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LSU Florida Game

this is a discussion within the College Community Forum; Great win for us, but not won great. I am starting to see why some of you were down on Russell. We just got Armed Forces Network set up here and was able to see the game. Russell has talent ...

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Old 10-16-2005, 08:32 AM   #1
Pink Nightmare
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LSU Florida Game

Great win for us, but not won great.

I am starting to see why some of you were down on Russell. We just got Armed Forces Network set up here and was able to see the game. Russell has talent no doubting that, strong and has an arm, but doesn't get that brain clicking on all eight cylinders. Too many stupid mistakes. Defense played outstandingly! What the hell happened to Justin? Need some info on this guy, did he pass his peak or what? So anyway here is my after the game reportcard.

Offense=C, this could have, and should have been a A+ started out great and petered off.

Defense=A, played their guts out! Nuff said.

Special teams=B+, the punter was rockin' at the 2nd half, would have been an A if we could have returned some balls, not their fault.

Fans=C, did not care for the BOOOOOOOOOOO's. Miles was tring to preventing the poteintal turnover that happened anyway. Tiger Stadium was too quiet, for too long. (At least that is the way it appeared on TV)

OverAll= C+, owed to the defense.

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Old 10-17-2005, 05:13 PM   #2
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Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, Tigers - for beating the Gaytors.

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