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AsylumGuido 09-08-2020 05:28 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 895785)
How much will ratings drop. Can you ask the vast majority and inform us all. I don't know anyone who is watching but this is a small sample, maybe 25 people. I do know Fantasy is down 25-30% in participation from reports. Assuming it will be close to that number but slightly higher since more conservatives watch NFL rather than NBA.

Fantasy is down because of the uncertainty of how COVID-19 was going to affect the season. Two of the leagues I was in last year decided for that very reason to sit out this year. The other three leagues are on track with our B&G league drafting tonight. I don't know of a single league that is suspending play for boycott reasons.

The simple fact is that most people don't care if you watch or not. As I said earlier, good riddance. Although, I bet every one of you are still here all season long and most of you will end up watching but lying about the fact.

Have a good year! We'll be watching and enjoying!

Who Dat!!



blackangold 09-08-2020 05:32 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 895785)
How much will ratings drop. Can you ask the vast majority and inform us all. I don't know anyone who is watching but this is a small sample, maybe 25 people. I do know Fantasy is down 25-30% in participation from reports. Assuming it will be close to that number but slightly higher since more conservatives watch NFL rather than NBA.

NBA ratings have dropped between 25-40% depending on the network. If it continues they'll be forced to renegotiate TV contracts.

MLB started off in the tank as well, but they got away from the 'woke' PC stuff a bit and have since been up 30% compared to last year.

ESPN as a whole hit a 41-year low rating mark back in June as a part of their go woke campaign.

AsylumGuido 09-08-2020 05:35 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
The amusing thing is that the handful of members here that are claiming they are boycotting the Saints and the NFL don't even have the willpower to avoid an NFL/Saints forum on a daily basis.


How the hell are they going to keep from watching when the games actually start? They aren't trying to convince the rest of us. Their weak arses are trying to convince themselves.



Beastmode 09-08-2020 07:40 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 895788)
Fantasy is down because of the uncertainty of how COVID-19 was going to affect the season. Two of the leagues I was in last year decided for that very reason to sit out this year. The other three leagues are on track with our B&G league drafting tonight. I don't know of a single league that is suspending play for boycott reasons.

The simple fact is that most people don't care if you watch or not. As I said earlier, good riddance. Although, I bet every one of you are still here all season long and most of you will end up watching but lying about the fact.

Have a good year! We'll be watching and enjoying!

Who Dat!!



Interesting take. My two leagues shutdown because of BLM specifically. Not the virus.

You still have not answered the question though. With your access to the emotions of the majority of the league as you stated, what is your take on ratings. I would be fascinated by their take on the current circumstances and the acceptable level of loss viewership of the NFL. What can they stomach before they have to re-bend their brand which they have already done. Kap not cool losing money. Bye bye. Kap cool again. We will see.

Beastmode 09-08-2020 08:11 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
Totally phucked up.

Congrats on losing more viewership.

AsylumGuido 09-08-2020 09:20 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 895796)
Interesting take. My two leagues shutdown because of BLM specifically. Not the virus.

You still have not answered the question though. With your access to the emotions of the majority of the league as you stated, what is your take on ratings. I would be fascinated by their take on the current circumstances and the acceptable level of loss viewership of the NFL. What can they stomach before they have to re-bend their brand which they have already done. Kap not cool losing money. Bye bye. Kap cool again. We will see.

Like I said. Can't keep away and we really don't care what you think. Bye-bye. Of course, you can't leave because you are addicted to the game. See you all season for the sport you proclaim to not want to follow.


Too funny!!!

See you tomorrow ... and the next day ... and the next ... and several times on Sunday when you are supposed to be ignoring the game.




Who Dat!!

AsylumGuido 09-08-2020 09:21 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 895806)
Totally phucked up.

Congrats on losing more viewership.



Who Dat!!


iceshack149 09-08-2020 09:38 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 895809)


Who Dat!!


You really do pull off the "neighborhood brat" well.

AsylumGuido 09-08-2020 10:01 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 895811)
You really do pull off the "neighborhood brat" well.

I'm sure you'll be right here, as well, not being able to avoid the game that you now hate so much. I really don't get the point of hanging around an NFL forum that is in place for fans to discuss the game if you are no longer a fan. Who do you think you are trying to convince? Surely not us. Perhaps yourself? Why don't you and your little circle of friends saunter off and let all the rest of us enjoy our sport?

