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86% of Romney coverage NEGATIVE...

this is a discussion within the Everything Else Community Forum; Networks That Fawned Over Obama's World Tour Mock Romney's International 'Blunders' By Scott Whitlock | August 02, 2012 Mitt Romney's week-long international trip resulted in unrelentingly negative coverage from the big three broadcast networks, a stark change from the glowing ...

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Old 08-05-2012, 12:11 PM   #1
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86% of Romney coverage NEGATIVE...

Networks That Fawned Over Obama's World Tour Mock Romney's International 'Blunders'

By Scott Whitlock | August 02, 2012

Mitt Romney's week-long international trip resulted in unrelentingly negative coverage from the big three broadcast networks, a stark change from the glowing press awarded to then-candidate Barack Obama's world tour in 2008. While Obama was treated like a rock star (from the Associated Press: "It's not only Obama's youth, eloquence and energy that have stolen hearts across the Atlantic...."), Romney endured a focus on gaffes and the trivial.

MRC analysts examined all 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland between July 25 and July 31. Virtually all of these stories (18, or 86%) emphasized Romney's "diplomatic blunders," from his "golden gaffe" at the Olympic games to "missteps" that offended the Palestinians.

The first of these "gaffes" was the former GOP governor asserting that security problems in London are not "encouraging." (This unsurprising point had previously been made by many in the media.)

Journalists pounced. On July 26, guest World News guest anchor Josh Elliott mocked, "Now to the war of words underway tonight in London, what's being called Mitt Romney's golden gaffe."

The comments came from an interview with NBC anchor Brian Williams. Initially, Nightly News didn't report the relatively innocuous remark, excluding it from a taped interview that ran on July 25. However, by July 26, Williams had caught up with a British tabloid press angry at "Mitt the Twit." The anchor opened the show by trumpeting, "[Romney's statement] erupted today in public and now the question is, how did a Romney campaign overseas trip end up offending so many people here in London?"

That same night, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley also led with Romney's comments about the Olympic games. He insisted, after just one day of a week-long tour, that the trip was getting attention "for all the wrong reasons" and deemed the former governor's remarks "a diplomatic blunder."

As the trip continued, so did the negative spin from the evening newscasts. Despite pressing economic and foreign policy problems facing the world, both ABC and CBS on July 27 highlighted trifling details such as Romney's motorcade in London getting stuck in traffic. (A snafu that partially validated the candidate's warning about the Olympics.) On CBS, Mark Phillips cast this as "another bad moment."

On July 29, Evening News correspondent Jeff Glor joined the pig pile: "After a rough first stop on his seven-day overseas trip, Mitt Romney was hoping Israel would go better than Britain. The day was not error-free." The "error" amounted to focusing on just how strong the Republican's language would be on Israel's defense against Iran.

Over seven days, Romney netted 53 minutes worth of stories from the three networks. In comparison, Obama's 2008 tour through the Middle East and Europe resulted in 92 minutes for eight days. (The tour resulted in news segments that encompassed full reports and anchor briefs.)

In July of 2008, Barack Obama's international tour took him to Israel where, in an attempt to show toughness over Iran, the then-senator incorrectly told reporters that he was a member of the Senate Banking committee. (Obama erroneously referred to "his" committee's calls for divestment from Iran.) There was no outcry and no reporting of "errors" or "gaffes," at least on the three broadcast evening newscasts.

Obama's 2008 foreign tour, unlike Romney's 2012 version, received glowing coverage.

When the Democrat arrived in Berlin to speak, Brian Williams could hardly contain himself. On the July 24, 2008 Nightly News, he trumpeted, "...The man from Chicago, Illinois, the first ever African-American running as presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, brought throngs of people into the center of Berlin, streaming into this city, surging to get close to him, to hear his message."

On the same program, Andrea Mitchell was beside herself, marveling at the large crowds: "It's hard to figure out what the comparison is. What do you compare this with?"

Then-CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric couched the visit in the most favorable terms, hyping, "Barack Obama extends the hand of friendship to Europe."

At the end of Romney's tour, Brian Williams summed up the week as concluding "with controversy, some hurt feelings, and some raw tempers." NBC reporter Peter Alexander highlighted a Romney aide who swore at journalists for screaming questions just after the candidate left the Polish Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Alexander lectured that the trip was "at times marred by missteps" and that "Romney offend[ed] his Olympic hosts and Palestinian leaders."

While Romney's trip resulted in his most substantial coverage since wrapping up the Republican primary, the stories were overwhelmingly negative.
Contrasted with the fawning coverage Barack Obama received four years ago, the network's rough coverage of Romney's trip stands as yet another reminder of the media's double standard when it comes to Barack Obama and any conservative candidate who might get in his way.

