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Sanity Zone 8-1-2011 << Stupid is as Stupid does >>

Posted 07-31-2011 at 01:49 PM by xan

Hi Everyone.

I thought it somewhat necessary for my intellectual health to write at least something on the foolishness surrounding the so-called "Debt Crisis." I hope you all remember that I have no dog in this hunt, save that I am partial to eating and sleeping safely in my home, working for a wage, and not being persecuted for my beliefs.

For all those who wonder whether it would be catastrophic to allow the US to default on its obligations, the answer is yes....
Professor Crab and
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Saints to play 49ers in 17 days?

Posted 07-26-2011 at 04:44 PM by joker-saint

Is this even a good idea? They haven't even had a full practice as a team yet. Their are usually OTA's and so on and so forth beofre the first preseason game. I just see this as trouble for alot of players because theyarent used to the physical side of football yet. Hopefully our starters don't get too much playing time in preseason, if they do it could spell disaster. Its a good thing Drew is such a good leader. If he hadn't organized player drills a few months ago the team might be alot worse....
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Osama Bin Laden confirmed dead - U.S.A. has his body

Posted 05-01-2011 at 10:53 PM by Halo (Nose Bleed)

May 1, 2011 - Today, Osama Bin Laden was found and was apparently shot in the head.

The whereabouts of the architect of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York has alluded authorities for years.

It was rumored Bin Laden was killed in a bunker in 2003, but this is the first evidence Bin Laden survived early onslaughts on his bunker. Osama Bin Laden is now dead and the U.S. has his body.
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Spam behemoth Rustock shut down by Microsoft, reduces worldwide spam by 39%

Posted 03-18-2011 at 11:48 AM by Halo (Nose Bleed)

Microsoft's Digital Crimes Unit, working with federal law enforcement agents, has brought down the world's largest spam network, Rustock.

Rustock, at its peak, was a botnet of around 2 million spam-sending zombies capable of sending out 30 billion spam email per day. Microsoft's wholesale slaughter of Rustock could reduce worldwide spam output by up to 39%.

Rustock was taken down, piece by piece, in a similar way to the Mega-D botnet. First the master controllers, the...
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Breaking Down the Saints' 2011 List of Free Agents

Posted 02-11-2011 at 01:12 PM by NOLA_Pride

Yesterday, ESPN’s official NFC South blogger Pat Yasinskas published a post which explains that the New Orleans Saints lead the league in potential free agents this offseason with 27. While he makes it clear that no player will reap the benefits of free agency until a labor agreement is agreed upon, it is obviously still an area of concern for this Saints team. With this dilemma in mind, let’s take a look at each Saints player eligible to become a free agent. The most recent Collective Bargaining...
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