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jnormand 08-28-2005 09:26 AM

God speed to all of you guys and your families. I pray that all of you living in LA have left. God bless guys!!

SCSaintsFan 08-28-2005 10:41 AM

As a former resident, appreciate the dangers of living in New Orleans.
I echo the above hope that everyone can get out.

My sister-in-law still lives in the New Orleans area and has evacuated. Thank God.

Good Luck. Our Prayers are with you.

JOESAM2002 08-28-2005 10:45 AM

God speed to all in New Orleans and the surrounding area.. My prayers are with you and your families. Be Safe.

D_it_up 08-28-2005 10:53 AM

I'm hearing on the weather channel that they're even giving optional evacuations as far north as Interstate 20......Peace and safety be with you....

saintswhodi 08-28-2005 12:26 PM

Prayers for all in and around New Orleans. My entire family still lives there, and as we speak my mom and sister are attempting to evacuate. It took them two hours to get from Gentilly to Kenner. Needless to say I am worried sick.

jnormand 08-28-2005 01:21 PM

Whodi, I share your concern for family. I have several members of my family living in New Orleans and the surrounding communities. My father was up here in Idaho visiting me. He was told by his employer not to come back this week. I'll pray for your family as well as everyone else in LA.

papz 08-28-2005 01:34 PM

Hopefully I'll still have a house to come home to on Tuesday. :cry:

spkb25 08-28-2005 01:58 PM

papz im sorry bro. jesus im glad you left. man that thing is going to destroy the entire area. did you see what andrew did to florida and that was a category 4. my god what this thing is going to do. you wont have power for a month or more. jesus i just hope everyone gets out safe and lives. everything else can be rebuilt. jesus the size fo that thing is just scary to look at. oh wow what a massive storm. papz i hope you and your entire fam is ok and safe brother.

spkb25 08-28-2005 02:02 PM

same to you saintswhodi and jhormand. i hope all of your families get out and are ok.

ssmitty 08-28-2005 02:09 PM

i echo all the above.......
my stubborn dad has said he's staying, hard to argue with an 83 yr old who's lived through all of em............
i just hope it turns a little to the west and just nips n.o.
this thing is longer than florida...........
please, please, head out.......................
if, what they say is true, and it hits where they say it's going to hit, you will be under shelter otherwise and may god be with you all, my prayers are with you............smitty

spkb25 08-28-2005 02:13 PM

smit i am not sure anyone alive has seen one like this. to look at it scares the heck out of me. hopefully your pop is going to one of their locations and not staying home. if he wont leave at least ask him to go to the superdome or one of the other locatins. i hope your pop is ok man

ssmitty 08-28-2005 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by spkb25
smit i am not sure anyone alive has seen one like this. to look at it scares the heck out of me. hopefully your pop is going to one of their locations and not staying home. if he wont leave at least ask him to go to the superdome or one of the other locatins. i hope your pop is ok man

i'm positive a lot of em in galveston 100 yrs ago saw one like this, and a few did live to tell about it.................
but, i would'nt take the's like talking to a wall........
i can only hope when i call in a little while, he will listen when i tell him if he's not gonna think about himself, at least get my sister(who lives right across the street) outta there..........that usually works........smitty

spkb25 08-28-2005 02:40 PM

yeah this is just like the one in galveston. bro i pray for your families saefty. yeah do whatever you can man. at least if you can get him to go to one of the areas they set up they should be safer. i hope the best for yours man.

papz 08-28-2005 03:41 PM

Thanks spk...

Man it looks like if it's going to be a direct hit, there probably won't be a "New Orleans" anymore. I decided against driving to Houston and stayed in Baton Rouge. Supposely we're only going to get 60 mph winds here. It's nice and sunny so far... but I know that's going to end soon. The whole city is pretty chilled and relaxed. There's no mandatory evacuation up here since we're well above sea level.

