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OK, Saintfan, you asked for it:
New Orleans murder studies show rate is 10 times national average http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/...udies_sho.html ( This study was conducted last year ) "The two analyses, the result of months-long studies conducted late last year by the federal government, attempt to shed light on the myriad factors that conspire to make New Orleans the nation's most murderous city. With reams of data and statistics, federal experts determined that New Orleans' homicide rate is 10 times higher than the national rate and five times higher than the rate for comparably sized cities. " Article: Despite drop in crime, New Orleans' murder rate continues to lead nation Article: Despite drop in crime, New ...to lead nation re: 2009 "Though the city experienced a 17 percent drop in the number of violent crimes last year, New Orleans remains the nation's most murderous city by a wide margin, according to the FBI's annual report on national crime released Monday." So, in 2009, the FBI said that New Orleans was the nation's most MURDEROUS city BY A WIDE MARGIN. So, do us all a favor and lighten up, Francis. |
It is likely the murder capital of the industrialized world. So, just stop it OK. Game over. |
I asked for what? For you to enlighten me about the dangers of New Orleans? Did I read a 17% drop in crime rate? Hmmm...seems Oakland and New Orleans are trending in opposite directions.
At any rate. It has nothing to do with the discussion. But I'll play along. Here's the FBI's top 25 most dangerous for 2011: 1. Flint, MI 2. Camden, NJ 3. Detroit, MI 4. St Louis, MO 5. Oakland, CA 6. Cleveland, OH 7. Baltimore, MD 8. Jackson, MS 9. Newark, NJ 10. Richmond CA 11. New Orleans, LA 12. New Haven, CT 13. Little Rock, AR 14. Compton, CA 15. Buffalo, NY 16. Cincinnati, OH 17. Memphis, TN 18. Dayton, OH 19. Washington, DC 20. Stockton, CA 21. Macon, GA 22. Kansas City, MO 23. Springfield, MA 24. Hartford, CT 25. Valejo, CA Now, you'll notice Oakland, Richmond, and Vallejo are all there. All East Bay. It's a bad place to be, regardless of your personal opinion it would seem. You can add Stockton too really. It's out there, but is accessible to the East Bay for sure. Does New Orleans have violent crime? Well, yeah. Nobody here has said otherwise that I've read. But that wasn't part of this discussion until you brought it up in an attempt to debunk the FACT that this area that you and I live in is one of the most dangerous in the country. That's all I've said. The facts back that up. I'll 'lighent up' when you get hip with the program. ;-) |
and you characterized it as RACIAL TENSION. Wow. Really? I characterize it as an act of violence, otherwise known as a homicide, and first-degree murder. |
The commentors on this thread are making the point that California is SO violent -- YOU -- being one of those commentors. And, while I am not disagreeing that California is violent --- THE POINT I AM MAKING IS "COMPARED TO WHAT"? The commentors here seem to be comparing New Orleans and at least San Francisco and possibly California. SkyMike, in particular, seems to think that California "sux". Well, it may to him, if he has ever even been here. BUT THE POINT I AM MAKING IS THAT IT CAN'T SUCK JUST BECAUSE SOME VIOLENCE OCCURS HERE. BECAUSE, SH*T LOADS OF VILOENCE OCCURS IN NEW ORLEANS AND I'M NOT HEARING ANYONE HERE SAY THAT NEW ORLEANS SUCKS. But, if violence makes a city suck -- then hello -- NEW ORLEANS NOT ONLY QUALIFIES -- IT SHOWS THE REST OF THE COUNTRY HOW IT IS DONE. |
I use to think San Diego was the best place to live but now that I have lived in Los Angeles... I'll take Los Angeles over any city in the US to live the rest of my life in.
Savannah GA second. |
......and here's another story on those wonderful citizens of San Francisco: 49ers goat Kyle Williams has been receiving death threats on Twitter | Shutdown Corner - Yahoo! Sports On that note, if we acted like that.......Fred Thomas, Jason David, Aaron Brooks, Scott Shanle, & a few others would have all been in a witness protection program. ;-) |
And exactly what does this have to do with people at 49ers games feeling that they're in danger because they're not fans of the local team?
You're reaching for straws Cat. I guarantee that if come to the Super Dome wearing a 9ers jersey you'll have a completely different experience. And yourself the trouble of trying to dig up garbage to contrary. The instances that people have reported are isolated and mild in comparison. Thuggery is not tolerated in the Dome either by fans or law enforcement. |
I mean come on ... get real. |
So, I am just saying that comparatively the Bay Area is no better -- BUT NOT WORSE -- than New Orleans. |
Baton Rouge, LA. population - 229,553 (Greater B.R. metropolitan - 802,484) Compton, CA. population - 96,455 Lafayette, LA. population - 120,623 (City Limits only) Valejo, CA. population - 116,760 Shreveport, LA. population - 199,311 Now stop. You're making yourself look silly. |
Did you guys DID see my earlier post where I reference Times Picayune articles stating that the FBI, since AT LEAST 2009, has crowned New Orleans as the MURDER CAPITAL OF the United States? Right? I believe New Orleans has been earning that title for decades.