Read more: Networks That Fawned Over Obama's World Tour Mock Romney's International 'Blunders' |
If the MSM wasn't so blatantly biased, Romney would have a 20 point lead right now. In fact, Obama would never have been elected to start with.

I do disagree with the author referring to Romney as a "conservative". He's a moderate, not a conservative.
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:01 AM   #2
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Jenna Jamerson seem to like him
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:49 AM   #3
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Romney used to be moderate and now he's conservative.
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:57 PM   #4
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Obama is a turd that needs flushing.
Romney is a turd that needs flushing.

Courtesy Flush and wipe. So many turds to flush that this could take a while.
Better get the plunger.

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Old 08-09-2012, 10:10 AM   #5
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It should be 100% neagative. He came up with Romneycare, now he's against it. His state was 46th in job creation during his time as Governor. He made his fortune at Bain by laying people off and outsourcing jobs. All the while saying he will create jobs, but giving no specifics on how. His tax plan gives the ones at the top like himself more breaks, while passing even more of the burden of our governments funding to the lower and middle class workers. The only reason he won't show his tax returns is because it would be impossible to argue for more unfairness in the tax code when he and the 1% pay little to no taxes already. Romney is the opposite of what our nation needs in a President. MSNBC has some shows that are completely biased. Fox News is completely biased as a network. I hear many well spoken Republicans on MSNBC who are allowed to share their views. You will never hear a positive word about a Democrat EVER on Fox News. Their premise of the Republicans are the gospel, the whole gospel, and nothing but the gospel, while ever one else is evil, is the most ridiculous view on the world I've ever heard. It's simply doesn't pass the common sence test. Romney didn't win by 20 points in his own party's clown show. To blame that on the media is again just ridiculous. I have yet to see anything said against him that wasn't factual like my points above. While recently, his welfare ad against President Obama was a complete and outright lie. I would love to here EITHER candidate lay out a clear, concise plan for moving our nation forward in regards to the debt, tax equality, and job creation. Neither side is doing that. The one that steps up to the plate and does that, will be in the White House for the next four years.
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:10 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Cruize View Post
It should be 100% neagative. He came up with Romneycare, now he's against it. His state was 46th in job creation during his time as Governor. He made his fortune at Bain by laying people off and outsourcing jobs. All the while saying he will create jobs, but giving no specifics on how. His tax plan gives the ones at the top like himself more breaks, while passing even more of the burden of our governments funding to the lower and middle class workers. The only reason he won't show his tax returns is because it would be impossible to argue for more unfairness in the tax code when he and the 1% pay little to no taxes already. Romney is the opposite of what our nation needs in a President. MSNBC has some shows that are completely biased. Fox News is completely biased as a network. I hear many well spoken Republicans on MSNBC who are allowed to share their views. You will never hear a positive word about a Democrat EVER on Fox News. Their premise of the Republicans are the gospel, the whole gospel, and nothing but the gospel, while ever one else is evil, is the most ridiculous view on the world I've ever heard. It's simply doesn't pass the common sence test. Romney didn't win by 20 points in his own party's clown show. To blame that on the media is again just ridiculous. I have yet to see anything said against him that wasn't factual like my points above. While recently, his welfare ad against President Obama was a complete and outright lie. I would love to here EITHER candidate lay out a clear, concise plan for moving our nation forward in regards to the debt, tax equality, and job creation. Neither side is doing that. The one that steps up to the plate and does that, will be in the White House for the next four years.
As I have become older I've learned a few things, mostly by assuming a willing stance when people who have been around longer and seen much more start taking to me about stuff. There was a time when I wouldn't listen. These days I do.

Now, I live in California, the Lion's den. I am a conservative, or maybe a moderate, certainly an independent, among the liberals. A sheep among the wolves. I listen to them, talk to them, and I learn from them, as they learn from me. Interestingly, there isn't much difference in the stance of most right-thinking people (not politically right, but correct right), liberal or conservative or otherwise. Sure, there are hot-topic issues that we can count on for a good disagreement, but by and large we all have the same goal.

So I'm railing away yesterday at (with) one of my liberal friends who just renovated an apartment complex in Oakland and is now renting it to Berkeley students. It's next door to what is probably a crack house, although he fixed it up nicely. Our debate was on welfare and subsidizing people. Of course I want to help those that need help, but if they're using my money to buy beer, cigs, twinkies, whiskey, and weed, then, you know, I don't want to help them. He rails on them just like me, but he doesn't want to "judge" them.

Why? He feels exactly as I do. They are lazy. They grew up in a culture that told them living off the goverment dole was okay. Their parents did it. Their relatives are doing it. THEY are doing it. They don't have any aspirations. Just sit on the porch and get dizzy. They watch my friend come and go with gallons of paint, carpet, appliances, and then, when he's finished, one comes over and says...