I'll tell you why. It is because you are too weak to truly boycott the game you love. If you truly felt the way you proclaim you would abandon everything to do with the NFL. But you can't. You'll be back tomorrow. And the next day. And watch ... you'll be joining in on the game day chats ... you and your little gang of friends.

So sad. You really think you are doing something, but you're just pissing in the wind, my friend. But, we'll see you and your's here again tomorrow. And definitely on Sunday.


I'd suggest you take up a hobby, but .... :D

Beastmode 09-08-2020 10:24 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
I still find it funny you are trying to speak for your deceased father like you served in the military. You did not serve. You are not your father or anyone else in your family who served.

Live on your own merits and leave them out of it. You are a disgrace and what is wrong with this country. As a distinguished Veteran myself I feel sorry for the soul of your father or anyone who speaks for the dead for that matter. Get your own horse to ride and leave the dead out of it.

AsylumGuido 09-08-2020 10:33 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 895817)
I still find it funny you are trying to speak for your deceased father like you served in the military. You did not serve. You are not your father or anyone else in your family who served.

Live on your own merits and leave them out of it. You are a disgrace and what is wrong with this country. As a distinguished Veteran myself I feel sorry for the soul of your father or anyone who speaks for the dead for that matter.

Sorry. I don't care what you say or think. You just run along and boycott your little NFL games. The fact that you keep coming around here is confusing. What is it you are trying to accomplish? You and your little group of friends are more than welcome to have your little NFL boycott protest.



frydaddy 09-08-2020 10:36 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 895796)
Interesting take. My two leagues shutdown because of BLM specifically. Not the virus.

You still have not answered the question though. With your access to the emotions of the majority of the league as you stated, what is your take on ratings. I would be fascinated by their take on the current circumstances and the acceptable level of loss viewership of the NFL. What can they stomach before they have to re-bend their brand which they have already done. Kap not cool losing money. Bye bye. Kap cool again. We will see.

Don't you know that he knows everything, sees everything and has done everything? That his guesses are infallible because he is infallible?

Honestly beast, you're wasting your time going back and forth with him, he'll never see things your way. Even if you turn out to be right, he'll put some spin on it then jam his fingers in his ears when you attempt to come at him with logic and/or facts. There is nothing to be derived from an argument with him except frustration.

AsylumGuido 09-08-2020 10:51 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 895820)
Don't you know that he knows everything, sees everything and has done everything? That his guesses are infallible because he is infallible?

Honestly beast, you're wasting your time going back and forth with him, he'll never see things your way. Even if you turn out to be right, he'll put some spin on it then jam his fingers in his ears when you attempt to come at him with logic and/or facts. There is nothing to be derived from an argument with him except frustration.



Beastmode 09-09-2020 12:41 AM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
It is a waste of time. Even if this endzone word worked and eradicated racism once and for all it still does not solve what is going on in Chicago which is black on black cold blooded murder. It far exceeds anything else in regard to lives mattering so WTF are we having a discussion about.

TheOak 09-09-2020 02:40 AM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
I don't care what they stencil on the field as long as football is being played. Racial bigotry and violence do need to end. People need to stop killing each other because of race, religion, wealth, etc...

If the goal however is for people to never see race or... I will phrase it a different way.

If the goal is to remove collectivism and tribalism from humanity then someone has unrealistic goals and desperately needs to manage their expectations. Those two things are ingrained in our DNA; religious factions, political party's, Ford vs Chevy, men's clubs, women's clubs, Seniors clubs, sports clubs.. I can go on for days listing how humans collect in the name of _____ and favor their own collectives.

Being a Saints fan is a collective and we favor our own over Falcons fans.... Yes, how you feel about Falcons fans is no different than racism. Rivalry is just more socially acceptable in certain formats than others.

Stop the kumbaya sh1t and lets talk real human behaviors.:bng:

Black vs white/white vs black racism is objectively distinction without difference. It is real but has no exclusivity.

blackangold 09-09-2020 09:52 AM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 895824)
I don't care what they stencil on the field as long as football is being played. Racial bigotry and violence do need to end. People need to stop killing each other because of race, religion, wealth, etc...

