Posted 11-08-2013 at 03:17 PM by TheOak -
The Obvious And The Underrated
"It's only weird if it doesn't work ... ", good read & keep on postin' ... your team needs you,.
Posted 11-04-2013 at 08:16 AM by SloMotion -
Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.
I haven't read all the responses, but an early response insinuated the "Peace" movement (which was any damn thing but peaceful by the time it became popular - bastardized by then) influenced the end of the Vietnam War.
The author of this post must surely have skipped History Class. This can be verified by simply looking at the date of the first troop reduction. Then again, one must know a bit about the "Peace" movement to make any meaning of the initial reduction date, which is where this comment makes me laugh and spit skoal on my screen.
Elvis is not dead. Check the spelling on the stone.
Also in fact the United States ramped up its involvement in Vietnam through the duration of the "Peace" movement. Good Lord in Heaven how far we have fallen...Posted 11-01-2013 at 10:49 AM by saintfan
Updated 11-01-2013 at 03:06 PM by saintfan -
Posted 11-01-2013 at 08:41 AM by SmashMouth -
Posted 11-01-2013 at 08:40 AM by SmashMouth -
Posted 10-30-2013 at 02:46 PM by SmashMouth -
Being held hostage again.
Quote:$24 billion is what Ted Cruz and The Tea Party have cost this country.
This number is according to an estimate from Standard & Poor who said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.
Read more: Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's | TIME.comPosted 10-30-2013 at 01:37 PM by SmashMouth -
Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.
As all industries should be, including embedded and payroll deducted taxes, if the consumer had to actually shell out from their wallets and write a check instead of dealing with our purposefully confusingly designed system, there would be pressure borne in all industries in keeping costs down, not that it would matter for the moocher crowd as they are on the dole anyway.Posted 10-30-2013 at 01:32 PM by SmashMouth -
Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.
Do you understand the difference between cost and price?
Here is a rudimentary explanation for you.
Economic Perspective: Price versus cost
Hopefully you can understand what i am about to say next, as it is very basic logic.
These are hypo dollar amounts but you should get the picture.
A bottle of Tylenol costs $6 to make and get to the local CVS, the local CVS charges you a price of $12. The on top of $6 that the CVS is not all profit most of it is consumed by indirect costs by CVS.
That same bottle of Tylenol has the same cost to a hospital but the hospital bills you or your insurance $15-$50 per pill because; some will say "the hospital has more indirect costs", some will say " because you get charged for the whole bottle whether you use it or not". The reasons go on as long as the internet.
You are more than welcome to explore it your self.
10 Wildly Overinflated Hospital Costs | Reader's Digest
Now get past all of that and for arguments sake your insurance was billed $25 for that Tylenol pill, that is still not the price to you as the Insurance Company has indirect costs built into your premiums to cover the costs of running their company. As a matter of how insurance works you never pay the full price for anything, the costs to that Insurance Company get redistributed amongst all policy holders.
Now we are going to add Government indirects instead of Insurance Company on top of that. ACA has an administration, it has teams of people going door to door that are getting paid, its mas many levels of operational administration that normally make more in total comp that their counter parts in the private sector depending... That is all tax money... Oh and I will add $$100-500M for a website that doesn't work just for the hell of it.
Obamacare's broken website cost more than LinkedIn, Spotify combined | Digital Trends
Going back to my previous comment days ago. The ACA has done nothing to address the costs associated with that Tylenol and all of the gouging that goes on up the chain. All it has done, or shall I say, promises to do is lower the rates for Health Insurance... But it doesn't exactly do that does it? It functions like insurance so it doesn't lower the rates, it redistributes them into a larger pool. This is why the ACA fails with out the healthy younger participation.
If you want to truly lower healthcare costs, stop the price for the end payer for a tablet of Tylenol from being in the $100 range.
Why am I vehemently against this you still ask? My tax dollars are being burnt by incompetent politicians who turn a blind eye to the gouging that is the basis and structure of the health Care Industry.. They do not want to resolve the problem, they just want to put a patch on it by taking more money from me.
Now the Government is bringing in Verizon to fix their website? WTF??? More cost on top of wasted cost. Do you realize how many people the Government could insure for what they spent on that frikken website alone?Posted 10-23-2013 at 01:11 PM by TheOak -
Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.
Isn't it interesting, however, that no one actually implemented solutions that likely would have made a difference? Solutions like, buying insurance across state lines, as you can with auto insurance; tort reform which has worked in Texas; Changing patent laws for pharmaceuticals to make scripts more reasonably priced; eliminating the anchor baby loophole and the problem with illegals abusing our system (And yes, there are Mexicans who have never stepped foot in the USA currently on Medicaid and Medicare). And I am missing quite a few still. Our National Nipple is no longer just a national one, but an international one. Isn't it any wonder we won't ever have a surplus anymore? The larger question looms however. If they actually know this will bankrupt our country faster and sooner then later, why are they indeed going forth with it? What is the ulterior agenda and who is behind it? Why not follow common sense approaches with simple things as ID for voting and getting healthcare so that they can verify citizenship? What is the left afraid of with ID laws to protect the sovereignty of the blessed country?Posted 10-19-2013 at 10:57 AM by SmashMouth -
Being held hostage again.
The level of disconnect from reality blows my mind.