"How much you gonna rent those for?"

"Well, this one is 1400, that one is 1800, and the other is 2000."

"You not gonna rent 'em section 8?"

"No, the market is good and I can get what I'm asking"

"Man you should rent section 8, and let me tell you why..."

So the guy goes into great detail on how to scam section 8. He's not stupid, and he's not too drunk to think, but he'd rather sit around trying to scam the system than to go get a damn job. My liberal friend laughs this off because he doesn't want to judge these people. I am angry beyond name it.

We talk about how the public schools need money, and yet we continue to fund lazy bastards because we 'don't want to judge'. My liberal friend says to me...

"you know, I'm a live and let live kinda guy..."

I say, "Yeah, me too. Those people can live any way they want to live, but not on MY dime."

Now, my liberal friend doesn't want to judge them for scamming the system because he is scamming the system. He's using his mother-in-law's Berkeley address to send his kids to school in Berkeley rather than in Oakland. I don't blame him actually, for one because he's paying his maw-in-law's rent. Oakland is a bad, bad place, but it doesn't have to be. It's full of loafers and welfare recipients because the leadership there wants to be sensitive to the section 8-ers and the like. It's extreme liberalism run completely amuck, and those liberals who fund it with everyone else's money left a LONG time ago. They view themselves and helping the less-fortunate or being non-judgmental. It isn't their problem you see? They throw some money at it and sleep well at night because they view themselves as kind. I am without the ability to understand how they cannot comprehend the FACT that they are breeding a mentality where these people feel entitled to things that I have to work for, like a car, a home, insurance, a cell phone, and so on.

You gotta me kidding me?

No. I'm not.

I'm not saying all liberals are bad. They aren't. Some are genuine. Some aren't. Same as Conservatives and Moderates and Independents and so on, but the liberal agenda is where the money is. That's why FOX is the ONLY conservative choice. ABC, NBC, NPR, CBS, MSNBC, and on and on don't just tilt liberal, they ARE liberal. The quality of their reporting is no better than that of FOX. The best any of us can do is listen to them all, use some common sense, and try to define for ourselves an educated opinion.

I'm telling you all, regardless of your political leanings, we are ALL being had. Each and every one of us is being taken, because we're too busy with work, school, life, or whatever to WAKE UP! They WANT us debating this silliness. It is by design. American politics has become nothing more than glorified marketing campaigns. It sickens me all the way to the core. Obama or Romney? Coke or Pepsi? We should have REAL choices, but they don't want us to have real choices. And we're letting them get away with it.

And you know what? It's not Obama's fault. It's not GW's fault, or Clinton's or Romney's or any of those people. The fault for the mess we're in is squarely on OUR shoulders. We, the People. If you want to know who is to blame, look in the mirror. We have allowed big corporations, special interests, and political agendas to corrupt our system of government all the way to the brink, and believe me, the brink is where we are standing.

Here's how we fix it. We start with campaign finance reform. Serious reform. Next comes term limits. We have to rid Washington of career politicians and replace them with people who are of a mind to serve. This will take care, in large part, of the special interests. Of course neither of these alone or all three combined is the end all fix, but they are a damn good place to start.

And I'll tell you something else. As much as it pains me to say it, Bill Maher is 100% right. American's are simply too damn stupid to govern themselves. But there's a fix for that too. Require that anyone who wants to vote must pass a citizenship test. The same one immigrants have to take. We need informed voters, not people who vote for free crap. Those people FAR outnumber middle and upper class Americans, and their votes are not educated and not based on what's best for the country - only for them as they continue to waller in the satisfaction they get through living of my dime and giving nothing in return.

WAKE UP. The founders placed a heavy burden on us - on We, the People. WE are REQUIRED to stand up to the fools in Washington and run them out of town on a rail. Think about it. We have strayed so far from the founder's intentions. Read the Constitution. Understand that EVERY WORD was carefully and individually crafted by brilliant men with a vision of a place where a person could thrive. We have become a welfare state.

WAKE UP. I beg you all to assume the responsibility the Constitution places on you. Stop being marketed to. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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C'mon Man...

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Old 08-09-2012, 11:14 PM   #7
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Re: 86% of Romney coverage NEGATIVE...

Who does Zooey like ? LOL
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Old 08-10-2012, 12:52 PM   #8
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Re: 86% of Romney coverage NEGATIVE...

Originally Posted by QBREES9 View Post
Who does Zooey like ? LOL
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Old 08-10-2012, 11:29 PM   #9
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Re: 86% of Romney coverage NEGATIVE...

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Old 08-10-2012, 07:23 AM   #10
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