View Poll Results: Should the Saints and the Colts go for Perfection?
Hell Yes .... it's never happened and it would totally rock!
73Saint, AirborneSaint, ArmySaintFan, bobad, Budsdrinker, darstep, Dasidreidia, daviddrake2, DblBogey, DrewDat, D_it_up, eezeekial, emteejae, exile, fhotard, Fleured, foreverfan, gumbeau, Halo, homerj07, HouYat, Nemesis, neugey, nicebush25, RealDeal37, reggie060, RockyMountainSaint, roughneck85, Rugby Saint II, SaintPez, savoyk, ScottPerry00, Sir Psycho Sexy, SmashMouth, Srgt. Hulka, TheOak, zoomer
37 |
88.10% |
No way... rest players and lose the Superbowl like the Colts did already.
1 |
2.38% |
Heat Pump. Schmeet Pump.... I don't care as long as we win the Superbowl!
5 |
11.90% |
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