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The Toliet Bowl SP finds himself in till 2017

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Posted 11-16-2015 at 06:58 AM by hagan714
Updated 11-16-2015 at 05:22 PM by hagan714

What worries me is the same issue I have had with this defense for going on over a year now. No fire in the belly. Oh sure the fire out the gate but before they hit the first turn they crap their pants and leave a turd on the field. Then it is one dropping after another the rest of the way. They remind me of my kids with full diapers running around out there. All bow legged and stuff

Rob does not coach up his players during a game. He never has. His lack of in game adjustments is once again blinding. His players go in the dumps and all Rob can do is lock the gates and stand guard as the sea gull take over.

Rob maybe a players coach but Rob is no coach of players.

SP? God only knows. SP and Drew just keep trucking along no matter what they are given to work with.

Could you understand if SP just gets tired of all of this? His back is to the cap wall, his defense is going down the toilet and all he can do really is watch a fat man sitting there filling it up with every stinky move he make. We are talking gas mask stinky since the Patriots game 2013 when this all started flowing down hill from the out house.

I know he realizes he made a mistake but the dead money has to be too much for the owner to bear, I am sure. Tom maybe under fire for his throne but he is no idiot. 25% of your cap will not see the field this year and almost the same amount will not see the field in 2016.

So it is sink our swim in the toilet bowl of 2015 and probably 2016 as well.

Do you bail after 2015? Or do you dive in one more time knowing most of your problems will be solved in 2017? Just keep hoping for some players that do not stink up the place via the draft and cheap FA to help rebuild in 2017? Praying the entire time Drew does not get killed along the way?

SP is drowning for the most part because of other peoples failures. Oh I am not letting him off the hook. He is the one that held the bathroom door open for Rob in the first place and he has been handing ROB toilet paper from the get go. You would think Rob would at the very least give us all a courtesy flush. but noooooooo.

As a life long fan I am there with him and all I can do is hope and pray for the team to "GEL". Hoping we can hang onto a few of the solid veteran FA in 2016. I still believe that Dead Money and the cap were huge factors in the Akiem Hicks trade. No money in 2016 to resign him. Plus we always get the shaft from the NFL for compensation picks.

This whole time you may find yourself in the corner muttering to yourselves wait till 2017...2017...2017...2017...2017. Over and over again. Your love ones might be ready to lock you away and throw away the TV for your own good by then. But remember they love you

So the cap clears in 2017. Dead money clears in 2017. Rob Ryan's contract clears in 2017.

Along the way we need to do some voodoo chants and sacrifices for the Saints to add a few pieces to make the transition easier on 2017. players must be added via the draft, UDFA and/or FA but they must be cheap. Those little gems are needed and moves are few and far in between so none can be wasted. BUT they must be CHEAP

So sit back and look for those few cheap shiny turds that float by so that we may scope them up and save them for later. It is all about looking for a silver lining.

Now repeat after me 2017 2017 2017 ...........

Hang in there SP and tough it out we are with you.

On the bright side I have seen worse in black and gold.

No really I have, granted you gotta look pretty hard

Besides there is always divine intervention to pray for. If we are banking on that, we got a whole lot of praying to do. So we better get some new knee pads. Oh yeah build a chicken coup to have enough chickens to sacrifice also. Cheaper buy the dozen. Thank God being a southern boy I can cook chicken 10 million different ways till the cows home. See already I am on my knees to God.

But still God why 500 yards to the skins?

Now repeat after me 2017 2017 2017 ...........
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