Originally Posted by Crusader
You calling me stupid? What have you done to make a difference in the world. You can bash a man for his beliefs all day long, but it doesn't make you right. If he were nothing but a phony, he would have backed away after being criticized so much. But he knows as do all Christians, including myself, that bashing is just a sign of the times. People would rather believe in aliens than God. But you won't catch any of us telling people they're stupid for believing what they do. We just make it known who and what we are and what we stand for, and often we are labeled as haters, simply because it isn't popular anymore to answer to something other than yourself.
All have the right to whatever they choose to believe. But you don't choose the consequences. This is a rare time that you'll see me preaching on my faith, because I know this is a Saints forum. But I don't think it would be right for me to say nothing when someone implies I'm stupid without adding anything substantive to the conversation.