Hopefully everyone who stayed will turn out okay. Katrina looks like it could engulf the whole Louisiana. It's practically the size of the whole Gulf of Mexico.

spkb25 08-28-2005 03:51 PM

oh you are so right papz the thing is frigan huge. i just heard on cnnn that it is 400 miles wide. can you frigan imagine. dude on the east side of the storm they said you have hurricane winds out as far as 100 miles. last i heard it was moving at 13 miles per hour. if it continues that speed that means on the east side you are talking about hurricane force winds for 7-8 hours. man if it is a direct hit i dont even want to think about what happens to new orleans. it will be a terrible outcome. i am honestly fearful for the people that couldnt leave. thanki god they opened the superdome to people. that is excellent. it should help even though it will be a bad situation when the power goes out. it really lets you know what nature can still do to us

saintswhodi 08-28-2005 05:40 PM

As long as I have been alive and lived in NEw Orleans, this has always been predicted as the worst case scenario for the city. I just called my grandmother, and she also refuses to leave. Even refuses to go to the Superdome. She live two blocks off the river around Tipitina's on Tchoupitoulas. In between Tccoup and Magazine. It made me wanna cry cause not in my life has the city seen something like this. Cat 5? Direct hit? Like I said, worst case scenario they have been preaching all my life. And the power is supposed to be out for weeks after it hits. Just a freaking disaster. My prayers to all again.

CHACHING 08-28-2005 06:20 PM

My prayers as well and the wife were watching Fox news and she started crying(worried about fam in NO)....My peeps got out but I feel for those who couldn't..
My sincerest hopefulness.......God Bless my friends....

xan 08-28-2005 06:21 PM

My parents built a house that is designed to withstand a Level 3 hurricane, and they vamoosed this morning with the rest of my brothers and in-laws. I hope good karma spreads over those seeking to ride out the storm.

frankeefrank 08-28-2005 06:36 PM

Good Luck
Good Luck to you all,
Hope everyone gets out safely

lynwood 08-28-2005 07:25 PM

RE: Good Luck
Couldn't get my folks to leave. To stubborn and impatient to sit in traffic. My sister and a friend are comming over here to Houston so I'll make sure they are put up. Theve been on the road for at least 7 to 8 hours now. they took 190 inteasd of I-10. Better safe than sorry. Hopefully there still will be a Cafe' Du Monde and Hubigs pies after the storm.

BoudinSandwich 08-28-2005 07:43 PM

RE: Good Luck
People really need to evacuate. I can't imagine why anyone would want to stay unless they've "made their peace." New Orleans, barring a miracle, will be gone tomorrow. Ride bikes to the Super Dome or some other safe shelter. The flooding will be incredible.

UK_WhoDat 08-28-2005 08:03 PM

May the Gods save the people and homes of New Orleans. We wait........

saintswhodi 08-28-2005 08:15 PM

Corey Simon is a FA
I know we are all in a state of worry over our loved ones, but just wanted everyone to know.

papz 08-29-2005 02:06 AM

I know some of you might not give a ****, but some of my retarded friends decided to stay. I'm shedding tears like a mother fuk right now because I know New Orleans will not be a city no more when Katrina passes through. I honestly to God hope my couple of friends can make it through this. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm trying to sleep but teardrops keep coming out my eyes for my boys. I've lived and died for my nikkas for the past 10 years.... and I hope they'll survive. If they don't, I don't believe you all will ever see me on this board again. Please just pray for them.... I am now.

Some of you insensitive bastards might think I'm being a ***** right now, but this is some major ****. I hope to God that New Orleans, most importantly my boys, will survive this major storm.

Peace out peeps... if I have to drive back to New Orleans to make my stupid ass boys leave New Orleans... I'm pretty sure I'll die happy man. With my niggas!!!! That's how it is and how it will always be.... please excuse my French... Peace's been a pleasure.

BoudinSandwich 08-29-2005 03:37 AM

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone still in the city, those with homes, and those who have loved ones in the city. It may not be completely too late. Atleast, try to get them to stay in the Super Dome. This is not the hurricane to be "riding out."

Thoughts and prayers...

WhoDat 08-29-2005 08:36 AM

I too have family that stayed. My father is a physician and opted to stay at the hospital. My grandfather is in the hospital after having suffered heart failure last Thursday. I have no idea where aunts and uncles are. My fiances' family is in Long Beach, MS - which seems to be getting hit harder b/c they don't have the levy system that New Orleans does.

The good news that I heard this morning is that water levels in the river and lake only seem to be up 4 feet. That's hard to believe though considering water is already over highway 90 in Mississippi and I heard reports of 47 foot waves out around the rigs and one of the casinos supposedly has water to the 2nd floor already.