If the goal however is for people to never see race or... I will phrase it a different way.

If the goal is to remove collectivism and tribalism from humanity then someone has unrealistic goals and desperately needs to manage their expectations. Those two things are ingrained in our DNA; religious factions, political party's, Ford vs Chevy, men's clubs, women's clubs, Seniors clubs, sports clubs.. I can go on for days listing how humans collect in the name of _____ and favor their own collectives.

Being a Saints fan is a collective and we favor our own over Falcons fans.... Yes, how you feel about Falcons fans is no different than racism. Rivalry is just more socially acceptable in certain formats than others.

Stop the kumbaya sh1t and lets talk real human behaviors.:bng:

Black vs white/white vs black racism is objectively distinction without difference. It is real but has no exclusivity.

This is true, and it's why America should be appreciated for what it is. There is no other country that is as diverse and as successful. Despite our differences of race, religion and politics we have come together because of our values. Unfortunately, those values are being attacked and have been for the last 40 years-- progressive secular ideology is the internal enemy. The Roman Empire wasn't destroyed by some outside force, it rotted away from the inside and consumed itself.

This is a football forum, but I won't concede political views and discussions any longer. I now take the same approach with all aspects of life, friends, workplace etc...

Just remember, it's okay for someone to disagree with you. Have a honest discussion based on the facts of your position, and if people disagree, that's okay it doesn't make them a bad person.

Rugby Saint II 09-09-2020 03:12 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 895824)
I don't care what they stencil on the field as long as football is being played. Racial bigotry and violence do need to end. People need to stop killing each other because of race, religion, wealth, etc...

If the goal however is for people to never see race or... I will phrase it a different way.

If the goal is to remove collectivism and tribalism from humanity then someone has unrealistic goals and desperately needs to manage their expectations. Those two things are ingrained in our DNA; religious factions, political party's, Ford vs Chevy, men's clubs, women's clubs, Seniors clubs, sports clubs.. I can go on for days listing how humans collect in the name of _____ and favor their own collectives.

Being a Saints fan is a collective and we favor our own over Falcons fans.... Yes, how you feel about Falcons fans is no different than racism. Rivalry is just more socially acceptable in certain formats than others.

Stop the kumbaya sh1t and lets talk real human behaviors.:bng:

Black vs white/white vs black racism is objectively distinction without difference. It is real but has no exclusivity.

I totally agree that bigotry should not be tolerated in any form. Will this movement make the black race stop being racist against whites?

Here's another thought if Black Lives Matter why are there so many black on black killings that no one seems to care about? It's an honest question. We all know more blacks kill blacks that police officers do. But no one cares about that. Why?

Thirty3 09-09-2020 05:44 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
ESPN went political and ratings tanked.

Thirty3 09-09-2020 05:49 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
END RACISIM on end Zone. END RIOTS On the other.

TheOak 09-10-2020 02:39 AM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 895839)
This is true, and it's why America should be appreciated for what it is. There is no other country that is as diverse and as successful. Despite our differences of race, religion and politics we have come together because of our values. Unfortunately, those values are being attacked and have been for the last 40 years-- progressive secular ideology is the internal enemy. The Roman Empire wasn't destroyed by some outside force, it rotted away from the inside and consumed itself.

This is a football forum, but I won't concede political views and discussions any longer. I now take the same approach with all aspects of life, friends, workplace etc...

Just remember, it's okay for someone to disagree with you. Have a honest discussion based on the facts of your position, and if people disagree, that's okay it doesn't make them a bad person.

Maybe it is age, maybe it is the fact that I have lived in Houston for over a decade and this city is so diverse that black/white doesn't show on the radar as much. Black/white tension gets diluted in the grand scheme of things as there is also mexican/asian, black/mexican, mexican/white, issues. Quanell X tries to drive his race wagon though morning television on weekends but it falls on mostly deaf ears.

When my daughters visit with friends or we go to parent teacher night what is visually obvious is that we are the white minority in those settings. They don't see race and i am very proud of that.

They get tired of my dad-isms but there is one in particular that I drum into their heads regularly. 'Learn to discuss religion without being religious, politics without being political, and race with out being racist; and just because you don't care for song doesn't mean that it isn't good music.' (they are both very musical and they get it)

TheOak 09-10-2020 02:46 AM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 895866)
I totally agree that bigotry should not be tolerated in any form. Will this movement make the black race stop being racist against whites?

