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Get to know me

this is a discussion within the Welcome Wagon - NEW! Community Forum; I am tired.... of not knowing a group of people I talk to more than my wife.... its not only quantity but also quality. So.. Ill start. Name: Shane call me Black (easier than 626) 41 yo Married with two ...

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Old 07-20-2012, 12:13 PM   #1
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Get to know me

I am tired.... of not knowing a group of people I talk to more than my wife.... its not only quantity but also quality.


Ill start.

Name: Shane call me Black (easier than 626)
41 yo
Married with two girls 7-3, and my mother n law lives with me... I am prone to periods of intoxication on the weekends.
Born in Abbeville La. Live in Houston
I like long walks in the park and fluffy bunny ears. No cats.
ARMY vet, Desert Storm etc...
Lived in 5 countries and visited a hand full of others.
I enjoy research and fact finding.
Enjoy playing devils advocate.. We cant all be rainbows and unicorn milk... Some times it is what it is.

Ill take a Crown & 7, Sapphire & tonic, or a 15 single malt if I have my choice.

I did not become a Saints fan... I was born this way. When I moved to Houston I tried very hard to have an AFC team and root for the home town but just couldn't pull it off.

Generally watch the games alone... Living with 4 females I do not want to miss any of the game due to "explaining".. I also find "what happened to Reggie" questions a year after he is gone quite distracting.

I typically come off very dry, which I am not.. I find humor in things most people ignore.

A story: I once received a Ricky Williams Jersey for Christmas.. Christmas of 03'. I didn't know what to say except... "here is a current roster for next Christmas".

See you out here!
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Old 09-12-2012, 04:03 PM   #2
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One of my fans sent me this!
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Old 09-12-2012, 06:57 PM   #3
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Re: Black

Name: George call me Len (Saintfan is pretty easy tho)
43 yo
Married with two kids, 6 and 2, and my mother n law does NOT live with me thank God and all that is Holy...
I drink some but rarely get drunk anymore. Seriously. All the "drunk" posting I do on here is legit. I'm usually sober.
Born in Leesville La. Live in San Francisco Bay Area
I play guitar, piano, and trumpet. I enjoy watching my daughter watch "My Little Pony" and can sing the theme song. I enjoy playing "woo woo" (trains) with my son.
Was going to fly helicopters for the Army until they decided to "audit the aviation department" and instead elected to put me in infantry "until that's all settled". My Dad served in Korea and in Vietnam. I knew the deal. I ended up in Radio (because I'm a smart ass) and later got in to computers and worked for Google for 3 years...
I have visited 8 countries but only lived here
I enjoy music of all sorts, hating on Roger Goodell, and a I love a good debate
I am afraid of both rainbows and unicorn milk... Some times it is what it is.

When I do drink these days it's whiskey - oh hell it's always been whiskey...

I too was born a Saints Fan, but I don't hate on Dallas like most of you do.

I also watch the games alone - my wife doesn't care, my daughter isn't interested, and my son would rather be playing Woo Woo

I typically come off as an ass, but that's because...oh to hell with it I'm probably an ass, but I'm easy to get along with most of the time...

A story: My Dad was stationed on the Presideo. He and my Mom and older sister lived in what is now Golden Gate Park. The Army sent him to Vietnam in February, 1969. Mom went home and I was born 2 months later. 43 years later I live in the Bay Area where, 'technically', I "got my start"...so to speak. Ain't that strange?
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C'mon Man...

Last edited by saintfan; 09-12-2012 at 07:01 PM..
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Old 09-14-2012, 10:33 AM   #4
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Re: Black

OK, I'm game.

Name: Paul, call me Paul
42, married, I'll see your two girls and raise you one, three girls and two dogs, one girl dog (see a trend yet?) and one male dog that thinks he's a girl.
Also play guitar and do most hobbies involving outdoors, for now, been thinking the old body is trending downward lately.

Season ticket holder, wife or buddy goes to the games with me, daughters not interested at all, unless we have a game party at the house.
Not in the military, still have family serving, work for the government taking care of veterans, and I thank you all for your service.
Born on the MS gulf coast, family from LA, still live on the gulf coast.
Always a Saint fan, no question. Keeping up with the Packers this year for my bro-n-law who is out of the country serving our country.

