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SmashMouth 02-08-2016 03:19 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
Maybe Scam was upset about paying taxes...

For Cam Newton, Adding Super Tax Insult to Super Bowl Injury | Cato @ Liberty

UK_WhoDat 02-08-2016 03:33 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
Yep. It is true. Not every person is the same. However what is surprising is that one Cameron Jerrell "Cam" Newton failed to fulfil his obligations as captain of a professional American Football team.

SmashMouth 02-08-2016 03:53 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

SmashMouth 02-08-2016 03:57 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

foreverfan 02-08-2016 05:48 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 692257)

Are you saying you have something in common?

Danno 02-08-2016 06:05 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
My wife told me he named his son "Chosen".

Is that true?

dam1953 02-08-2016 06:08 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 692321)
My wife told me he named his son "Chosen".

Is that true?

That's what I understand. I also hear the kid's nickname is Fig.

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Danno 02-08-2016 06:11 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by dam1953 (Post 692322)
That's what I understand. I also hear the kid's nickname is Fig.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I wonder if Cam's nickname was ever Isaac? I'm guessing probably not.

vpheughan 02-08-2016 07:10 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
I like "Fig" better

Srgt. Hulka 02-08-2016 07:30 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 692324)
I wonder if Cam's nickname was ever Isaac? I'm guessing probably not.

I think we can just about rule that one out.

RailBoss 02-08-2016 11:58 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
1 Attachment(s)
Elway threw in a laptop to sweeten the deal.

foreverfan 02-09-2016 12:15 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by dam1953 (Post 692322)
That's what I understand. I also hear the kid's nickname is Fig.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

SloMotion 02-09-2016 03:51 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
^^^ That was one of my favorite commercials as a kid, :lol: ... "Hit it Hal ... here's the tricky part ... "

SloMotion 02-09-2016 04:15 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 692199)
Okay, never thought I would defend Cam, but... the main difference here is last year Russell Wilson lost a chance to "repeat" as a Superbowl Champion. No matter what happened in that game, he still had his ring. That's got to make it a little easier to swallow.

These guys work their whole lives for that moment and, I believe, are allowed to be in a crappy mood when they lose. Just my 2 cents.

It's Ok to support Cam, I kinda' use to before this, #shrug. I have higher standards for grown men and professional athletes though, and Cam's let me down, :neutral:.

This is how I know Cam is a child. His supporters use stuff like this to deflect and give him the consideration you would give a 14yr old who just lost the city championship, #shrug. I'm tired of people defending poor behavior, it's a fricken' societal pandemic, IMO.

None of this is relevant. Nobody is upset because Cam has a goal in life & pursues it. Nobody is upset because Cam doesn't like losing. In fact, that's probably a pretty favorable trait to have as a pro, #shrug.

Again, it is 100% about his behavior and nothing else. What Cam did at his interview was the equivalent of sitting on the bench and covering his head with a towel during his previous setbacks. By sulking, not answering questions like those around him & who've gone before him, he disrespects the game, the league, his team, his coaches, his efforts, himself, et ...

I would like to think he had more consideration for something he's "worked his entire life for" and/or is so passionate about, #shrug ... but I guess that's the way it is with the twenty-something crowd, #smh.

I remember having guys like Cam in my units, in the military. Great fun-loving guys, always cutting up, jokin' & smokin' having a good time, loving what they do ... but when it was "go" time, you could never fully rely on them to get the job done, kinda' like Cam in the SuperBowl, #shrug.

It's Ok to enjoy what you're doing and have a good time, but eventually you have to put aside childish things and be a man about stuff, #shrug.

We're being a lot easier on him then his own fan base ... he's getting murdered on the Panther boards, :neutral:. SuperBowl L MVP Von Miller nailed it when he said Cam & Co. were more concerned with being "rappers & back-up dancers" leading up to the big game ... where they met a focused group of grown men more concerned with being Champions, #shrug.

RailBoss 02-09-2016 09:54 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
I agree the Panthers bought into the hype and got caught up in all the media distractions. The Broncos stayed focused and took care of business.
Sadly (for them) Carolina has a talented team and it's not easy getting to the Super Bowl. That opportunity doesn't come to often but it's history now. So they have to start over and think about what could have, would have, should have been.

QBREES9 02-09-2016 12:57 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
Cam is a sore losser and proud of it.

SloMotion 02-09-2016 03:00 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 692430)
Cam is a sore losser and proud of it.

Yep, apparently he hasn't learned a damn thing, #smh. Oh well, best of luck to him, #shrug, hope he wins a million SuperBowls, he'll still be a loser at life/adulthood, :neutral:.

hitta 02-10-2016 03:19 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
I saw this meme earlier relating to Cam Newton about how we hold our athletes to a higher standard than our politicians. It just makes all this seem so ridiculous.

SloMotion 02-10-2016 03:53 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 692503)
I saw this meme earlier relating to Cam Newton about how we hold our athletes to a higher standard than our politicians. It just makes all this seem so ridiculous.

It is, and Cam's the one making it so ridiculous. It may even comment to how we in US society place more of a value on professional athletics vs education, being doctors/lawyers/scientists, et ... but I don't really see anyone in here giving politicians a pass on anything. If anything, I see a disdain.

I started to warm up to Cam this season because I thought he had corrected some of his deficiencies, but I guess not, #shrug. This whole "Cam vs the World" schtick is passe', self-centered and really just Cam trying to make himself relevant in issues that just aren't there, #shrug.

