dangerous than that of a professional football player? Should firefighters stop fighting fires? Should soldiers stop defending their country? Should construction workers stop building bridges? Should farmers stop growing crops? Should fisherman stop supplying fish? Should truck drivers stop delivering goods? Should we eliminate auto racing and MMA? How about movies stunts? What about trash collection? One of the ten most dangerous jobs in the world. How about mining? My dad's family were coal miners. Extremely dangerous. What about logging workers? Per capita the most dangerous job in the world.

There is definitely a risk playing football ... in any environment. But, they are well compensated so why should we be concerned over their welfare any more than they are themselves? They know the risks far better than us.

Adults choosing to earn their living in a hazardous field is nowhere near the same as trotting out your 5 year old to get his or her undeveloped brains banged around for years.

Adults choose, children don't.

saintsfan1976 08-01-2020 11:35 AM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893300)
That's the point. Most people ignore BS. We don't let it bother us. Life is full of BS. None of it is important enough to me to get in the way of my entertainment, though. Portions of society have become far too sensitive. I have mentioned this before, the only person being affected by refusing to watch anything, not only football, is the person missing out on the entertainment.

The vast majority of the country do not have the same concerns about the game. The rest of the world certainly doesn't. They couldn't care less if a player took a dump on the sideline during our National Anthem. American politics is meaningless when it comes to the NFL as far as they are concerned. Pretty much the same sentiment of the vast majority of the public.

Having actually played the game has no impact on any of this. I would venture to say that 99% of the NFL viewing audience has never played a snap of organized football in their lives.

Careful making blanket statements and assumptions, Guido. Both things can be true at the same time.

You can ignore BS and enjoy football but also decide to give the NFL less and less of your time / money.

Some of us won't sacrifice our integrity for a little entertainment.

AsylumGuido 08-01-2020 12:58 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893422)
Careful making blanket statements and assumptions, Guido. Both things can be true at the same time.

You can ignore BS and enjoy football but also decide to give the NFL less and less of your time / money.

Some of us won't sacrifice our integrity for a little entertainment.

NFL entertainment doesn't interfere with my integrity whatsoever. Your integrity involves what YOU do and how YOU feel, not what others do or feel. The influence of others deals more with tolerance or what you let affect you.

AsylumGuido 08-01-2020 01:13 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by saintsfan1976 (Post 893421)
Adults choosing to earn their living in a hazardous field is nowhere near the same as trotting out your 5 year old to get his or her undeveloped brains banged around for years.

Adults choose, children don't.

Exactly. When your children become adults they very well may choose to become fans of the NFL whether or not you let them play the game themselves. And as adults they have the right to feel any way they want about anything to do with the game. You've loved watching the game for years. Your kids don't understand why you are upset over the game. Nor should they. They should be able to watch the games themselves right now for the innocent enjoyment without introducing politics into the equation. As an adult you can choose to let trivial stuff do that to your own enjoyment.

Rugby Saint II 08-01-2020 02:11 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893424)
NFL entertainment doesn't interfere with my integrity whatsoever. Your integrity involves what YOU do and how YOU feel, not what others do or feel. The influence of others deals more with tolerance or what you let affect you.

The kneeling offends me. It's hard to enjoy a program that irritates me. It's not just the kneeling though. However, that is what really aggravates the snot out of me! It's not just that either. It's the damn commercials called on every foul. As a rugby referee coach I really watch the referees closely. It's predominantly the way the game is refereed by incompetent referees that sticks in my craw so much. Who can enjoy a game while irritated? I can't. I know. I've tried for years. But the kneeling was the last straw for me.

I stand for the flag and kneel for the fallen! God bless America.

I am slowly coming around to the BLM movement, although all lives matter equally to me, after having chatted with my friends on the bng. My twin brother still shows my old anger at insulting my flag. And I don't blame him. Peace out. :peace:

AsylumGuido 08-01-2020 02:18 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893430)
The kneeling offends me. It's hard to enjoy a program that irritates me. It's not just the kneeling though. However, that is what really aggravates the snot out of me! It's not just that either. It's the damn commercials called on every foul. It's predominantly the way the game is refereed by incompetent referees that sticks in my craw so much. Who can enjoy a game while irritated. I can't. I know. I've tried for years. But the kneeling was the last straw for me.

I stand for the flag and kneel for the fallen! God bless America.

I am slowly coming around to the BLM movement, although all lives matter equally to me, after having chatted with my friends on the bng. My twin brother still shows my old anger at insulting my flag. And I don't blame him. Peace out. :peace:

Read the post that i just posted from Drew. I no longer have any issue with the kneeling. Nor do I let officiating get in the way of my enjoying the game. Why do so? Relax and enjoy. Life is incredibly short. Perhaps Xanax may help. Not that I need it. CBD oil works well, though.


Rugby Saint II 08-01-2020 02:24 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893431)
Read the post that i just posted from Drew. I no longer have any issue with the kneeling. Nor do I let officiating get in the way of my enjoying the game. Why do so? Relax and enjoy. Life is incredibly short. Perhaps Xanax may help.


