View Poll Results: What should the Saints do re: Jimmy Graham?
Negotiate, Re-sign to Contract
AliJee, amazin15, ansmith1975, atltillidie, bobdog86, brees84, BusDriver, B_Dub_Saint, CheramieIII, claus808, Cruize, Crusader, darksoul35, davegriff, DISPLACEDFAN, dueceloose, dwells85, Elsewheres, Euphoria, exile, FeelTheBrees, fischware, foreverfan, Garry42, GeauxNO1986, GeauxNOGeaux, jjasso007, jnormand, kcsaints, lee909, NOS2SB, nycsaintfan, RajunCajun23, Rugby Saint II, Saintaintso, saintfan, SaintFanQ, saintsfan1976, saintsfan403, saintshrimp, saintz9to80, SASaintsfan, savoyk, Schmohams, SloMotion, SmashMouth, Stealthman, stickman, teddybarexxx, The Dude, thebdj, thefifthwall, UK_WhoDat, Utah_Saint, voodooido, WhoDat2301
56 |
62.92% |
Franchise Tag (Exclusive)
AlaskaSaints, Audiotom, bepardini, CharityMike, Cscofield28, FinSaint, hagan714, Halo, Jamessr, jlouhill, Joker, neugey, reggiedude, SaintLeonard, st thomas, TheKillerBs, W. Kovacs
17 |
19.10% |
Franchise Tag (Non-Exclusive)
7 |
7.87% |
Non-Tender Free Agent (Let Him Geaux)
9 |
10.11% |
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