They say they believe in the Constitution, but are all good with shutting down the government. Last time I checked the Constitution gave the framework FOR OUR GOVERNMENT *and* MOST ASSUREDLY ASSUMED THAT WE WOULD HAVE ONE.
As I write that I just shake my head in amazement -- especially when I remember that these same Tea Party "Constitutionalists" who say they want to stop incurring more debt -- are the same f*cks who just cost our country $24 billion dollars and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's | TIME.com
Seriously, we need to start calling Republican precincts in red states prior to elections and ask them if they want more of the same. Because, really the repercussions are dire when you take into consideration how apathetic the voting public already is and how completely idiotic we look to our trading partners, and even our enemies, around the world.Posted 10-18-2013 at 11:17 PM by WHODATINCA -
Being held hostage again.
Yep, that's more than NASA, and several other large government programs get each year. And they claim to be for cutting government costs.
What a scam--and southerners continue voting for these clowns for ridiculous reasons, while they get elected and then screw them economically.
Almost every southern governor, including mine, turned down the medicaid funds, for the poor, and that would aid hospitals in not getting "stiffed" for the bill for indigent care. This affected about 670,000 in Alabama alone.
Then, insult to injury, Bentley gets a hernia operation on the government's insurance dime, in the last week.Posted 10-18-2013 at 10:37 AM by mike27 -
Being held hostage again.
$24 billion is what Ted Cruz and The Tea Party have cost this country.
This number is according to an estimate from Standard & Poor who said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.
Read more: Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's | TIME.comPosted 10-18-2013 at 02:30 AM by WHODATINCA -
Being held hostage again.
Thank you, Mike27 and I couldn't agree more. It's scary that Mornin' Joe and Rove are now center-right.
Check this out -- when the Dems (who are also just corporate shills -- it's just that on some issues they are slighty less craven than the bat-**** crazy f*cks the Republican Tea party has turned into ) -- so -- when Obama and the Dems said "Hell No" to all their demands about shutting down Obamacare -- GET THIS: David Vitter, (R) Senator from Louisiana actually wanted to pass a law denying health insurance coverage to the President and Vice-President.
Can you believe we are paying these fu*ks?!?!?! Jesus. <head banging continues>Posted 10-17-2013 at 12:38 AM by WHODATINCA -
Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.
@ Oak -- Dude you are funny. Apparently, you aren't finished. Obviously, your sources of information are poor -- which impacts the conclusions you draw.
"...these are not laws to save lives but more to make the expense of Health Care less while never addressing the true costs associated with that care."
You and Xan are mistaken about the ACA only attempting to address costs. See the report and testimony before Congress -- where the report finds: "Uninsured individuals experience much more risk to their health than insured individuals. In its 2009 report 'America's Uninsured Crisis: Consequences for Health and Health Care', the Institute of Medicine points to a chasm between the health care needs of people without health insurance and access to effective health care services. This gap results in needless illness, suffering, and even death."
America's Uninsured Crisis: Consequences for Health and Health Care - Institute of Medicine
I doubt you will read the report. But, anyway, there it is.Posted 10-16-2013 at 03:10 PM by WHODATINCA -
Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.
And impotent rage shows it's face. I said nothing insulting or derogatory, I just informed you I was finished.Posted 10-16-2013 at 02:41 PM by TheOak -
Being held hostage again.
"Obama Phones," uh-oh, someone is watching FAKE News.
Watch MSNBC--it's still right-wing, but much closer to the center, and relatively honest. There is that Scarborough guy, who was once a radical right-winger, that I hated. It's a sad world, where Scar and Rove are now the voices of reason.
All corporate media is intrinsically right-wing. It's why we never see anything about shutting down the some-odd 800 military bases that cost a fortune to maintain, with their golf courses and officer's clubs. We never hear how it's maintaining the massive DOD and now another DHS budgets. We don't hear how globilization created massive unemployment in this country, and how we lost a tremendous amount of tax income at the same time, because the jobs are no longer here, and thus, no longer pay federal, state, sales, gas, property, utility, social security, and many other little nickle and dime taxes Republicans have tagged everything we pay, to make up for all the tax breaks they've given to millionaires.Posted 10-16-2013 at 12:11 PM by mike27 -
Being held hostage again.
"Boner" actually agreed on a news show this week, that he had come to an agreement with the president on the negotiated $986 Billion in spending. He went back on his word, and has been spineless.
Next time you need to pay your credit card bill, call up Chase, or Bank of America, or whatever your company is--tell them "Hey, I'm not going to pay my bill, unless you take that charge off, for the television my wife bought." See what that gets you.
I can tell you--it'll get you a higher rate, a huge late-payment fee of $40, and that is what we're going to get by a minority in Congress trying to take our government hostage.
Oh yea, by the way, 1.5 MILLION more people voted for Democrats in House races in 2012--the only reason Republicans have ANY power is they stole it with gerrymandering of districts, tossing all the democrats into the same one, and distributing republicans where they could win all of the surrounding ones, in several States ALEC controls.Posted 10-16-2013 at 12:06 PM by mike27 -
Posted 10-16-2013 at 10:54 AM by Mardigras9 -
Sanity Zone 10-2-2013 Shut Down and Loving it.
@Oak - Your arguments were incomprehensible and almost entirely without substance. It was difficult to take you seriously. So, it's all good.Posted 10-16-2013 at 12:17 AM by WHODATINCA