This is peak time so everyone - and I know that you sure as hell aren't reading this in NO or MS - but everyone keep your head down and be safe!

stockman311 08-29-2005 10:25 AM

Family in the area
My parents too are too old to travel and decided to stick it out. They are in Diamondhead, MS right on the water and I fear that the house i grew up in will be gone by this time tomorrow. I went to high school in Bay St. Louis, right on the beach and I fear that too may be gone. It appears that the MS Gulf Coast will get the kill shot from Katrina, much as they did with Camille. I live in Dallas, but I may try to drive down today to see what has become of my family, as no phones are working at this time. Spoke to my parents at 8:15 central time and they said it was getting scary bad, and then the line went dead.

Euphoria 08-29-2005 11:11 AM

RE: Family in the area
You know I don't have sympathy for the ones who elect to stay. My elder grandparents decided to stay but ya know... anyone who decides to stay, they are own there own... what can you do its there own stupidity.

saintz08 08-29-2005 11:12 AM


Man it looks like if it's going to be a direct hit, there probably won't be a "New Orleans" anymore.
An earlier report from New Orleans : Level 3 - flooding in areas but not the worst case scenario type . The quarter is not flooded the pumps kicked in , water is spilling over the levee on Ponchatrain in areas but the pumps are off line til 3:00 p.m. they are manual .

stockman311 08-29-2005 12:30 PM

It's sure going to be hot down there

Originally Posted by Euphoria
You know I don't have sympathy for the ones who elect to stay. My elder grandparents decided to stay but ya know... anyone who decides to stay, they are own there own... what can you do its there own stupidity.

Wow! What an enlightened and human thing to say. Calling infirmed and elderly people, as well as the poor, stupid and deserving to die.
You know Euphoria I have been watching your posts for a little while and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. But now I know. Your ignorant. Possibly the most ignorant person who has ever typed on a keyboard. Good luck to you in the 7th Circle.

WhoDat 08-29-2005 01:33 PM

RE: It
Yeah - that's pretty freaking dumb Euph. Like the poor people who don't have cars or can't afford gas and a hotel room. It's their damn fault right?

Frankly, I blame Aaron Brooks. :)

Sorry, just an attempt at some levity in all this.

TheGambler 08-29-2005 02:02 PM

It's pretty much a Category 2 now, and it has veered into Mississippi...

Most importantly........have their been any deaths as a result? I know there is damage in New Orleans...but I hope nobody died in all this mess..

This could have been MUCH worse......Thank the Good Lord that it wasn't, looks like our prayers were answered.

WhoDat 08-29-2005 03:05 PM

I dunno...


All residents of Jefferson Parish are under a boil order.

Mayor Nagin confirms bodies have been found floating in Bywater, Eastover and New Orleans East.
Nagin also said as many as 20 French Quarter buildings have collapsed or been paritally downed. There is 4 to 8 feet of water along the lake from New Orleans East to Lakeview to Kenner. There are people trapped in their attics uptown, which is under substantial water. The loss of life may be minimal, though there appears to be some. The property damage could be catastrophic.

Euphoria 08-29-2005 03:11 PM

LMAO... Damn Brooks.

Euphoria 08-29-2005 03:15 PM

LMAO... wait a freakin minute!!! When did I say people deserved to die??? NEVER I have a few choice names/words for you people. Read what was writen don't make crap up. They have 2 feet start walking! bum a ride, borrow money, whatever get out... get a bike. all you really need is less than a tank to avoid a direct hit. If you take your dog for a walk during a hurricane your an idiot.

ya had 48 hours to react come on... and then only something like 7, 000 ya got to do better than that.

BrooksMustGo 08-29-2005 03:16 PM

Returning from a fact-finding expedition from the newspaper's Howard Avenue headquarters, a group of reporters and photographers stumbled on a parade of looters streaming from Coleman's Retail Store, located at 4001 Earhart Blvd., about two blocks away from The Times-Picayune offices.

The looters, who were men and women who appeared to be in their early teens to mid-40s, braved a steady rain and infrequent tropical storm wind gusts to tote boxes of clothing and shoes from the store. Some had garbage bags stuffed with goods. Others lugged wardrobe-sized boxes or carried them on their heads.

