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Sainity Zone 7-24-2012 NCAA, Penn State, and Egypt

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Posted 07-24-2012 at 02:01 PM by xan
Updated 07-27-2012 at 06:25 AM by Halo

Bad Policy, Bad Judgment, Bad Outcome

This entry is not about the crimes of one man and the moral failings of his associates. Justice has been served to them. The perpetrator has been tried, convicted and imprisoned, potentially for the rest of his life. His associates justice will be served shortly through the criminal system, if not in the afterlife. A completely new organization now leads Penn State, with no ties whatsoever to the past, and processes in place to rectify and cure.

Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for 30 years. Democratically elected, after watching his predecessor assassinated in an event in which he was also injured, Mubarak clung tightly to power. He was enveloped in a military led "hierarchical democracy," with him at the top of the pyramid (no pun intended). He persecuted any wrongdoings within the public and private sphere, distracting attention from his pilfering of the national treasury, murder and torture of tens of thousands of dissenters, and the oppression of millions of Egyptians either economically or religiously.

It took incredibly brave people sacrificing family, careers, and their lives to take the despot Mubarak down. Months of riots, international pressure, and a near collapse of the Egyptian social order finally toppled the dictatorship. He was tried and convicted and sentenced to prison, possibly for the rest of his life. His associates that enabled his regime to commit horrific crimes are facing prison terms, some the death penalty.

Today, less than a year later, Egypt has new leadership, with no ties to Mubarak. The people have installed a government that is more transparent and less capable of replicating the same inexcusable behaviors of the Mubarak regime.

We should follow the NCAA's lead. We should punish Egypt and the Egyptian people. We should persecute the new leadership, sanction their economy and isolate their people. We should lead all nations in exacting retribution for the horrific crimes committed on such a fantastic scale over 30 years.

We should do this because this policy is what America is about. This is the epitome of our thinking on proper policy with regard to independent people and organizations. We have to be consistent in our actions and attitudes. If not, the Egyptians, or maybe some other country, group or organization, who have endured humiliating, inhuman suffering, who have been brave enough to confront their demons and corrected for them, might think that they can get away scott free. We have established our moral imperative to punish the survivors, and we thus have the moral imperative to exempt no one from our morality.
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  1. Old Comment
    neugey's Avatar
    Well, kind of. Penn State isn't being punished. Their football program is being punished - and is even being allowed to operate under restrictions. And they are making PSU donate $73 million to child abuse foundations. In the game of life, the only victims in this scenario are still the kids Sandusky molested.

    And with Egypt, they put their own necks on the line and overthrew their corrupt leadership. They deserve the right to establish the new leeadership that they want and no one should get in their way.
    Posted 07-25-2012 at 08:24 AM by neugey neugey is offline

  2. Old Comment
    xan's Avatar
    I agree. Not that the football program generates several hundred million dollars for the local economy, the direct revenues that the football program generates provides the funding for all the women's sports, all the men's minor sports as well as the employment of several thousand students on financial aid.

    We should only embargo Egypt's tourism industry by closing their borders, and fine them only $70 Billion. That'll teach the poor for being victims.

    Penn State's rapid and complete governance transformation, prosecution of criminals and establishment of preventative protocols prior to any external involvement in penalties is an exact parallel to Egypt.

    We have established the moral high ground with this universally acclaimed policy, so there is no excuse for us not to levy similar sanctions on Egypt.
    Posted 07-25-2012 at 08:47 AM by xan xan is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Halo's Avatar
    All situations of broad policy policing, judgement and penalization notoriously hurt the innocent unjustly. The bigger the group or organization, the more who suffer unjustly.

    In Penn State's case student athletes, local economy, small businesses, vendors, and ticket holders are left holding the bag. Academia and administration are ready to move on with a fresh bowl of water, something the previous administration, unable to flush, could not create.

    What about the student athletes who worked hard and were recruited into a football program that fell flat on its face? Although they're allowed to escape by transfer and gain instant eligibility, transferring may be more work than it's worth for those dependent on athletic scholarships.

    Colleges and Universities never give up student athlete scholarships so easily, and if they do only to pick up the very best of transfers. Most players on Penn State's team will not rise to the level required for a lateral move. Because some of the talented waited in wings for an opportunity to shine as 2nd string only to end up without the required resume for movement. Because some had average seasons last year and are not on "the list." Because some are now seniors and time has run out.

    I won't even get into the local business element because it's a given - Happy Valley will be not so Happy in the coming years = fewer ticket sales & less profit/income.

    The NCAA had to act otherwise it would have been CONFIRMED as a weakling only out to make players ineligible for transfer (which is mostly true.)

    The ENTIRE AFFAIR is a sad, sad tale told by fool who forgot his pen has no ink.

    The title of his tale?


    Mubarak clung tightly to power. He was enveloped in a military led "hierarchical democracy," with him at the top of the pyramid (no pun intended).
    Posted 07-27-2012 at 01:04 AM by Halo Halo is offline
    Updated 07-27-2012 at 01:08 AM by Halo
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