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WhoDat!656 01-19-2015 06:00 AM

Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Suspend Belicheat for a year and take draft picks away.

Shortly after their 45-7 win over the Indianapolis Colts in the AFC Championship Sunday, the New England Patriots are reportedly set to be investigated by the NFL for the use of deflated footballs during the game.

TV's Bob reported the details, noting the Pats are at risk of losing draft picks if they are found guilty of the accusations:

Breaking: A league source tells me the NFL is investigating the possibility the Patriots deflated footballs Sunday night. More to come.
— Bob Kravitz (@bkravitz) January 19, 2015

I'm told at one point the officials took a ball out of play and weighed it. Should hear more tomorrow on this subject.

Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

lee909 01-19-2015 06:51 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Dont worry the commish will burn the balls,no evidence = no crime

saintsfan1976 01-19-2015 10:09 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
They should use Green Bay balls. Those were all deflated yesterday.

SloMotion 01-19-2015 01:10 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
IDK if I can really respond to this with a straight face, :neutral:.

QBREES9 01-19-2015 09:56 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
LOL, it never ends. Heat expands, Cold contracts.

SloMotion 01-20-2015 04:35 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 637919)
LOL, it never ends. Heat expands, Cold contracts.

Oh yeah, good point, :) ... look at you gettin' all "Evangelista Torricelli (1608–1647)" on us, :lol: ... the Pats could use a guy like you when they have to go see the Commissioner about this, :).

Evangelista Torricelli - The History of the Barometer

Mardigras9 01-20-2015 09:52 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
LOL, as if they needed any additional help in that game.

SloMotion 01-20-2015 10:17 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

saintfan 01-20-2015 02:57 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
C'mon Indy. Take that beat down like men. Jeesh.

lee909 01-20-2015 11:22 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Pretty sure you wouldn't be saying that if that was us. Its not why they lost but yey more cheating from the league darling team.

I was under the impression that a coach is ultimately responsible for everything. The media quick to start saying they will be fined.
Fined for what lookd like intentional ball tampering in the AFC title game.

If Jackson doesn't make a issue and gives the ball to a Colts equipment manager complaing its under weight this gets hushed up.

stickman 01-21-2015 09:27 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Aren't the officials supposed to check the pressure on the footballs before the game? If so, then this isn't on the Patriots.

lee909 01-21-2015 09:32 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Mortensen's report indicates referee Walt Anderson inspected the Patriots' footballs two hours and 15 minutes before kickoff and granted them approval. It's unclear how the balls could have been deflated between Anderson's inspection and their use on the field.

neugey 01-21-2015 09:44 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 638140)
Aren't the officials supposed to check the pressure on the footballs before the game? If so, then this isn't on the Patriots.

Exactly. I may be in the minority on this, but it's all on the refs. They have the ball and get it tossed and thrown to them to handle and redistribute to the center/snapper on every single play. I would think that part of their responsibility would be to verify that the ball is suitable for play and doesn't have too much/too little air pressure. They can stop the game and stop the clock at any point if they observe that there is something wrong with the game ball(s) and correct the situation. I really don't care what the Pats personnel did or did not do with the balls, as long as the refs validated the usage of the balls throughout the entire game there should be no cheating or no punishment.

And if you don't think there is 'enough time' for refs to inspect the ball during the game, also remember there are possession changes, injuries, timeouts, penalties, reviews, measurements and a million other things that stop the game. And during all of these a referee almost always has possession of the ball in play.

CharityMike 01-21-2015 10:09 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Do both teams use the same balls?

lee909 01-21-2015 10:37 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
According to Graham Gano he ask a ref to check the air pressure in a Panthers game but the ref said they cant.

If it was another team involved I might not think much of it, but the refs checked the balls snd they were fine but during the game and all bar one was under weight. And the Pats love stretching whats legal

neugey 01-21-2015 11:39 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 638148)
According to Graham Gano he ask a ref to check the air pressure in a Panthers game but the ref said they cant.

If it was another team involved I might not think much of it, but the refs checked the balls snd they were fine but during the game and all bar one was under weight. And the Pats love stretching whats legal

Those are K-balls Gano was talking about though. I would hope that the ref is allowed to check game balls. It would be improbable, but what if a ball became punctured during a game and was completely flat? Wouldn't the ref be allowed to replace the ball?

CharityMike 01-21-2015 12:05 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Source: Footballs were properly checked before Colts-Patriots game | ProFootballTalk

Report: Colts told NFL of inflation concerns after November game vs. Pats | ProFootballTalk

Beastmode 01-21-2015 12:17 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Bill Belichick and Brady should be suspended. Sick of these cheats. It has no place in a sport where fans are paying a premium for quality. The smugness of both of them should be dealt with immediately. I know that won't happen for the SB but suspensions are in order.

saintfan 01-21-2015 12:24 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 638107)
Pretty sure you wouldn't be saying that if that was us. Its not why they lost but yey more cheating from the league darling team.

I was under the impression that a coach is ultimately responsible for everything. The media quick to start saying they will be fined.
Fined for what lookd like intentional ball tampering in the AFC title game.

