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Opening up Cuba is the right move: An editorial

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; The American Ballet Theatre's upcoming performance in Cuba -- its first in Havana in a half century -- is a small step but a significant one. If the Obama administration is poised to allow educational and cultural trips to the ...

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Old 08-21-2010, 11:27 AM   #1
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Opening up Cuba is the right move: An editorial

The American Ballet Theatre's upcoming performance in Cuba -- its first in Havana in a half century -- is a small step but a significant one.
If the Obama administration is poised to allow educational and cultural trips to the island, as reported this week, the sort of visit approved for the ballet in November could be allowed for many other Americans. That would be a welcome return to the "people to people" excursions allowed by President Bill Clinton.
It also would build on President Barack Obama's 2009 decision to make it easier for family members to visit and send money to Cuba -- a reversal of policies put in place in 2004 by the Bush administration. It never made sense to limit family visits or forbid Americans with relatives in Cuba to send baby booties, blue jeans or even photos to family members.
The reversal of that policy was a good first step to reopening Americans' access to the island.

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