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Not too bad a showing...

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; ... run game looked good... not too bad a showing from the defense, given the circumstances... .. the only dissapointing thing was that the 1st team couldn't overpower the Pats 2 and 3rd teammers, and it wasn't until the Pat's ...

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Old 08-20-2005, 02:57 AM   #1
Merces Letifer
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,161
Not too bad a showing...

... run game looked good... not too bad a showing from the defense, given the circumstances...

.. the only dissapointing thing was that the 1st team couldn't overpower the Pats 2 and 3rd teammers, and it wasn't until the Pat's scrubs were in that they went ahead...

... actually, the other dissapointing thing was that we didn't get to see Adrian or Kliff since this apparently was a "must win" for the Saints
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Old 08-20-2005, 03:02 AM   #2
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RE: Not too bad a showing...

I sort of disagree, in the third NE did nothing on either side of the ball
If this were a regular season game, you'd say that's when the Saints game plan took affect.
This team is not going to score 21 pts. in a heartbeat anymore.
Look up the Steelers to see what Has is trying to accomplish as far as a game plan.
But since it was a pre-season game, I'll end now
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Old 08-20-2005, 03:40 PM   #3
Merces Letifer
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4,161
Re: RE: Not too bad a showing...

Originally Posted by frankeefrank
I sort of disagree, in the third NE did nothing on either side of the ball
If this were a regular season game, you'd say that's when the Saints game plan took affect.
This team is not going to score 21 pts. in a heartbeat anymore.
Look up the Steelers to see what Has is trying to accomplish as far as a game plan.
But since it was a pre-season game, I'll end now

...well, New England mmay have "done nothing" in the 3rd, but in the 3rd they had 2nd and 3rd teammers against the Saints' first team, and the 3rd quarter ended 27-22 in favor of New England, didn't? Further, considering that the Saints were actually trying to win the game...

..if it were a regular season game, all the NE starters would have been playing to win...

... look up the Steelers? Guess they got tired of trying to imitate the Rams, uh?
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