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SloMotion 11-18-2013 05:44 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 540407)
I dont think the prison will last for much longer to be honest slo, it was good to see Rick put the rake down and get his gunbelt out, back to good old walker killing rick

As for tyreeses missus being burnt at the end, wow.....just wow

Yeah, I think you're right, the prison is becoming untenable ... plus, the Governor's back in town! Don't want to give out any spoilers (glad Carol is gone, though), but last night's episode "Live Bait" let's you in on what he's been doing since Woodbury imploded ... first time I ever stayed up to watch 'Talking Dead' (David Morrissey guested) and watch the rebroadcast of an episode afterwards.

Thought this season was gonna' drag out ... not so sure now, :mrgreen:.

dizzle88 11-20-2013 02:06 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 549229)
Yeah, I think you're right, the prison is becoming untenable ... plus, the Governor's back in town! Don't want to give out any spoilers (glad Carol is gone, though), but last night's episode "Live Bait" let's you in on what he's been doing since Woodbury imploded ... first time I ever stayed up to watch 'Talking Dead' (David Morrissey guested) and watch the rebroadcast of an episode afterwards.

Thought this season was gonna' drag out ... not so sure now, :mrgreen:.

Yeah just watched the episode and found it took a strange point of view on things

The governor being a loner, him actually helping someone that didnt benefit himself

It actually makes you feel like hes a different person, when he reaches the prison though we know what will go down

Yeah im glad carol is gone, its going to make things difficult for rick when daryl finds out

SapperSaint 11-21-2013 02:21 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I have mixed feeling on the Govenor.

How would any of us act if we lost our wife and kid?

Not only did he lose his kid to becoming a zombie, but then watched her die; basicly all over again.

That's enough to drive anyone over the edge.

I think now that he has "someone" to take care of and protect, he may have changed.

We shall see.

As far as Carol goes. I don't think she did it. I think she saw Maggie doing it and is covering for her. JMO When Rick told her about Carol, she acted kinda wierd.

Mardigras9 11-21-2013 03:51 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I think Carol had to have done to drive into solo Zombie defense mode willingly.
Who knows what's up with Gov., that last episode about him was a wasted hour.

SloMotion 11-26-2013 06:51 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
Well, this past week's episode kinda' answered everyone's speculation as to whether or not the Governor was a changed man, :lol: ... that guy is something else.

It'll be interesting to see if Carol shows back up in the season finale or anytime later, I gotta' think her character will be back at some point. It is an interesting theory that she's covering for Maggie ... I thought Maggie acted kind of strange as well, but I attributed it more to poor acting as Carol was going kind of loopy at the time, but now I'm not so sure.

Oh well, shoot-out at the prison up next ... or is it? Rick or the Governor has to go, one more season of Rick vs the Governor and I'll be dropping back into a more 'casual observor' role ... or maybe I'll just buy the comic books and read ahead, :mrgreen:.

D_it_up 11-26-2013 10:48 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I know you can't always get a good read of the next episode from the previews, but it looks like **** could get real. This is my first season to watch the show weekly, so I know how everyone else has felt now when they have the mid-season finale. Frustrating.

Mardigras9 11-26-2013 11:36 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
The Gov. is one psycho dude. Funny how far the show has come from zombie survival to turf war. I'm guess is there is going to be a showdown at the prison, and Rick will be the victor (but one of the main crew will get killed).

SapperSaint 11-26-2013 12:40 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
Boy-o-boy was I wrong about the Gov! He is nutz, with a capitol "N"!

It is interesting that the Gov. couldn't beat Rick with the numbers game largely in his favor and now the numbers are probably about the same now. The only thing in the Gov's favor is he has a tank now.

About the storyline of this season:

My wife has been disapointed in it because of the lack of zombie interaction.

Here's how I see it.

The zombies would be a major problem, at the start of the outbreak. I would say for about a year an a half. Then, when you start to get a bunch of people together, in close quarters, you would start to have problems like viruses. One thing they haven't touched on is people who need medicines regularly. Insulin, Blood pressure pills, and etc. Civilization has fallen in the US. One interesting fact is they haven't said if this has gone world wide or if it is contained solely in the US. If it is just in the US, what is the rest of the world going to do? All of North/South America is in danger.

The Zombie fighting is far from over. There is a rather large mob making its way towards the prison. I think it's good that they are showing all the basic problems other than the zombies. That is why Rick was so proud when he grew those peas. He's not a farmer, but he grew something. If civilization ever fell; a lot of people would be in trouble. Basic medicine needs would wipe out a lot. Then something as simple as being able to skin a animal or fillet a fish could be the difference in life or death.

D_it_up 12-01-2013 10:25 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
Holy schnikey! That mid-season finale was incredible! I had a feeling it was going to be, but it was ten times better than I expected!

SloMotion 12-02-2013 04:25 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I tried looking at the comics for upcoming clues and they're nothing like the show ... different timelines, plot, characters, relationships, et... it was just more confusing.

What a finale though! It had it all, action/drama/romance and left you hanging on the edge of your seat until February, :lol:.

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