Crown Black and seven or water for me, and any dark/amber beer please.

Was on another site for a while and got tired of the people, read blackandgold.com for about a year and couldn't resist joining. Definite old school fans in here and they shut down the bandwagoners in a hurry, gotta love that.

My xmas jersey story: got a Bush jersey for an Xmas present, returned it for a Colston immediately. Never agreed with the draft choice anyway. Wife said I looked like WTF when I opened it up, lol. That's me, no wondering what I think. Black is black, white is white, there is no gray.

"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." - Jerry Garcia
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Old 09-14-2012, 10:51 AM   #5
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Short and Boring

Well I am actually short(5'7) and pretty boring.
Rapidly approaching 30,happily single with no kids(thank the Lord).I'm the first born in England from our family the family moved from Belfast when my mum was young.
Aside from my long love of the Saints(jumped on the band wagon last September,I didn't have a team before),Liverpool Football club(25 years),LA Lakers 17 years.I am mostly interested in History,Video Games and Film,religion/cultures.

I work in security and the UK national lottery,as boring as it sounds.I do get to sit on forums all day long and watch DVD/live sport any nights and weekends I work.

I have visited India 3 times.

I claim the title of the worlds most boring man
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"Two receivers to the left, Garcon to the right. Manning in the shotgun, puts Collie in motion. Looks in his direction...it's picked off! It's picked off! It's Tracy Porter again! He's runnin' free! He's gonna go all the way!
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Old 09-14-2012, 11:40 AM   #6
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Re: Black

Nice idea. Been here a long time and know so few....

My name is Kelly and I was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and still reside there. I have always lived in Canada but make the yearly trek to catch a Saints game (sometimes on road games just to check out new cities). I'm 41, married with a daughter and son who humour me and pretent to be interested in my passion for football but soon become scared by my jeckyll and hyde Sunday persona.
We have a Jack Russell Terrier named Deuce. My only hobbies are watching football and hockey (I'm Canadian- it's required) and collecting sports cards and memorabilia. I do read a ton, usually banging through 2-3 books at week at least. I work in disaster restoration dealing with floods and fires, something the Louisianna residents are all too familiar with unfortunately.

I enjoy a good scotch or beer but unfortunately I am 100% Irish in that department and become a complete tool after about 4 drinks. Instant *******....just add alcohol. I have been referred to as a "gorilla on crack" when I drink because I want to destroy everything and fight anyone. Thus....drinking is not done much.

Became a Saints fan in the 70's to spite a 49ers fan father. The 80's and 90's were rough times to say the least. The passion has grown more every year culminating with the greatest day of my life when they won it all. I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime and frankly anything is gravy from that point on.
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Old 09-14-2012, 01:21 PM   #7
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Re: Black

Ill post for Halo:

If I wanted you to know I would tell you.
Blue... No Yellow!
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Old 09-14-2012, 02:28 PM   #8
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Re: Black

Name: Pappy... but I cut it short to Papz. Sounds much cooler. It's a high school nickname that's stuck with me for the long haul. No one calls me by my real name besides very close family members. Weird.

Location: New Orleans East born and raised. After highschool, I bounced around a little bit. Spent some time living in Baton Rouge, Austin, Pensacola, and Buffalo for school or work. I've been back in New Orleans since after Katrina and looking to move to Austin again.

Relationship status: Married with a 3 year old going on 10 and a 1 year old. Girl/boy. Probably won't have any more kids unless I strike it rich somehow.

Age: 31

Favorite drink: Put something in front of me and watch it disappear. That said, all the abuse I did to my liver in my teenage and mid twenties has taken it's toll. I can still drink like an ox, but the next day I pay for it hard. I'm literally a walking zombie. They call me one and done these days... if I'm drinking Friday night, you're not seeing me to Sunday(maybe Monday).