Here's another thought if Black Lives Matter why are there so many black on black killings that no one seems to care about? It's an honest question. We all know more blacks kill blacks that police officers do. But no one cares about that. Why?

There are people that profit off of the attention and as long as you are willing to stand on a side, they get paid.

I am a married man Rugby, I learned a long time ago that you cant have peace by trying to win all of the little battles. :bng:

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 07:30 AM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 895899)
There are people that profit off of the attention and as long as you are willing to stand on a side, they get paid.

I am a married man Ruby, I learned a long time ago that you cant have peace by trying to win all of the little battles. :bng:

Amen, Oak. I stopped trying to win any of them. 32 years this November.

OldMaid 09-10-2020 01:47 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
I am jumping in.
No politics though.
I get along with AGuido and really, everybody else here. Well, there is one person I don't like and I stay clear of. I have met some people here and have really been able to know some of them.

To AGuido, I see your point about if a small group of 6 here don't want to watch, so what. NFL is going on. Yes those few fans keep posting here and looking and are still interested in their fav team and NFL football. It is a hard habit to break. It is easier to give up a fav food or drink during Lent than to put down your football team.

I understand their point. Many people feel this way. Many people are going through a lot of stuff: work , less work, kids on line school, loss of fam and friends from the Covid plaque, not seeing fam and friends for big gatherings , postponing and canceled events , and if their cities have been rioted and looted, too much.

What people here mean about not watching the games or cannot follow the team, is that is just too much of other stuff to look at and listen to instead of football

You just want a dam two hours to enjoy a football game about football .

You don't want to think or hear about : politics, Democrats, Republicans, racism, sexism, ageism, nepotism, Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, messages in the end zone on the turf, Covid virus, unemployment, the election, school on line or in the buildings, etc.

You don’t want to :confused: hear commentators talking about how and why and who is : sitting, kneeling, saluting, whatever. You don’t want to see them showing you news clips of these things.
You don’t want to see names on helmets other than Riddell, lol, the helmet maker , and the team logo.

Many of us :( are or know people effected by : Covid plaque, school, different employment right how, and so much. You just are, :confused: were looking forward to watch a game and escape in your head for two dam :censored: x( hours without seeing and hearing things other than football.

The NFL has given players times to support causes. :D Any cause. Decorate their cleats. Donate their own money to whatever charity for each down or a td, and so on. Auction off their cleats with proceeds going to whatever charity the players choose.

October, the whole league supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Players and fans Go Pink. Wear a pink jersey. League gives free pink , fan cheer towels. All kinds of things. BCA Month is personal to many players and that is something that can effect half of the population.
We Support Our Veterans month or is it a week is something the league does , but that's different.

NFL, you just need to escape :D with some food, family, friends, strangers you sit next to at the stadium, restaurant, people on line at fan sites, etc. and enjoy a game for two hours.
Fantasy football is a harmless, fun, hobby to escape to and see if you picked right that week. You have to watch the games though.

Football, sports in general, but I will stick to football since we are a football site, is something that brings people together. Old young, rich, poor, any ethnic group, both genders, any job or career path, religion, region, and more are brought together by cheering for their favorite team and the whole sport.

A lot of people are just getting turned off right from sports and are turning it off. It is just too heavy. :rolleyes:It is not what you want to see. It is not CNN or Fox News, but might as well be. Too much on your psychy. Not enjoyable.

Danno 09-10-2020 02:25 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
Will they paint END RAPE in one of the end zones? Or will that piss off our players?

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 02:32 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 895960)
Will they paint END RAPE in one of the end zones? Or will that piss off our players?

You'll find out when you watch the games. If you don't have enough willpower to avoid the forum you certainly don't have enough willpower to boycott watching the games.


Danno 09-10-2020 02:37 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 895961)
You'll find out when you watch the games. If you don't have enough willpower to avoid the forum you certainly don't have enough willpower to boycott watching the games.


I'm hoping the NFL changes their tune and realizes how much they F'd up.
I loved the game for 40 plus years. Now its not so enjoyable.

