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this is a discussion within the Full Disclosure Community Forum; Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka Because the Constitution doesn't require showing tax returns as a pre-requisite for being President of the United States...It does, however, require proof that a person is a natural born citizen of the United States. ... ...

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Old 07-18-2012, 10:07 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka View Post
Because the Constitution doesn't require showing tax returns as a pre-requisite for being President of the United States...It does, however, require proof that a person is a natural born citizen of the United States.
... yeah, that too, ... now I'm even more ticked they're focusing so much attention on this BS.
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Old 07-18-2012, 10:16 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ScottF View Post
What I love is that everyone gets a hard-on when a 'new' story breaks.

So, just to get this straight, a SHERIFF from Arizona has new proof. Is this the highest-ranking elected official still on this hunt? Was the PTA mom in South Dakota busy? How about a Boy Scout troop leader from Missouri?
Last Q- was the sheriff doing this on the tax-payer's dime or as a hobby? He has a history of misusing funds and resources, so...
Not like the F U K I N' Department of Justice would take it on.

They are kicking dirt as fast as they can across his tracks.

The truth is John McCain failed us miserably in the vetting of this bum from Kenya.

And now, if he is allowed to STEAL this election, we will be stuck with him.

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Old 07-18-2012, 10:32 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints View Post

The truth is John McCain failed us miserably in the vetting of this bum from Kenya.
No, McCain failed us when he toed the line and chose Palin as VP. Catch phrases and winking at the camera don't cover up ignorance.

Getting punked by "Sarkozy" in the middle of a campaign...still a classic:
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Old 07-18-2012, 11:16 PM   #14
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Some of you guys are special.
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Old 07-18-2012, 11:21 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by ScottF View Post
What I love is that everyone gets a hard-on when a 'new' story breaks.

So, just to get this straight, a SHERIFF from Arizona has new proof. Is this the highest-ranking elected official still on this hunt? Was the PTA mom in South Dakota busy? How about a Boy Scout troop leader from Missouri?
Last Q- was the sheriff doing this on the tax-payer's dime or as a hobby? He has a history of misusing funds and resources, so...
The thing is I don't care if it was the Sheriff of bloody Nottingham. That this wasn't exposed during the election and that he is still in office is one of the biggest failures of American Government ever.

Let's not drag Palin in. That's just a distraction. A person should be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt all the requirements necessary to be the leader of the United States.

I'm so Goddamn sick of politicians and their endless marketing campaigns and their willingness - no, it's more than willing, it is willful - to piss on our Constitution that I can no longer abide.

We need a political party and a politician with respect for the Constitution and with the constitution to right the violations that have been taking place against it since the liberal socialists starting pissing on it nearly a hundred years ago.

People need to stop wandering around proclaiming the Republicans or the Democrats have it right. Both parties are an abomination. One need not be Conservative nor Liberal on all issues. SOME damn body needs to realize we are a Nation full of people who come down on all sides - topic of discussion pending. We need a ****ing leader. A TRUE leader of men, who can reign in politics as usual and get us back to the vision of our founding fathers.

Let me give you an example. Consider this is coming from an individual who believes in his heart that homosexuality is morally corrupt.


There's no ifs. No ands. No buts. There is no way to debate the meaning of that. It was a core belief of our founding fathers. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. So somebody tell me why this country doesn't treat all men equally? Notwithstanding slavery because that was ingrained into our economy and was rightfully terminated thank God. But somebody tell me, if ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL why it is that anybody in the country would stop two men or two women from the right to marry?

How about the 2nd amendment? The clamor to undermine our right to bear arms has been underway for a very long time. It's a game of manipulation. We not only have a right to bear arms, we have forgotten why we have that right in the first place. We are required to overthrow any Government in this country that oversteps the limits put in place but our Constitution, and yet we sit back and argue about **** like Obama care and Sarah Pail when we all ought to be marching on Washington and taking the United States back from these Marketing experts who aim to keep us chattering about stupid **** while they take for themselves.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!! Liberals and Conservatives alike, WAKE THE **** UP ALREADY.

