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Is The U.S. Government Broken?

Posted 01-26-2011 at 06:23 PM by pherein

Parties that seem to not understand the problems, but instead try to exploit them to gain a larger share of power , and ultimately do nothing to fix them.
Problems that include debt, the financial market, and FEMA are not brought to the table until the last seconds.
Congressmen explain it away as something the government didn't foresee or expect. But didn't we vote for them because thats what they brought to the job, or promised they did?

Social security is used as...
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My concern with Wikileaks

Posted 12-01-2010 at 06:26 PM by iceshack149

Wikileaks is a very dangerous organization aiming for anarchy in the world. The creator of the website, Julian Assange, is in hiding because he knows that the information that he is leaking could bring harm or death to him. (He is also avoiding Interpol as two Swedish women have accused him of “rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion”).

Our politicians don't usually discuss assassinating foreign leaders or things of that nature but some of the things released by wikileaks will...
1000 Posts +
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Week 12 NFC South Break Down

Posted 11-29-2010 at 11:44 PM by pherein

I have compiled some stats of the 3 top teams in the NFC South.
Links are provided for a glossary of terms.
I uploaded it as text because its to difficult to separate the columns.

The break down shows some interesting details about the 3 top teams in the NFC South and their QB's.

Link to Google Docs (in case the PDF isn't working for you)

2010 Defensive Bendability Index
Attached Images
File Type: pdf Week 12 NFC South Stats.pdf (21.5 KB, 7 views)
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Stock Market insight

Posted 11-27-2010 at 11:07 PM by pherein

I liquidated my HMO, because the stocks they where buying were insane, at the beginning of the recession to buy low and make money off of the frenzy that nothing would ever go up. And it was a perfect time to invest and made a couple 100,000 for my family. So I hope I help someone else. Truth is because of my, rash move (wife calls it), I call it common sense, I am closing the million mark with $11,000 that I started with.

Example: I bought LVS at $3.20 now its $52

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Sanity Zone 11-4-2010 Post Election Analysis

Posted 11-04-2010 at 06:20 PM by xan

Nothing less than the expected results for the midterm elections on Tuesday. While there were a couple of suprises both ways, several trends emerged.

Today, we address The Rise of the Far Right

Tea Partiers who believe in a smaller government and fewer regulations advanced. In some cases, the Tea Party Republican displaced a moderate Republican or RINO (Republican In Name Only). In others, they replaced a “Blue Dog” Democrat, one that, for the...
Professor Crab and
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