Its also kinda sad that people I've conversed with for probably 20 plus years on this site apparently don't care that some of our players are wearing the name of a rapist on their helmets.

I used to agree with you about 99% of the time before the woke era. Now its rare you and I agree about anything anymore. :(

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 02:45 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 895962)
I'm hoping the NFL changes their tune and realizes how much they F'd up.
I loved the game for 40 plus years. Now its not so enjoyable.

Its also kinda sad that people I've conversed with for probably 20 plus years on this site apparently don't care that some of our players are wearing the name of a rapist on their helmets.

I used to agree with you about 99% of the time before the woke era. Now its rare you and I agree about anything anymore. :(

And who was this rapist to whom you are referring? You might want to do a little fact checking, Danno.

Danno 09-10-2020 02:52 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

The police union that represents the Kenosha Police Department said that police responded to the scene where Jacob Blake was ultimately shot because he violated a restraining order related to a sexual assault.

The cops involved in Blake's shooting were there to arrest Blake for violating a restraining order stemming from a sexual assault claim, according to the New York Post.

A 911 call Aug. 23 alerted them that Blake, 29, was at the home of his alleged victim. The officers on the scene knew he had an open warrant for felony sexual assault, according to dispatch records and the Kenosha Professional Police Association.

Police filed charges against him for felony sexual assault, trespassing and domestic abuse in July when the warrant was issued for his arrest.

Blake was already wanted on charges in connection with the rape and domestic abuse of the same woman in May.

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 03:08 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 895964)

Yup. It appears he isn't an upstanding citizen. But, while he did have an arrest warrant for sexual assault he has yet to be convicted. So, I will give you that they had the name of what appears to be a bad guy on their helmets.

Now you said that "some of our players are wearing the name of a rapist on their helmets". This is not quite correct. None of our players are "wearing the name" on their helmets. ALL of our players wore the same name on their helmets ONE day of practice. Several NFL teams skipped practice that day. The Saints, as a team, voted to display the name on each of their helmets ... as a team ... not individually ... instead of missing practice. I've heard some say the guy was a child rapist. Not true. He is accused of the sexual assault of an adult female that he knew as you pointed out in the report. I've heard some say he is a felon. Not true. He apparently has no felony convictions ... yet, anyway.

I can see where you could be upset, but all the whole team was doing was trying to make a gesture to bring attention to the inequalities. A gesture different than kneeling. They were not "glorifying" the man. They were trying to shine a light on the situation.

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 03:14 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 895964)

The police union that represents the Kenosha Police Department said that police responded to the scene where Jacob Blake was ultimately shot because he violated a restraining order related to a sexual assault.

The cops involved in Blake's shooting were there to arrest Blake for violating a restraining order stemming from a sexual assault claim, according to the New York Post.

A 911 call Aug. 23 alerted them that Blake, 29, was at the home of his alleged victim. The officers on the scene knew he had an open warrant for felony sexual assault, according to dispatch records and the Kenosha Professional Police Association.

Police filed charges against him for felony sexual assault, trespassing and domestic abuse in July when the warrant was issued for his arrest.

Blake was already wanted on charges in connection with the rape and domestic abuse of the same woman in May.

All of this is accurate, Danno. He may indeed be eventually convicted of sexual assault. He deserved to be arrested for the crimes of which he is accused. Absolutely. The question is did he have to be shot in the back seven times to achieve that goal? That is why his name is out there. It has nothing to do with making him a hero. That isn't what the Saints players, or any others are doing. They are just asking that question.

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 03:44 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year
One more thing to take into consideration, Danno. Much of the information concerning Jacob Blake's recent legal issues weren't not common knowledge at the point in time that NFL teams were reacting. Given a little more lead time they may have come to a different decision on wearing the name tags.

We are too quick to judge. We are willing to throw away something we love at the jerk of a knee.

gosaints1 09-10-2020 04:41 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 895975)
One more thing to take into consideration, Danno. Much of the information concerning Jacob Blake's recent legal issues weren't not common knowledge at the point in time that NFL teams were reacting. Given a little more lead time they may have come to a different decision on wearing the name tags.

We are too quick to judge. We are willing to throw away something we love at the jerk of a knee.

