this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; Originally Posted by crawgator Steinbrenner was a winner!!! Welcome, Crawgator. YES he was a winner. God Bless him. Originally Posted by QBREES9 He was great for the sport. And that is coming from a RED SOX Fan. Mr Steinbrenner you ...
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#11 |
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
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#12 |
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
What owner couldn't thrive in that market. All those fortune 500 companies and no salary cap.
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#13 |
Donated Plasma
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
Originally Posted by Beastmode
You rite. George was far less a brilliant baseball man than he was a master of abusing the system. ![]()
The "Lets find the guy with the best numbers and grossly overpay him because we can afford the luxury tax" baseball model doesn't take much of an IQ. Then again, neither does getting banned from baseball AND being convicted of a felony. Or how about being more or less the driving force behind escalating salaries at the expense of parity? I guess you are either from the "win at all costs" school or the "there is such a thing as integrity" school. "The Boss" was really "The Ass". Just ask Dave Winfield. |
C'mon Man...
Last edited by saintfan; 07-14-2010 at 07:03 PM.. |
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#14 |
Senior Citizen
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
As a Yankee fan myself, I can honestly say, that we are used to "sour grapes", from the rest of the league, and its fans. All money spent on the team, came from the team. Every dime, re-invested. Other teams have just as much money to spend, but they don't. Just remember, it wasn't the Yankees, who signed A-Rod, to a 200 million dollar contract. That would be the Rangers. Integrity in sports? Any sport? Come on Saintfan. The players are just as much to blame for inflated contracts, if not more than the owners. Yankees WANT to win. So yeah, let's hate them for that.
What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular.....
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#15 |
Senior Citizen
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
And by the way, the Lakers have won more championships, than the Yankees have, since 1980. They also buy players, just about every off season, but I don't see any of you haters, jumping on their backs.
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#16 |
Donated Plasma
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
Originally Posted by saintpaul25
At the expense of the integrity of the game and in a way that is unfair to the rest of the league. These 'sour grapes' did not grow from the Yankess organization being the best one in baseball, because they aren't, they sprouted from the Yankees buying championships year after year, raiding the rosters of teams like the Expos and so on, not through their baseball knowledge or intelligence, but through the money they spent through unequal marketing and cable television assets. If you are happy that this money went back in to the team then you are missing the point, but most Yankee fans either cannot or choose not to grasp that.![]()
Integrity in sports? I give you Drew Brees, Manning (any of them), Chipper Jones, Joe Torre, Bobby Cox, Craig Biggio, Nolan Ryan, Deuce, Parcells, John Fox, and on and on. You are damn right there is integrity in sports, there just ain't much of it in Yankee land to be sure. In Yankee land it's about money and winning at all costs, and winning at all costs lacks integrity. Simple simple. And oh by the way, George was to baseball what Davis and Jones (Al and Jerry) WOULD be to football except the league won't allow them to do it, which is what baseball should have done to "The Ass" before he completely and almost, but not quite, all by his lonesome ruined the game. He was banned in fact for his lack of integrity, but they screwed up and let him back in. So you keep right on praising the Yankees. I, for one, see how George turned the legacy of a great team into one of buying wins, and I giggle my ass off every time they lose, EVERY time, in spring training, the regular season, and the post season. One of the greatest things to ever happen in sports was the Red Sox coming back from 0-3 to beat the Yankees, and I hate the Red Sox too! GO RAYS!!!!!!!!! |
C'mon Man...
Last edited by saintfan; 07-15-2010 at 10:53 AM.. |
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#17 |
Senior Citizen
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
Five teams that spend money like the Yanks, or could. Braves, Angels, Red Sox, Rangers, Cardinals... Want more? How about the Mets? Same market as the Yankees, have went out and "bought" as you say, the same kind of players, but due to poor management, haven't had the same success. How about the Dodgers? L.A. is right up there in market value with New York. No, you just hate the Yankees. You showed that in your last paragraph. Buying championships? As I have pointed out, they have won five in the past twenty years. That's not really getting your money's worth, if you are only winning five, in twenty. Free agents, are just that, free agents. Every team has a chance to sign them, they just choose not to try. Yankees are a "winning" franchise. That's why they sell out all of their games every year at home. Fans have come to expect it, and that's what they get. The "Ass", took a team, that was basically dead in the water, and got it back to where it was, when Babe, and Gherig were around. I'm curious, did they "buy" those championships too?
Don't compare football to baseball, apples, and oranges. The Yankees are the most historical professional sports franchise in the history of it. And these teams, that the Yankees "raid", as you say, don't they have the option to keep these players? Unless they are free agents? But they don't. The A's have a garage sale, every year on their best players. And for all of you guys in denial, TED TURNER, tends to buy quite a few players every year too. But no hatred towards the Braves i see.... But I'm sure that Ted Turner feeds, and clothes the homeless in his spare time, and gives most of his earning to charity right? Also, real quick, was Steinbrenner responsible for the baseball strike? Or was it the players? That's what killed baseball. The players DON'T want a cap. They have made it clear, year, after year. The owners don't seem to want one either, so who exactly would this cap be for? The fans of teams like the Expos? Or the Orioles? Teams with owners that don't really care if they win or not? These owners like baseball the way it is. That way, they can develop these players, in great ones, and then sell them off to guys like "the ass" as you call him, and then pocket the money for themselves. Meanwhile, they don't sell out games, until the Yankees come to town. That's what's sad to me. When a team doesn't sell out their own stadium, until the Yankees come to town, and then there are more Yankee jerseys, than there are the hometeam's in the stands. Hmmmm, I wonder why all these players want to go to New York now? Maybe it's because as far as fanbases go, in the MLB, you are all drastically outnumbered? |
What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular.....