Hmmmm......so just what are you trying to say? |
Here's the thing though Cat, 90% of those murders happen in area of the city known as central city. The city of N.O. makes up about 30% of the metro population. the problem is gangs drugs and poverty. Just like South Central L.A, Detroit or where ever you similar problems.
Most of the people who say things like Ca sucks are really have no idea what they're talking about because at most they've been there for a business trip or maybe even spent a week there on vacation. To me L.A. is pit. That's why I lived in San Clemente, which doesn't suck by any stretch of the imagination. Cenral City N.O. and Lake Vista might as be on different planets. Sorry but this whole argument is stupid. But then that brings us back to the discussion of the different experiences of fans visiting the respective city's NFL football games. Why do you think there's such an obvious difference? It has to attributable to something. This isn't a dig, I'd like what you think about the matter. |
geez this is a Saints forum right...
Ok I'll do it... Aaron Brooks. |
I can't explain the difference between the respective city's NFL football games except to say that I think people in NOLA have much more class than the buffoons who turnout at CandleStick Park -- where notably -- I showed up last year wearing my black and gold -- and the 49er fans were incredibly nasty. And, if I had been alone, I would have felt extremely uncomfortable -- possibly to the point of leaving. But, for people on this site to equate the unstable behaviour of football fans in the Bay Area -- to the entire Bay Area much less the entire state of California -- well, all I can say is that is just -- as my grandmother from Opelousas would say -- "asinine". |
That's the part I don't get. You may not think the bay area is becoming more dangerous by the year, but in fact it is. I fail to see what is so unreasonable about my posts. And what do you think Oakland would be like should, God forbid, it have to endure a natural disaster similar to the one New Orleans endured? And yes, I know New Orleans has also come with risks to the uninformed, but just for grins, what do you think? I'd be willing to bet you Oakland wouldn't fare nearly as well as New Orleans...that's just a guess...an opinion...but Oakland and the bay area in general is bad and getting worse. Now, I certainly DO equate the behavior at Niners games, Raiders games, and yes even Giants games (my boss could tell you some stories you wouldn't believe about what happens at Giants games) to the people who live here. They are, after all, the ones attending those games. Further, I see that behavior all over this area. Everywhere I go. I have friends who both live in and that have left Richmond, Vallejo, and Oakland - people who have lived out here for decades, complaining about how bad things are and how they're getting worse. But don't take my word for it. Turn on KRON 4 tonight and pay attention. |
Saying Oakland, Vallejo, and Richmond are dangerous is like saying Metairie, Kenner and Gretna are dangerous. Are they different cities? Yes, but in reality they are all San Fran, just parts you know not to go to, the Bay Area is just as dangerous as any other urban area, calling it totally safe is ignorant.
A0so, no one from New Orleans can ever criticize any city for how bad their crime rate is. My parents were across the street (at a steakhouse) from the shooting in lakeview (at a Susan Spitzer restaurant,) I mean christ, nowhere in this city is safe for any person. |
New Orleans is only in this conversation because someone chose to use it as a defense for the violence in the Bay Area. Now that, friends and neighbors, is, as my Granny used to say, 'just plain dumb'. ;)
If you re-read my posts, you will find that I am not defending the violence that obviously exists here is California, but I do not think that either the Bay Area, specifically, or California, in general, merits the criticism it has sustained on this thread. I used the examples of the beauty of Northern California to point out that this area clearly does not "suck". I hear the concerns for yourself and your families' safety. And, while I understand how stressful it can be to feel afraid -- I have lived here on the Peninsula since 1990 and, from my experience, I simply do not share your concerns or perspective. I do not often listen to local news about murders -- so it could be that I am not aware of the increasing violence here. My assumption on this thread is that I am mostly talking to people who live in New Orleans or have some previous connection to the city. On this thread, we were originally discussing "thuggery" at Candlestick. The discussion devolved from there into an actual "slamming" of the Bay Area ( mostly by you ) and California, in general. I simply pointed out to the good New Orleanians that incidents of thuggery or violence is not limited to California -- and used the historical New Orleans murder rate as an example. One person's "slamming" is another person's recitation of the facts. AND, I absolutely DID NOT USE violence in New Orleans as an DEFENSE for violence in the Bay Area. That is a asinine remark. |
Everybody that came to the Dome this year basically said, "Man your
team kicked our ass, but we had a great time in New Orleans." I'd rather be in Louisiana. |
You could all move to Fairbanks, Alaska. It's too cold to start **** outside. Lately it's been to cold to go outside.
But see, nobody is comparing the bay area to the south - nobody except you. You are, in fact, the only person I've come across who doesn't seem to want to recognize the thuggery that not only exists, but is prevalent out here. Now, I could and I have said that I have felt much safer in other places attending baseball and football games. Maybe you think little green men land their spaceships over at Candlestick, attend the games, start a bunch of ****, then fly off...maybe to Richmond. It would seem to me those people are residents, by and large of the area. So why that wouldn't be a fair representation in your brilliant opinion is a bit, well, odd. Maybe it is space aliens. I mean, I can't prove it isn't. For that matter, this place is a bit like another planet at times. Your insistent denial of the situation out here is the definition of 'assinine'. |
I have something to say on this thread, it's probably going to be uplifting and contain some wisdom on all sides of the arguement.