Hobbies/Interest/Favorite teams: I'm a sports junkie... well not as hardcore anymore after I had the two rugrats. I use to be able to tell you a teams depth chart off the top of my head. Baseball is my first love, LSU football, and then the Saints. Grew up watching Joe Montana and the 49ers and slowly gravitated towards the Saints as the Dome Patrol emerged.

I enjoy just hanging out with friends playing cards inside. Not a big party-goer by any means... not anymore. Married life has changed me for the better and I try my best to stay out of trouble unlike my younger years. My two kids are the love of my life and I would not jepordize that for anything. I use to be pretty active with weight/physical activities, but that all went downhill after marriage. 25 pounds heavier with a beer belly, my advice to my friends... DON'T DO IT! =]

Other things to know about me: I consider myself a very rational and logical thinker. My signature fits me extremely well as to how I operate and interact with people on a daily basis(IRL and online). I'm a Gemini so I can go from one extreme to another with a snap of a finger. If one is going to act like a turd, I will stoop down low and be one too... only I'm better at it. So it's not pretty when I get there.

That said, I have a lot of respect for many of the members on this board. It's been a treat to talk football with many of you guys. I do more posting of articles these days as opposed to getting in on the conversation like I use to... but that's because I share the same opinion as quite a few key posters on this board. I'd just sound like a broken record. Lots of knowledgable and sensible guys we have on board here. We're not too big where our comments goes ignored and unnoticed... and not to small where it seems like we're talking to ourselves.

Love this place.
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Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

All little common sense goes a long way.
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Old 09-14-2012, 09:52 PM   #9
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Re: Get to know me

Name: Daniel
Username derived from an old high school bud that called me Danno. He was a Dolphin fan during Marino's time.

Location: Spanish Fort Alabama (near the Daphne/Fairhope area along Mobile Bay's Eastern Shore). Swanky!!!

Occupation: Formerly a control systems engineer for Brown & root/Kellogg/Halliburton. Have a degree in Mechanical Engineering (yea, I'm left brain to a fault). I now help run the family business of warehousing/logistics/importing/exporting.

Wife: Ultimate hotness way outta my league but I make her laugh everyday, which is how a guys like me marry hotties.

Both my kids look like her (thank all that is holy for that). My daughter (13) is as sharp and witty as a flipping tack and my son (15) is borderline genius (seriously).

Hobbies: Cars, home and car audio, golf (although I suck), Bama football, cooking, art, fishing (although I suck at that too, fish actually taunt me), boating, movie junkie.

Favorite drink: Was beer, mostly imports, but now its diet rite cola because I'm a recovering alcoholic so I had to give it all up.

Myers/Briggs type indicator: ISTJ. I doubt any of you know what the hell I mean by that, but I am without doubt 100% ISTJ. Look it up if your curious. its a hell of a lot more accurate than horoscope stereotypes.
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Old 09-14-2012, 10:44 PM   #10
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Re: Get to know me

Originally Posted by Danno View Post
Name: Daniel
Username derived from an old high school bud that called me Danno. He was a Dolphin fan during Marino's time.

Location: Spanish Fort Alabama (near the Daphne/Fairhope area along Mobile Bay's Eastern Shore). Swanky!!!

Occupation: Formerly a control systems engineer for Brown & root/Kellogg/Halliburton. Have a degree in Mechanical Engineering (yea, I'm left brain to a fault). I now help run the family business of warehousing/logistics/importing/exporting.

Wife: Ultimate hotness way outta my league but I make her laugh everyday, which is how a guys like me marry hotties.

Both my kids look like her (thank all that is holy for that). My daughter (13) is as sharp and witty as a flipping tack and my son (15) is borderline genius (seriously).

Hobbies: Cars, home and car audio, golf (although I suck), Bama football, cooking, art, fishing (although I suck at that too, fish actually taunt me), boating, movie junkie.

Favorite drink: Was beer, mostly imports, but now its diet rite cola because I'm a recovering alcoholic so I had to give it all up.

Myers/Briggs type indicator: ISTJ. I doubt any of you know what the hell I mean by that, but I am without doubt 100% ISTJ. Look it up if your curious. its a hell of a lot more accurate than horoscope stereotypes.
I was hoping to learn more about "tweeky". WTH? LMAO
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