The line going to and from the store along Earhart Boulevard numbered into the dozens and appeared to be growing.

Some looters were seen smiling and greeting each other with pleasantries as they passed. Another group was seen riding in the back of a pickup truck, honking the horn and cheering.

Some folks appear to be just fine.

spkb25 08-30-2005 06:40 PM

first of all i feel for the people who chose not to leave. i feel for anyone who lost a love one. i don't think that euphoria was at all refering to people who can't do for themselves. meaning people that are handicapped whether it be physically or mentally. i don't think he was referring to the extremely old. when referring to the extremely old the ones that have families should have helped them. before you scream and yell read again what i just wrote. for the ones that have family they should have helped them. for the others you would hope that they copuld have made it to the superdome or taken a bus or a train. you would hope. i do not want to see anyone die from this. but we already know that that did not happen. now i have no and read again no sorrow for the poor. let me explain why. if you are poor you have made choices to leave yourself in that condition. now before you get on me about the old that are poor once again the ones that have families should have helped them. there is still no excuse to be poor because you are old. listen to me on why. we make choices in life. the choices we make lead us to where we are at at any given moment. i am 29 going on 30 and i am going to college for the first time. well for the last two years. this is not someone elses fault. this is my fault. i except the full blame for my condition. i also work 40 hours a week and have been working 56 hours per week not by choice but because my company told me they need me to and if i don't like it find another source of income. this is hard on me but i do it because that is my choice and when i get done school i don't want to be forced again to work overtime without my approval. i don't bring home much money every two weeks because i put the max amount or 15% to my 401k and i pay for medical insurance. i understand that some of the old didnt have 401k's but they had options to put away and if they didnt then the burden of cost should not be pushed on other people. their families are in need of standing up. like i will for my parents soon. my father raised 9 children on one salary. we were all in private school (catholic). i do not practice that or any religion and only said it so you would understand what i meant by private school. i keep my own relationship with god and to be honest it isn't as strong as it should be. we didn't have vacations but they did what they could. we always ate well. we lived in a three bedroom home with one bathroom. we built other rooms down in the basement to accomodate. i never saw my father miss one day of work. in order to get my life in order because i was headed absolutely no where at 22 i joined the navy. one of the best decisions i have ever made. i got out after my time and am now working and going to school. in the end of all of my choices until this point are what cause me to be where i am at now. if i am going to school at a month from being thirty then it should be obvious that not all of my decisions were the ones i should have made. we all make mistakes. we all mess up. we all have a sad story. some worse then others. some have lives i can't begin to imagine. but other people have done more with less. some of the blind like ray charles and stevie wonder. not that ray charles lived the perfect life but i don't have the patience or drive to even learn the piano besides master it and be blind. michael lewis drove a beer truck as we are all very familiar with now. he was also cut by the eagles. but he worked his butt off to make more for him and his family. i am not angry with him. he made a choice. regardless of your situation in the end if you look at where you are in life it is not the stroke of bad or good luck. it is a direct result of your choices. so for the poor that have made and continue to make bad choices their lives whatever they may be are a direct result of thier choices. if you are someone that believes that the many should help the few i ask you one question. if you have children or when you do have children and your son or daughter asks you to let them rake the yard for 20 bucks would you tell them ok. then when it came time to pay them would you give them 10 dollars and tell them that you have to take the other 10 to spread equally amongst their friends because their friends didnt have the same drive or family or chances or had an attitude where they didn't know to work to better their situation. wouldn't it be better to tell his or her friends well if you want to earn some money you can offer to do something for me to earn money. wouldn't it be better to teach them that if they are willing to they can earn money. only in the dictionary does money come before sweat.

TallySaint 08-30-2005 06:45 PM


Some folks appear to be just fine.

Many are taking advantage of the situation. Some are "taking what it takes for my family to survive".

Sad on both accounts.


BrooksMustGo 08-30-2005 09:28 PM

Let me begin by saying how afraid I am for the people still in the city. I hope everything still there can get out safe and sound.

I thought things were manageable right up until the levees broke.

Right now I have to wonder whether we're going to lose the city. Even if the levees were repaired right now, I don't know what will be left to go back to?