The NFL is getting saturated with Cam's, Johnny's, Junior's. We're seeing the end of a once great pastime, IMO.

burningmetal 02-10-2016 08:01 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 692503)
I saw this meme earlier relating to Cam Newton about how we hold our athletes to a higher standard than our politicians. It just makes all this seem so ridiculous.

I'm not sure about that. I think the standard between those two is mostly parallel. You have people that want to make excuses for guys like cam, because they are all caught up in this modern culture of "expressing yourself". And a lot of those same people don't hold their politicians to a high standard because they never educate themselves about the people they are voting for. They go with whatever is popular. These people are easily fooled.

But then you have the people who are highly critical of athletes, and are likewise with their politicians. Unfortunately none of our criticism is heard. Or at least it isn't given consideration.

The negativity toward athletes is more of a public thing, because entertainment is where the most conversation is at. It's not a subject where people are concerned about revealing their beliefs. That's the unfortunate thing, is that too many people are scared to stand up publicly. Lot's of people have strong opinions toward politics and religious matters, but won't talk about it.

K Major 02-10-2016 08:05 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 692373)
I remember having guys like Cam in my units, in the military. Great fun-loving guys, always cutting up, jokin' & smokin' having a good time, loving what they do ...

Slomo -

Thanks for your service brother :peace:.

Cruize 02-10-2016 08:27 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
I've never liked Cam. He was a thief at Florida. He lied about his time at Auburn. When the Panthers were losing, Cam still, somehow, thought of himself as Superman. When they won this this year, he acted like the completely self absorbed punk he is. When they lost in the Super Bowl, he acted like the completely self absorbed punk he is. I don't understand how people are somehow shocked by his actions. He is who he is. A great athlete. An emerging great QB. A self absorbed punk.

burningmetal 02-10-2016 08:33 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 692523)
I've never liked Cam. He was a thief at Florida. He lied about his time at Auburn. When the Panthers were losing, Cam still, somehow, thought of himself as Superman. When they won this this year, he acted like the completely self absorbed punk he is. When they lost in the Super Bowl, he acted like the completely self absorbed punk he is. I don't understand how people are somehow shocked by his actions. He is who he is. A great athlete. An emerging great QB. A self absorbed punk.

I agree with you, except that I don't think anyone is necessarily shocked. I'm not. It's more shock that people can still defend his actions.

SloMotion 02-10-2016 08:55 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by hitta (Post 692503)
I saw this meme earlier relating to Cam Newton about how we hold our athletes to a higher standard than our politicians. It just makes all this seem so ridiculous.

... and I'd be interested in seeing that meme and/or what politician's behaviors you're exactly trying to draw a parallel to with Cam's because I don't see the analogy. I'll tell ya' right now, I can at least watch Cam in the performance of his duties whereas observing these politicians at work makes me want to puke and tune out.

I think we hold our professional athletes to higher standards because they make so much money, it costs us so much to follow a sport & it's the American way to expect a bang for your buck & because they've reached the highest pinnacle of their career path, are considered "professionals" and should act like one, #shrug.

I don't understand why this is such a hard concept to grasp with the twenty-something crowd & will just have to shrug it off as generational, I guess, :rolleyes:.

burningmetal 02-10-2016 09:05 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
Slo-mo, I'm still in my twenties (barely) and I feel the same way toward the twenty something crowd. I constantly feel like I'm stuck in the wrong time period. I have a hard time relating to people. They just annoy the crap out of me much of the time, lol. It's not really funny, but I want today to be a good day.

SloMotion 02-10-2016 09:14 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 692536)
Slo-mo, I'm still in my twenties (barely) and I feel the same way toward the twenty something crowd. I constantly feel like I'm stuck in the wrong time period. I have a hard time relating to people. They just annoy the crap out of me much of the time, lol. It's not really funny, but I want today to be a good day.

Yeah, and I don't mean to generalize, I got two "twenty-somethings" for kids & they give me hell about it, :lol:.

We're all just compilation of our own unique experiences and environment in life, so IDK. When I was a kid, I used to pay attention to my elders, or at least take into consideration their experience in life. I don't see that as much today, #shrug. No problem, we can just go ahead and repeat the mistakes of the past, as far as I'm concerned. My ass is covered, ;).

Don't be too anti-social though, it's all about "networking" and "interacting" today if you want to get ahead, :neutral:.

burningmetal 02-10-2016 09:23 AM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 692538)
Yeah, and I don't mean to generalize, I got two "twenty-somethings" for kids & they give me hell about it, :lol:.

We're all just compilation of our own unique experiences and environment in life, so IDK. When I was a kid, I used to pay attention to my elders, or at least take into consideration their experience in life. I don't see that as much today, #shrug. No problem, we can just go ahead and repeat the mistakes of the past, as far as I'm concerned. My ass is covered, ;).

Don't be too anti-social though, it's all about "networking" and "interacting" today if you want to get ahead, :neutral:.

Yeah, I certainly don't have a problem with every single person, and I don't actually hate anybody. It takes a lot to hate. But I was just raised a different way from most people around my age. Most people who grew up during the time that my parents did, were hippies, so they passed their mindless garbage on to their kids. My parents, however, would have strung us up by ours genitals if we disrespected them, or did any of the crap kids are doing today....maybe that's a little extreme... but they were very much disciplinarians.

vpheughan 02-10-2016 05:54 PM

Re: Really dislike Cam Newton but....
The more telling moment for me was when he didn't get the roughing call after getting hit in the end zone. He threw a silent fit that spoke volumes!

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