I enjoy the fact that for the most part people are being civil with this topic... but for right now, the thread has gone WAY off course and needs to be moved to another board where it can continue if need be. WAY off course.... I'll move it now and comment later. |
shoot, Halo, if this was on Site-X, there'd be name calling, "infraction
points," and bannings. This is is a hot topic for us, but compared to the rest of the net... its a pie eating contest.... btw, here's your answer to this deep question: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/201...?sct=nfl_t2_a8 thanks for playing! |
:broccoli: :banana: :broccoli: :banana: :broccoli:
:broccoli: :banana: :broccoli: :banana: :broccoli: too early for crab nebula, SF. Its almost time for the Crawfish Nebula, though! |
Send this thread to Oakland and somebody will kill it for sure....
I have been sky diving. Does that count? I ride motorcycles and toyed around some with motorcross when I was a little younger. Does that count? I ride a motorcycle 110 miles a day in bumper to bumper traffic. Does that count. I can saddle my own horse. Does that count? To quote a famous Starship commander, I am laughing at the 'superior' intellect. You are the ONLY person I've ever heard defend this area as no worse than city x, y, or z. It's bad here, and people who have lived here all their lives and those who have just moved here, to a man and a woman, with you as the lone exception, agree 100% with me. By telling me to "man up" I assume you mean that I'm a bit overly concerned. I have kids. I watch the news. I am appalled at the violence I see - by the stray bullets killing kids all over the bay area - at the gang related retaliations that happen every day - and the illegals who come here and display zero respect for our laws. The Bay area is inundated with it. You'd have to be stupid or ignorant to ignore it. So yeah, I worry about it. Anything less would make me an irresponsible father. You may see me as less than a man for it. That's your opinion, assinine as it may be...you are entitled to it... Haven't you bowed out of this conversation twice already? You can leave now. There's no point discussing this with someone who refuses to acknowledge the world around them. You can start a new thread next time you see those gangster aliens land their ship at the stadium. K missy? |
SaintFan -- here is your problem -- either :
-- you haven't bothered to actually READ WHAT I'VE WRITTEN here -- or you are just too retarded to understand it -- or you are a troll. Either way, you have wasted my time. And, THAT is unforgivable. Quit whining like a f*cking pu$$y and MOVE SOME PLACE ELSE FOR CHRIST SAKE -- OR -- MAN UP AND GROW A PAIR. |
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
As for wasting your time I can only say the following:
I'm not wasting your time. You're wasting your own time. Typical though, of the attitude out here. Blame somebody else for your own ignorance. Put me on ignore. Start a different thread on a topic that you can successfully defend, because in this particular case there is no reasonable argument to the contrary. The bay area is and is increasingly violent. 3 of the top 25 cities are here. Every resident here will acknowledge it save one. You. The behavior of those people at that stadium is a clear and accurate representation of the prevailing attitude here. I was joking you know. It truly is the people here doing those things and not really aliens...unless of course we're talking illegal aliens and not (necessarily) those from other galaxies....just so we're crystal clear. You may not be able to explain the mystery of the fan's behavior since nobody you know acts that way. Okay. Stay safe. Don't stray too far from your comfort zone, because based on your statements in this thread you don't know much about what's going on outside of it. Why don't you drive over to the flats in Oakland and have this discussion with somebody who lives there? If you'd like an address I can give you one. Do the same in Richmond, or Vallejo. I have addresses for people you can talk to in those cities too. San Leandro? Yep. I can point you to some people there too. Antioch? Want to discuss with those people how the flight of the wanna be gangsters from the truly hard core areas to their once fine city over the last 5 years has people getting shot in broad daylight on busy streets - how their neighborhoods have been destroyed by gang violence - how people who were born and grew up there are leaving in droves, saddened and scared by the fact that they no longer feel safe. Why don't you find me someplace out here that a gang hasn't tagged. Just one. The bay area is big, right? Just ONE area that is untagged. You think I'm less of a man because I'm not willing to tuck my head in the sand and say, you know, this kind of behavior is okay, that it's normal, that because New Orleans ranks in the top 11 I shouldn't be concerned where a more violent city ranks? New Orleans has no more to do with this conversation than Fairbanks Alaska. You brought it up. Yes, it was a stupid thing to do, and it was a clear attempt by you to deflect because you like the bay area so much. That's fine. It's transparent, but it's fine. Any reasonable person saw that right away. Now, if you're truly concerned with time management and feel that discussing this with me is not a productive way to spend your day, do something else, because the facts are against you in every way. If you want to continue wasting your time, that's your call, but don't blame me for it. I'm not dragging you back here with whips and chains...unless you want me to. I can dig it. LOL ...unless of course you want to keep coming around just to call me a Pu$$y. Hey, that's fine. I'm no less a man for it sweetie pie. I like it when women talk dirty. I can dig that too. |
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