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D_it_up 03-26-2013 02:23 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I can officially get in on any Walking Dead discussion now. I've been off work for the last few days and have had nothing to d6 so, so take a guess what I did? Yep. I watched every episode from Season 1, Episode 1 to the current episode where Merle turns. Started it Saturday night at 6 pm and just finished it off at 2 pm today. I would catch myself starting to feel like dozing off and then...BAM! Another cliffhanger ending that just led me on to the next episode. I don't know why I held out on watching this show for so long, but it is safe to say that I'm a fellow Dead Head now. Almost literally. My brain is mush from watching it so much the last few days. I absorbed so much information from the show, when I did sleep last night, I actually dreamed I was in the show. No walkers, just cast members. I need to take the rest of the day just to recharge my brain in another direction. :p

Boutte 03-26-2013 06:34 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
So how would you defend the prison?

Boutte 03-26-2013 06:40 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 487931)
I thought the exact same thing slo, when the governor said he wants michonne, then all of sudden Merle is asking michonne if she wants to go with him to kill the governor, very suspicious behaviour from merle

I thought the governor was a goner when andrea set the walkers loose, I think milton maybe the guy that kills the governor when he least expects it

I dont know what to think about tyreese, i want him to turn against the governor but now hes apologizing to him for mouthing off

Last two episodes should be good

I think Milton kills the Governor while rescuing Andrea. He'll probably die in the process though.

I wonder if any of our originals are going to bite it in the finale.

D_it_up 03-26-2013 07:17 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by Boutte (Post 490120)
So how would you defend the prison?

That's a tough one, but I would use one of the Governor's own techniques against him. I would make sure everyone was inside the last closeable gate to the prison (my exception to this is a little further in) and draw in as many walkers as possible into the open area past the entrance. As was mentioned in one episode "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". That would slow down any possible infiltration into the main areas of the prison and possibly take out some of their numbers. I would probably use Daryl and Mishon outside the prison gates since their weapons are best suited for stealth mode. They could sneak up behind some of the foot soldiers and take them out methodically, securing more weapons. This is all depending on what type of arsenal the Governor's army has, though. We already know they are well equipped. I would not have anyone in the towers, because it was obvious from the preview of the season finale that one is taken out. I would have snipers in locations that probably wouldn't be near as obvious. Rick, Glen, Carl, Carol and Maggie as the front line with Hershel and Beth closely guarding Judith. Obviously, Hershel doesn't need to be put into a situation where he needs to do any running. :p After seeing the unknown arsonist set fire to the walker pits, there is going to be a swerve from either the obvious (Milton, Tyrese, Sasha, or Andrea) or the completely unexpected (Caesar or Karen (the mother of the boy who has asthma). Not sure why I'm thinking her, but she doesn't seem too happy about the situation in Woodbury right now after her son was "recruited". I actually wouldn't be surprised if there were multiple characters that turn on the Governor. It all depends on who these characters are and how they turn the tide in favor of Rick and Co.

EDIT: I think there is also an outside shot that it is Morgan that burned the pits since he was burning all the walkers whenever Rick, Carl and Mishon were leaving town. Plus, he has the rest of the arsenal that would probably be needed to help defeat the Gubnah.

D_it_up 03-26-2013 07:26 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by Boutte (Post 490122)
I wonder if any of our originals are going to bite it in the finale.

If I had to guess at any of the group of originals, it would be Glen, Andrea or Carol. Glen because it would put an emotional end to the love story between him and Maggie. Carol would be my second guess, because, besides Beth, she is more of the weak link of the group and I just don't see Rick, Daryl, or Carl going down. That would probably put a huge hit on the ratings. Andrea is a big possibility, because that girl has escaped death either from "opting out", explosions, and fleeing from walkers at the farm. Her luck is eventually going to run out. I don't see her dying in captivity, but I could see her going down in a hero's effort to save the people from the original group.

As far as Hershel and his family, if any of them, I think it will be Hershel.

My prediction is that they either lose only Hershel or it will be Hershel and one original.

Nemesis 03-27-2013 02:43 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I think they should take over Woodbury after a shock the world move on the Governor. Get Milton to sneak up on the Governor like that dude in the shades did to Scarface. I think that would be epic.

Im guessing Martinez is a soldier drone, and he'd bow down to the new leader after he tries to make a move yet fails. He'll, I'd rather talk strategy over the campfire with Michonne than crazy ass Rick right about now. Whip out your maps, hunni...

I wouldn't kill off Andrea or Michonne. Andrea is the only recognizable face to me. I saw her on the Mist long ago. I remember saying she could be like Naomi Watts, cept for that perpetually pissed Zellweger kinda face. The rest are unknowns, or imported from England. Maggie is hotter than portrayed on the show

Michonne is fully capable of running Woodbury. I can see her sentencing fools who would break a deal to spin the wheel, like the Thunderdome

I don't even care if Rick dies. I think his son should go on to makes moves and eventually spread his seed to bring hope to their post apocalyptic world. Hell, maybe he'll figure out how to mount a zombie.

Can't we all get along?

Wilde18 03-27-2013 04:18 AM

Talking about Merle I do not think he changed! He only found out that his escape from hone made nothing good for Daryl abd his little bro has the same sorry childhood than he did. So Daryl is all and everybody he cares about. He might have learned from Daryl that at times you have to stick to other people. So in my opinion his only change was about him and his bro, not mor not less

SloMotion 03-27-2013 05:09 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 490058)
I can officially get in on any Walking Dead discussion now. I've been off work for the last few days and have had nothing to d6 so, so take a guess what I did? Yep. I watched every episode from Season 1, Episode 1 to the current episode where Merle turns. Started it Saturday night at 6 pm and just finished it off at 2 pm today. I would catch myself starting to feel like dozing off and then...BAM! Another cliffhanger ending that just led me on to the next episode. I don't know why I held out on watching this show for so long, but it is safe to say that I'm a fellow Dead Head now. Almost literally. My brain is mush from watching it so much the last few days. I absorbed so much information from the show, when I did sleep last night, I actually dreamed I was in the show. No walkers, just cast members. I need to take the rest of the day just to recharge my brain in another direction. :p

You sir, are an inspiration to us all, <salute> ... :mrgreen: ... this is gonna' be big, almost like 'Trekkie' big, :lol:.

SloMotion 03-27-2013 05:20 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I don't see how they defend the prison and see them escaping in the end, after inflicting heavy losses on Woodbury & maybe losing a key member of the original cast, I'm thinking Glenn or Maggie.

Wilde18 03-27-2013 06:05 AM

Guess they are going to lose Karl.

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