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#18 |
Senior Citizen
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
And once again, no mention of the Lakers.... If New York is such and easy market to make money in, then perhaps you would like to explain the Knicks to me....
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#19 |
Donated Plasma
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
Originally Posted by saintpaul25
LMAO. This isn't about market value. Once again you are demonstrating that you don't understand the argument, which is about fair play and not about market value. Its about abusing the system, or integrity, or ethics, or whatever word you prefer. It is about what is best for the league in question, in this case baseball. Not one of those teams you listed, which I assume came of the top of your head, can compete financially, but I'll elaborate for you here:![]()
264 New York Yankees 201 Boston Red Sox - the closest to the yankees but short by 63 million 180 New York Mets - do the math 173 Seattle Mariners 170 Chicago Cubs 167 Philadelphia Phillies 166 Los Angeles Dodgers 162 Atlanta Braves - you mentioned the Braves a cool 100 million or so back 159 San Francisco Giants 155 Houston Astros
Take the Yankees Payroll this year: $206,333,389 The next closest team is the Red Sox:$162,747,333 The math reveals a difference of $43,586,056 - so the Yankees outspend their closest team by half a hundred million dollars, and no other team, certainly not any of the teams you mentioned, are anywhere close to that. And then of course there are the Pirates, in a MUCH smaller market and with precisely NO hope of competing save the talent they draft and develop before the Yankees sign those players away -- the difference between the two? $171, 390, 389. That's not too far off from one quarter of a BILLION dollars a year. How's that for a disadvantage?
Oh, and for all the spending and player heisting this so called 'winner' George Steinbrenner accomplished, the longest drought between championships for the Yankees was under his guidance if I'm not mistaken...maybe back when he went through 20 managers in 21 years? Ya think? For all the 'benefit' he supposedly brought to the players, his actions ultimately fostered the culture that resulted in the strike in '94. Follow it all the way back to Catfish Hunter. Free agency is a good thing for players and baseball. Steinbrenner's abuse of it is not. If Yankee fans are too arrogant or ignorant to see it then, well, that is about what I expect from a Yankee fan. As a Saints fan you'd crap a Golden Egg if Jerry Jones could manipulate the system the same way George Steinbrenner manipulated baseball's system, but those arrogant Yankee blinders prevent you from seeing it. It's ok man. You are not alone. You're numbers are many. The win at all costs crowd is a big one. Say high to Al Davis and Jerry Jones for me will ya? |
C'mon Man...
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#20 |
Senior Citizen
Re: Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dead...
Who owned the Braves, when they were actually good? Who owned them when they were in the Series every year. I know my history just fine. I didn't know the Braves were sold, SORRY, I could care less to be honest. And as far as your Saints argument goes, I already went through that, in the 80s, before the cap, when the Saints couldn't get past teams like the 49ers, because they were buying all the best players. Did it bother me? Yes, it did, but I certainly didn't cry about it. If that's the set up, and the way things are, you adapt, and you move on. Either that, or you just continue to be a loser. There are many things I don't like in the world, that haven't changed in the many years I have been around, but I don't cry about it, I deal with it. You wanna blame the Yankees, and Steinbrenner, for the fact that your team can't compete, (I'm going to take a wild guess, that you are a Giants fan.... which would make sense, considering they haven't won a championship since they were actually in New York... Now that's irony...) If you are not, then I apologize, but I gotta say, you sound like one.
I am a Saints fan, been one since 72, and I've been a Yankee fan, since the same age. I remember the series with Jackson in the late seventies, and then I remember the complete drout, we went through, up until the late 90s. So, once again, I don't see your argument of "buying championships", considering how terrible they were back then. You are getting mad over this? Are you serious? It's just a conversation SF. Because I don't agree with your assessment, OF MY FAVORITE MLB TEAM, not yours, then you are getting heated. What do you expect? Me to bash my own team? I am a Yankees fan, and I am a very loyal Yankee fan. I don't usually pay attention to this rhetoric, because I am in fact, a Yankee fan. I don't care about the other teams. Same as the NFL, I only care about the Saints. Thus, once again, and no offense to you at all when I say this, boo hoo, cry me a river. To blame the Yankees for the complete downfall of baseball, is just ridiculous. Phillys won, Cards won, Diamondbacks have won a couple, as well as the Redsox. This argument never pops up, until the Yankees win one, and then, here comes the crap talking. "YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME." There you go. Don't like the way they do it, oh well. Obviously, it's possible to beat the Yankees, or teams like the ones I just mentioned, wouldn't have ever won them. How did they do it? Magic? As I said, you getting mad about this is ridiculous. It's a discussion forum. Calm down. |
What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular.....
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