If Jackson doesn't make a issue and gives the ball to a Colts equipment manager complaing its under weight this gets hushed up.

For sure I wouldn't you're right. Honestly I didn't think there was anything to it. Now that we know I was wrong then I have to think Roger has to do to them what he did to us.

So that's what I think but I'd dance naked if he actually did it. He will fine them 50k and destroy the balls is more likely.

stickman 01-21-2015 01:01 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 638148)
If it was another team involved I might not think much of it, but the refs checked the balls snd they were fine but during the game and all bar one was under weight. And the Pats love stretching whats legal

See that's the thing, the refs let them do it. Just like the Seahawks DB's like to hit the wide receivers early knowing that it won't get called the majority of the time. If the refs are letting you get away with it, it's on the refs.

Edit: After further thought the Patriots should get some discipline, but, the ref in charge of this should be in trouble.

SloMotion 01-21-2015 01:18 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by CharityMike (Post 638143)
Do both teams use the same balls?

No, each team provides their own to be inspected by the refs before the game ... I never realized it was such an intricate part of the game before this, :neutral:.

NOLA54 01-21-2015 01:29 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
This is what the NFL should do. Have NE forfeit or replay the game in Indy.
Suspend the "hoody" for a year and give up draft picks.

Rugby Saint II 01-21-2015 01:40 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
The title of this thread is hilarious! :razz:

saintfan 01-21-2015 02:53 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 10289

JPPT1974 01-21-2015 03:14 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Not the first time Belicheat has done this. Nor will it be the last. Gets away with too much.

Mr.Riaton 01-21-2015 04:56 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
C'mon Goodell,make an example of Belichick.

WhoDat!656 01-21-2015 06:09 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by JPPT1974 (Post 638183)
Not the first time Belicheat has done this. Nor will it be the last. Gets away with too much.

You are right!

Report: Colts Noticed Underinflated Footballs After November Game vs. Patriots

vpheughan 01-21-2015 07:09 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
What's the big deal? In NASCAR speak, "If you ain't cheatin, you aint tryin!" Like NASCAR the NFL should put the Patriots on "Probation" (Good going, we needed something to fill those two weeks of no football and take everyone's mind off what a terrible job Roger did this year!) Hey, the Patriots will do anything to WIN, it isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing. They resigned a player who quit on his team! Hell they's sign Hernandez after his prison term is done. What do you expect from them? Suspend "Hoodie" for a year!!! Nothing will happen. A meaningless fine! They are laughing at all of us!! Shame on US!

brees84 01-21-2015 08:04 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Some head coaches want 3rd or 4th round pick taken away from Patriots. That's a joke. lol

SmashMouth 01-21-2015 09:41 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

QBREES9 01-22-2015 11:02 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Tired of this already

Vrillon82 01-22-2015 01:19 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
I think its propaganda to distract the Patriots more so Seattle can win then it is actually cheating, wouldnt surprise me none NE did deflate the balls, but I think its like the bounty gate ****, perfectly timed event when everyone knew the potential of the Saints going to the SB that season was shot down by Goodell, someone needs to see if Goodell is a Seattle fan, that team has certainly be babied by the NFL the last many years.

WhoDat!656 01-23-2015 09:08 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Tom Brady's tale doesn't hold weight - ESPN New York

saintfan 01-23-2015 09:36 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Lots of former players calling Tom out on it, that's for sure.

lee909 01-24-2015 12:10 AM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Of course Bellechick and Brady did this. The excuse that the temperature outside would cause the balls to deflate if every ball was under, funny how one ball didnt loose weight. Don't want punters and kickers using a flat ball. I think Jerome Bettis hit the nail on the head by saying deflating the balls benefitted the RBs nore as they would have a easier time gripping a softer ball.

CharityMike 01-24-2015 01:25 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 638531)
Of course Bellechick and Brady did this. The excuse that the temperature outside would cause the balls to deflate if every ball was under, funny how one ball didnt loose weight. Don't want punters and kickers using a flat ball. I think Jerome Bettis hit the nail on the head by saying deflating the balls benefitted the RBs nore as they would have a easier time gripping a softer ball.

Also, going with that excuse, wouldn't indys balls have been deflated as well?

SloMotion 01-24-2015 01:37 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 638142)
... And if you don't think there is 'enough time' for refs to inspect the ball during the game, also remember there are possession changes, injuries, timeouts, penalties, reviews, measurements and a million other things that stop the game. And during all of these a referee almost always has possession of the ball in play.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder why no one's questioning the ref's participation in this also ... they're handling the damn balls during the game & didn't notice anything amiss ... they call every other stupid infraction, correctly or not, how the heck did they miss deflated balls? Maybe they're part of the conspiracy ... wouldn't put it past 'em ... for all we know, the North Koreans might of had something to do with it in retaliation for our retaliation to their original cyber hack of Sony, :neutral:.

I'm starting to get the feeling this just might be deeper than deflated balls, :neutral:.

lee909 01-24-2015 03:11 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Lets just cancel the rest of the season

lee909 01-24-2015 03:12 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls
Or better yet,erase the entire season from history

Danno 01-24-2015 04:04 PM

Re: Report: NFL Probing NE for Deflating Balls

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