This is awful beyond imagining.

saintz08 08-31-2005 12:07 AM


This is awful beyond imagining.
I have to say , this is awful and beyond imagining . They knew it was coming and Blanco has now gone on the air with Larry King and pleaded that the Army Corp of Engineers gets the materials in New Orleans to repair the levees .

I am inches from going postal on this whole thing . This is the 2nd most run FEMA disaster and it has been handled for **** .

People are being told to stay out of the area , people who could be gathered together to help search efforts . At a time like this , the last damn thing I want to hear a month from now is " IF ONLY " .

This from the Army Corp of Engineers offical site just makes me wanna puke :

Corps Prepares for Hurricane Katrina

In anticipation of Hurricane Katrina making landfall along the north-central Gulf Coast near New Orleans, the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, based in Vicksburg, Mississippi, began preparations Friday to support hurricane response operations.

"Right now, we are tracking the path of Katrina," said David Sills, Chief of the MVD Emergency Operations Center. "MVD’s primary mission in response to hurricane threats is supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emergency operations. Last year MVD personnel responded to four major hurricanes, so we've got a good idea how tough this mission will be if Katrina hits the Mississippi or Louisiana Gulf Coast."

"I am proud of our employees and their spirit of service in a time a need," said Brig. Gen. Robert Crear, Mississippi Valley Division commander. "Team members are all volunteers, some of whom have just recently returned from service in Iraq."

With an estimated 500 Corps personnel still deployed in support of the Global War on Terror, it will require an even larger contingent of Corps personnel to support emergency operations if Katrina comes ashore in our area of responsibility as a Category 4 or 5 hurricane. Anticipating potential requirements to pump water out of New Orleans, the Corps has begun discussions with partners to preposition assets to conduct un-watering operations should Katrina strike the southern Louisiana and New Orleans area.

And while still not knowing the exact path Katrina will settle on, MVD planners are not standing by and guessing what assets will be needed. The Corps has teams that are trained and ready to move into impacted areas with necessary support like ice, water, temporary power, housing and roofing, and debris removal. The division is posturing elements of the response plan from as far away as Hawaii so that it can most quickly react either to a strike on New Orleans or other parts of the Gulf Coast.

"Teams from our six districts and other districts in the U.S. are trained, rehearsed and ready to move into the area with FEMA and state emergency management teams as soon as practical," said Crear. "We also want to make sure our employees and their families are safe while providing continuity of operations."

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducts its emergency response activities under two basic authorities: the Flood Control and Coastal Emergency Act (P.L. 84-99, as amended) and the Stafford Disaster and Emergency Assistance Act (P.L. 93-288, as amended). Under the Stafford Act, the Corps supports the Federal Emergency Management Agency in carrying out the National Response Plan, which calls on 26 Federal departments and agencies to provide coordinated disaster relief and recovery operations.

The Mississippi Valley Division has a primary role in support of the National Response Plan. The plan describes the basic structure by which the federal government will mobilize resources and conduct response and recovery activities to assist states and local governments in coping with the consequences of significant natural or man-made disasters, to include terrorist events.

Within this plan, the Department of Defense has designated the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as the primary agency for planning, preparedness and response under the Emergency Support Function #3, Public Works and Engineering. The type of assistance provided by the Corps includes restoration of critical public services and facilities, including supply of adequate amounts of potable water and ice, temporary restoration of water supply systems, provision of temporary emergency electrical power, temporary emergency housing, structural evaluation of buildings and damage assessment, and clearance, removal, and disposal of debris.

The Mississippi Valley Division is responsible for emergency preparedness and developing plans for all hazards response. In addition, each of its six districts has a specific primary mission assignment for execution in support of FEMA under the National Response Plan. These missions are executed by a Planning and Response Team trained specifically for the assigned mission. These teams may respond within the Mississippi Valley area or may be deployed worldwide.

MVD includes portions of 12 states and encompasses 370,000 square miles.

The district offices that conduct the programs and activities overseen by the Mississippi Valley Division are located in St. Paul, Minn.; Rock Island, Ill.; St. Louis, Mo.; Memphis, Tenn.; Vicksburg, Miss.; and New Orleans, La.

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