Once again my friend. It's the bad officiating that angers me so much. Like I said Kneeling was just the last straw. When a game is called incompetently it's no longer an even or fair game. Referees make mistakes. I know. I'm a referees coach. These problems could be fixed but the NFL won't do anything to make them better. It's harder to control games that way. And yes, I'm a conspiracy theorist. Remember, Roger Godhell runs the game for a profit and he's going to squeeze every penny out of the public that he can. People tune out from blow outs. Bad calls against the points leader keeps the game closer. Do I really believe this? HELL YES! :brood:

AsylumGuido 08-01-2020 02:29 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893433)
Once again my friend. It's the bad officiating that angers me so much. Like I said Kneeling was just the last straw. When a game is called incompetently it's no longer an even or fair game. Referees make mistakes. I know. I'm a referees coach. These problems could be fixed but the NFL won't do anything to make them better. It's harder to control games that way. And yes, I'm a conspiracy theorist. Remember, Roger Godhell runs the game for a profit and he's going to squeeze every penny out of the public that he can. People tune out from blow outs. Bad calls against the points leader keeps the game closer. Do I really believe this? HELL YES! :brood:

To me the game itself and the release I get from it is far more important than any grief from the officiating. I would much rather have the game with bad officiating than not to have the game at all. Much like pizza or tacos.


Rugby Saint II 08-01-2020 02:53 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893434)
To me the game itself and the release I get from it is far more important than any grief from the officiating. I would much rather have the game with bad officiating than not to have the game at all. Much like pizza or tacos.


Would you eat a veggie pizza even though you ordered a meat lovers? Would you watch a one star film when it stinks even though the film is by your favorite director? You might give it a try but would you watch the whole movie if it was difficult to follow? I'll admit that I take anxiety medications daily. Although, no matter how much I take I just can't watch football anymore besides my beloved Saints and maybe their opponents to size them up.

Football has lost it's luster. I'm leaving it behind like I did the rest of my toys from my youth. I'm not going to torture myself anymore! I usually agree with you Guido. But it is sort of like going back to an ex wife that you don't like. The initial appeal is gone. However, for those who can deal with everything and not let it get under their skin I hope that you enjoy yourselves.

EDIT: When I do watch any game besides the Saints I record it and fast forward through all the crap. I used to do that for the Saints but as my twin brother pointed out you can't send them good vibes and change the mojo unless you're watching the game live.

AsylumGuido 08-01-2020 03:32 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893435)
Would you eat a veggie pizza even though you ordered a meat lovers? Would you watch a one star film when it stinks even though the film is by your favorite director? You might give it a try but would you watch the whole movie if it was difficult to follow? I'll admit that I take anxiety medications daily. Although, no matter how much I take I just can't watch football anymore besides my beloved Saints and maybe their opponents to size them up.

Football has lost it's luster. I'm leaving it behind like I did the rest of my toys from my youth. I'm not going to torture myself anymore! I usually agree with you Guido. But it is sort of like going back to an ex wife that you don't like. The initial appeal is gone. However, for those who can deal with everything and not let it get under their skin I hope that you enjoy yourselves.

EDIT: When I do watch any game besides the Saints I record it and fast forward through all the crap. I used to do that for the Saints but as my twin brother pointed out you can't send them good vibes and change the mojo unless you're watching the game live.

Wouldn't know about the ex-wife. I have a wonderful bride of almost 32 years that is my best friend and soulmate. And I wouldn't let one bad film from a director ruin it forever. Nor books by an author.

And, seriously, have you considered CBD oil? I take .5ml of 1800mg every evening before bed and it helps not only with the bad neck, but the sleep in general. And .25ml in the morning.

Rugby Saint II 08-02-2020 12:51 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 893440)
Wouldn't know about the ex-wife. I have a wonderful bride of almost 32 years that is my best friend and soulmate. And I wouldn't let one bad film from a director ruin it forever. Nor books by an author.

And, seriously, have you considered CBD oil? I take .5ml of 1800mg every evening before bed and it helps not only with the bad neck, but the sleep in general. And .25ml in the morning.

I know that you've got a wonderful wife because you mention her when it's relevant. I'm glad that you were able to find your soulmate.

Back to the directors point though. I quit watching Stanley Kubrick films, who I always admired, because I didn't like the new direction he went with his films. So, yes. I'm quite willing to part ways with something that no longer brings me pleasure. Like a poisonous ex or cigarettes.

I'm still hyperactive at 61 and have been self medicating since I was 16. I smoke pot and keeps me on an even keel.

AsylumGuido 08-02-2020 01:40 PM

Re: NFL, NFLPA enact rule prohibiting certain off-field activities with stiff punishment for violators, per report

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 893483)
I know that you've got a wonderful wife because you mention her when it's relevant. I'm glad that you were able to find your soulmate.

Back to the directors point though. I quit watching Stanley Kubrick films, who I always admired, because I didn't like the new direction he went with his films. So, yes. I'm quite willing to part ways with something that no longer brings me pleasure. Like a poisonous ex or cigarettes.

I'm still hyperactive at 61 and have been self medicating since I was 16. I smoke pot and keeps me on an even keel.

Okay. So you are getting the cannabis relief. That's good.

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