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burningmetal 10-10-2013 04:55 PM

Re: Washington Warriors?
Understand that this is not to condone any atrocities that occurred on the part of the settlers, but nor do I condone the way the Indians "welcomed" them.

After Columbus discovered America, (though he didn't actually reach North America) the Spanish returned and reached the shore and attempted to make peace with the natives. they started a colony, and it WAS peaceful for a while. Then, for no apparent reason, the natives became paranoid and attacked the settlers, killing many of them.

This was the world in that day. People were trying to find places to go, and often times they were not greeted with open arms. That's why you had wars for land. America was no different than any other country in the world. But we sure became the greatest and most powerful country, didn't we? That is, until our modern government began to destroy it.

Now, I realize that the Pilgrims were not British and not Spanish, but my point is that the first people who came here were, for no reason at all, murdered. So that kind of illustrates how the natives weren't necessarily any different from the rest of civilization.

Tobias-Reiper 10-10-2013 08:22 PM

Re: Washington Warriors?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 537074)
After Columbus discovered America, (though he didn't actually reach North America) the Spanish returned and reached the shore and attempted to make peace with the natives. they started a colony, and it WAS peaceful for a while. Then, for no apparent reason, the natives became paranoid and attacked the settlers, killing many of them.

Now, I realize that the Pilgrims were not British and not Spanish, but my point is that the first people who came here were, for no reason at all, murdered. So that kind of illustrates how the natives weren't necessarily any different from the rest of civilization.

Let me guess: Glenn Beck School of Alternative History?

Beastmode 10-10-2013 08:30 PM

Re: Washington Warriors?
it's all relative. I bet back in the day it was "yes you can keep your shaman".

burningmetal 10-11-2013 12:14 AM

Re: Washington Warriors?

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 537147)
Let me guess: Glenn Beck School of Alternative History?

Let ME guess. Know nothing about history?

Go look it up. The point was simple. Mankind is inherently evil. To do right is actually an extraordinary feat. It takes a strong faith and moral compass not to screw up. Indians are no more innocent than any other people. That isn't to say that horrible things didn't happen to them in history. It is to say that horrible things have happened in all civilizations, and the fact that the "natives" lost their land is simply because they were outnumbered. You fought for your land in those days. The world is a much different place now, because of the sacrifices that were made before us.

But by all means, let's focus on the poor native americans who are making millions of dollars for doing nothing, and how horrible their past was... I have no problem with any race of people as a whole. I have a problem when certain people choose to make excuses as to why they should be offended by every single thing. You won't get my pity.

(By the way, there was a typo in that post. It should have read "the pilgrims were British and not Spanish.)

Tobias-Reiper 10-11-2013 12:49 AM

Re: Washington Warriors?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 537166)
Let ME guess. Know nothing about history?

I do know something about history, especially the whole Spanish Conquista thingy, being that I was born in Mexico and all, and my family happens to be Spaniard as well, BTW (refugees from the Spanish Civil War). I have no idea who told you the Spaniards reached the shores of America and wanted to make peace with anyone. Whoever did, he/she lied to you. They came and declared the land the property of Spain, Spain being an empire and all.

TheOak 10-11-2013 05:49 AM

Re: Washington Warriors?
Evil is a subjective term. What some people see as evil, others see as sacrificial.

I'm voting for the Washington Foreskins, and cold weather games bring the mandatory requirement of a pink turtleneck.

The hats are already made.

It's merely coincidence that a fitting Mascot be a Maroon d1ckhead politician.

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