Doesn’t matter. If the almighty NFL, the almighty Saints, the almighty DB#9 CHOOSES to propagate an ideology by using the name of someone they consider a “victim”, then they dam well better known who they are aligning themselves with.

bc Those who wore his name on their helmets just stated that sexual assault is OK, so long as the current universally accepted social justice platform is advertised on TV and via superstar athletes.

Those photos will exist in perpetuity, without context. It was a bad idea, regardless of the idiot who thumbs up’d the “team” doing it.

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 05:05 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by gosaints1 (Post 895979)
Doesn’t matter. If the almighty NFL, the almighty Saints, the almighty DB#9 CHOOSES to propagate an ideology by using the name of someone they consider a “victim”, then they dam well better known who they are aligning themselves with.

bc Those who wore his name on their helmets just stated that sexual assault is OK, so long as the current universally accepted social justice platform is advertised on TV and via superstar athletes.

Those photos will exist in perpetuity, without context. It was a bad idea, regardless of the idiot who thumbs up’d the “team” doing it.

Fine. Your take is just that. Your take. Nobody but a small percentage of sensitive Saints fans give a darn about what the Saints voted to put on their helmets on an isolated practice day during the COVID dominated year of 2020.

It's pretty much a non issue moving forward except for those few.

Now, back to football!


Lord_Saint83 09-10-2020 05:11 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 895960)
Will they paint END RAPE in one of the end zones? Or will that piss off our players?

It’ll piss Big Ben off

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 05:16 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 895986)
It’ll piss Big Ben off

Hope so! I have him going in my big money league. LOL!!

Lord_Saint83 09-10-2020 05:25 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 895987)
Hope so! I have him going in my big money league. LOL!!

You think that elbow gonna hold up?

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 05:42 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 895990)
You think that elbow gonna hold up?

From what I have heard from those in the know his elbow is healthier than it has been in years. He has played the last several years with a problem in that elbow but had never addressed it medically. It finally gave way and he had to have it fixed for good. From everything I am hearing is for the first time in years he is not experiencing any pain in the elbow when throwing. You are familiar with the Tommy John procedure, right? Those pitchers and others that come back from the surgery have said and shown that their arm is stronger than ever.

I'm full in on Big Ben this season.

Lord_Saint83 09-10-2020 05:48 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 895996)
From what I have heard from those in the know his elbow is healthier than it has been in years. He has played the last several years with a problem in that elbow but had never addressed it medically. It finally gave way and he had to have it fixed for good. From everything I am hearing is for the first time in years he is not experiencing any pain in the elbow when throwing. You are familiar with the Tommy John procedure, right? Those pitchers and others that come back from the surgery have said and shown that their arm is stronger than ever.

I'm full in on Big Ben this season.

Didn’t Delhomme have that surgery and it wasn’t the same? Not saying Ben will have the same issues as Jake cause Ben is a big sexual assaulting lumberjack... lol, don’t mind the rape jokes with him but he clearly looks like he’s been out of shape for the past 7 years.

AsylumGuido 09-10-2020 06:23 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by Lord_Saint83 (Post 895997)
Didn’t Delhomme have that surgery and it wasn’t the same? Not saying Ben will have the same issues as Jake cause Ben is a big sexual assaulting lumberjack... lol, don’t mind the rape jokes with him but he clearly looks like he’s been out of shape for the past 7 years.

No. Ben's surgery was something else. I was using the Tommy John as an analogy. His was less evasive, I believe.

While he looks out of shape even with the bad elbow he's been putting up huge passing numbers. I think he'll be back. More than one expert have been picking the Steelers to win it all.

Lord_Saint83 09-10-2020 06:33 PM

Re: Saints adding 'End Racism' to end zones this year

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 896011)
No. Ben's surgery was something else. I was using the Tommy John as an analogy. His was less evasive, I believe.

While he looks out of shape even with the bad elbow he's been putting up huge passing numbers. I think he'll be back. More than one expert have been picking the Steelers to win it all.

They’ll make the playoffs but winning it all idk, AG. I still say Baltimore is a good bit better than them so they would have to do it as a wild card. Not saying it can’t be done but I hope not a friend of mine is a big time Steelers fans. And he’s already talking sh*t about how the saints are gonna lose to Brady and Tampa will win the division. So F Pittsburgh, lol.

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