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this is a discussion within the Voodoo Community Forum; the talent level like..huntsville just got a team and im trying to decide whether to go or not..also.what's up with the guys that are trying to make it in the nfl..any chance?...

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Old 02-14-2005, 02:29 PM   #1
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the talent level like..huntsville just got a team and im trying to decide whether to go or not..also.what's up with the guys that are trying to make it in the nfl..any chance?
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Old 02-16-2005, 12:24 AM   #2
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As far as the talent, the Saints had a fullback who played this season from the Arena league... he did OK. I think he may make it again next season.

The games are very fun, kind of a mixture between basketball and football. The talent level is good, apparently there is the main league, Arena, then Arena II - I believe for smaller markets, then there is a smaller league for smaller towns like Houma, LA.

Try to find out what league the Huntsville team will be in and go from there. I saw a game on TV once with the Bayou Bucks in Houma. They didn\'t have much talent, but occationally there was someone there you\'d want to see play like the guy who was LSU\'s qb when Kevin Falk was there in the 90\'s, I can\'t remember his name and it\'s on the tip of my tongue.

But anyway, that\'s the gist of it. I think the Houma team is gone now.

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Old 02-16-2005, 09:58 AM   #3
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Man, Arena football is FUN. I\'ve been to a few Desperados games, and I\'m going to see \'em play the VooDoo in a few weeks here in Dallas. New Orleans was one of the better teams last year, and they\'ll probably be in the playoffs again this year. Doode, my tickets cost 60 bucks...1st frappin ROW! You can go for a LOT less, and even if you\'re not right down front the venue is smaller.

Last year I sat in the 8th row, 2 rows behind Michael Irving -- it was an adventure. Michael got into the game, screamin\' at the refs and taunting the other team. It was GREAT. Spend a few bucks and go to a game.

C'mon Man...
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Old 02-16-2005, 01:22 PM   #4
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I think I will try it out-we just upped leagues here in I might just. sounds like a blast.
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Old 02-16-2005, 10:47 PM   #5
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And hey, what do you have to lose, not much going on nowadays anyway.

You can watch the Saints and the State of LA duke it out to see what the final deal will be but that\'s like watching molases dry.
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