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stickman 03-27-2013 07:33 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 490319)
Think about this - The episode is called welcome to the tombs

The tombs being the lower levels on the prison that are crawling with walkers because no one ever cleared them

Could Rick and the prison group force Woodbury into a trap, by leading Woodbury's soldiers into the tombs and locking the exits

Crap load of walkers that woodbury's people could be lead right towards

Not a bad theory. I thought the previews showed a couple of the prison group in a car. Rick may be sending Carol, Hershel, his blonde daughter, Carl, and the baby out of harms way and have the fighters lure them into the tombs. Lock them in, walk away. Problem solved.

D_it_up 03-27-2013 11:47 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
There are some Walking Dead memes out there that are pretty funny. This is one that I couldn't stop laughing at:

Have You Seen Carl? - Meme Center

SloMotion 03-31-2013 05:43 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
... couple promos ... no "spoilers", but it looks like they're packing to leave the prison ... little Carl is starting to worry me, seems like he's heading towards psyching-out like dad (Rick) ... must run in the family.

Rickh 03-31-2013 10:27 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 491087)
... couple promos ... no "spoilers", but it looks like they're packing to leave the prison ... little Carl is starting to worry me, seems like he's heading towards psyching-out like dad (Rick) ... must run in the family.

The Walking Dead | 3x16 Sneak Peek #1 "Welcome to the Tombs" - Youtube

The Walking Dead 3x16 Promo | "Welcome to the Tombs" | (HD) Season Finale - Youtube

after all this lead up, they won't just escape in the night. I think the scene of packing up was just to make you think they're leaving the prison.

Expect a strategy to overcome the greater number of the WB people and the gov. will definitely die.

D_it_up 03-31-2013 06:31 PM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
According to AMC's Walking Dead page, 27 people are going to die tonight. Just a shot in the dark here, but I predict a lot of those will be the Governor's people. :p

D_it_up 04-01-2013 02:10 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
Was anyone else left confused, empty and somewhat disappointed by the finale?

dizzle88 04-01-2013 04:51 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 491270)
Was anyone else left confused, empty and somewhat disappointed by the finale?

Disappointed definitely

I thought all this build up with meaningless episodes filled with anticipation would make for a blood bath of a season finale, man was I wrong

Theres about 3 minutes of action then all the governors guys retreat and he kills 25 of them

Andrea has been a pain in the ass for the last couple seasons so i was glad they got rid of her, her dying scene with michonne was well acted though

All in All, feel let down bearing in mind that last weeks episode with merle was probably the best since lori died and I thought it would pick up from there

Now the prison is over crowded with woodburys elderly day centre

Probably the only part i enjoyed was when Carl shot that young guy in the forest and he was handing his weapon over, he and rick are at serious odds now though

I hope season 4 is better, Season 3 episodes 1-8 I loved, last half of the season I felt were empty and just meaningless scenes put in to fill some time

SloMotion 04-01-2013 05:01 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!

Originally Posted by D_it_up (Post 491270)
Was anyone else left confused, empty and somewhat disappointed by the finale?


Well, it was what I expected and then it wasn't what I expected, so 'yeah', I guess I am confused. The first thought that occurred to me watching the finale was, "I heard it here first on B&G" as some of the predictions came to life, ie lure the Woodbury army into the Tombs, Rick sends half the group to safety & stays to defend the prison, Milton burning the walkers, et... Good job, group! :lol:.

WTF is up with the Governor?!?! That was certainly a twist I did not expect & I knew he was ruthless, but come on! I was left confused by him riding off with Martinez, WTH are they going?!?! I had the same confused, empty feeling at the end of Star Wars when Darth Vader went careening off into the galaxy, except I won't be buying a, "The Governor Lives" T-shirt, :lol:.

I've had it with Carl, that kid needs an intervention, IMO, or a good ass-kickin'. I don't like the direction they're taking his character, the young-mean-cold-assassin. If I were Rick, I'd sleep with one eye open, know what I mean? The teen years can be difficult enough without having to be in the zombie apocalypse, :lol:. Get the feeling he's gonna' have problems with the new additions to the group?

Beth finally put the baby down long enough to kill a walker (when Rick, Darryl, Michonne return with new Woodbury group), her first in the series, I believe. Carol was there with her machete too ... who was watching the baby? My predictions for Season 4? Beth is the "new Andrea" (or will it be Tyreese?) and Woodbury Karen hooks up with Rick and becomes the "new Lori". I still have hopes of Rick hooking up with Beth and causing a showdown between him & Carl, but this Karen resembles Lori too much for Rick to resist. Enough of the relationships already, this ain't "One Life to Live", eh?

"Goodbye Andrea, we hardly knew ya' ... ". Not really, she was one of the original characters & she somehow always grated on me, I was kinda' glad they finally killed her off, though I never expected her to go in that fashion. When they opened with the Governor punching someone in the face, I thought he was torturing Andrea ... poor Milton, I almost thought for a moment he wasn't going to 'turn'.

It wasn't bad, it'll be interesting to see how they bring the Governor back into the plot and how they're going to feed/house all the women & children from Woodbury ... and now that I think about it, Tyreese will probably take over where Andrea left off, :mrgreen:.

D_it_up 04-01-2013 07:02 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
What is funny, I actually posted on my Facebook status something similar to what I posted in here about feeling empty, confused and disappointed. However, I didn't explain why. I kept it very vague. Within two minutes, a dear friend of mine called me from Arizona to see if I was o.k. We laughed for about five minutes non-stop when I explained to her that it was about The Walking Dead.

Rickh 04-01-2013 09:47 AM

Re: The Walking Dead thread RESURRECTED!
I was glad to see Andrea go. I'm not sure what it is about her character, but she irks me.

As far as the Governor goes, very simply one of his two lackeys needs to shoot him. In the chest.

He had all of the advantages over the prison folk in numbers and now, he just systematically destroyed all of his power.

It makes him a much weaker villain to take on. While he can still make trouble, I don't see a big confrontation in the near future Gov. simply won't have the resources to pull it off.

I'm hoping that season 4 doesn't turn into a soap opera about the prison Day Care/Elderly center. I like it much better when they are in a small group and travelling.

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