C'mon Man...
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Old 07-18-2012, 11:56 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by homerj07 View Post
I think SaintsBro sums it up pretty darn well. If you want to hit him on the economy - ok. BUT the birther thing is somewhat ridiculous
He had them post a FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATE BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE A REAL ONE. They had to know that what they posted was an obvious fake... so the real question is... why did they do it? To show the masses just who's in control. Oh by the way, they are coming for your guns too. Look us July 27, 2012.
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Old 07-19-2012, 12:00 AM   #17
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Old 07-19-2012, 01:18 AM   #18
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:33 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by saintfan View Post
People need to stop wandering around proclaiming the Republicans or the Democrats have it right. Both parties are an abomination. One need not be Conservative nor Liberal on all issues. SOME damn body needs to realize we are a Nation full of people who come down on all sides - topic of discussion pending. We need a ****ing leader. A TRUE leader of men, who can reign in politics as usual and get us back to the vision of our founding fathers.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!! Liberals and Conservatives alike, WAKE THE **** UP ALREADY.

... this is what I'm talking about, partisan politics has the system so gummed up that nothing gets done unless it's along party lines ... screw all the agendas and get back to running the country.

Originally Posted by foreverfan View Post
He had them post a FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATE BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE A REAL ONE. They had to know that what they posted was an obvious fake... so the real question is... why did they do it? To show the masses just who's in control. Oh by the way, they are coming for your guns too. Look us July 27, 2012.
Hawaii was like a third-world country back then and after experiencing my daughter being born in a third-world country back in the '80s (she knew growing up she could never be President), I could see how it would be difficult to produce accurate/original records. However, knowing this, I procured about 20 copies of my daughter's original long-form birth certificate as a precaution, and it boggles my mind that Obama's mother/grandparents did not think to do the same ... it would be common sense. For this reason and if anything, if he wasn't born in the US, then it's more then likely he was born in Canada and his grandparents registered his birth in Hawaii ... you could do stuff like that back then.
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:33 AM   #20
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OK, here's a question for the birthers. I like you, so it's not an argument between us, just a conversation.

But let's take a look at this....okay, the birth certificate is a fake, I'll grant you the end result you want. Now let's get there, step by step.

Here's one example: the woman in Hawaii who is the official State Recorder of Records or whatever her title is (I forget her name, but you know who I mean) she has officially said, on the record, that the "certificate of live birth" or the copy of the birth certificate, if you will, that Obama has is official and matches what is recorded in the microfilm or microfiche -- it not only meets the requirements as a document, but it matches the original information that is on file, in the file that exists in the records but they can't show to people. She clearly said that.

Okay, she is probably a Democrat, appointed by a Democratic governor, and we all know Democrats lie. But how do we get there exactly? Follow with me here. If it EVER comes out that she lied about this thing, she could lose her job and really seriously go to jail. And not just lying or malfeasance in office, but probably for treason. Her name would forever go down in history as a nationally-hated loser, like Aaron Burr or Lee Harvey Oswald or Jefferson Davis or something. That's quite a lot to have hanging over your head on a $48,000 a year salary. If it's not there, it doesn't match, and she's lying, a Republican governor could win Hawaii and come in there at any time, dig it up and expose her. Off to jail she goes. And the treason thing does not really have a statue of limitations on it, so this is for the rest of her life.

Does she lie and endanger her own career and freedom, because hey, she wants the Democrats to win or because she REALLY likes Obama? Ask yourself, would you personally -- any of you -- would you personally lie for a politician in your party of choice, risking your career at whatever job you have. Are you that into politics? Are you willing? Of course you're not.

So there has to be a payoff in here. This recorder lady is getting money from somewhere. OK, now ask yourself, and I mean REALLY ask yourself, would you really lie for money? They say every man has a price. How much? What's YOUR price? $10,000? $1 million? I want to know YOUR price, if this were you. So once we establish YOUR price, if they told you to lie about something at your job, then we can talk and discuss what her theoretical price might be.

I mean, work with me on this. It's a massive cover-up, involving numerous people over the years. Let's start breaking it down, into prices and component parts and discussing how it would actually have to work, if WE were going to do it.

This Hawaiian records lady is just one of dozens of people we will need to get on board, if we are going to bamboozle the American people. And if she dies, or retires or loses her job at any time, if after a few years she gets a better job keeping records at the DMV across the street, someone new is going to come in to that records job, into that Hawaiian records office, and when they do, what do you think the FIRST DAMN THING THEY ARE GONNA DO ON THEIR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB is? If it was YOU, your first day on the job as custodian of Hawaiian records? OF COURSE they are gonna go look up August 1961! It's gonna be getting looked at for the next 150 years! So our massive conspiracy is only going to be able to last how long? A decade? Two?
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