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Holiday Traditions

this is a discussion within the NOLA Community Forum; May be a liitle late to ask - being Christmas Eve and all - but a radio talk show I was listening to this morning was asking callers what their holiday traditions were. I thought it might be interesting to ...

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Old 12-24-2004, 05:28 PM   #1
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Holiday Traditions

May be a liitle late to ask - being Christmas Eve and all - but a radio talk show I was listening to this morning was asking callers what their holiday traditions were. I thought it might be interesting to hear what some of you guys do traditionally on the holidays.

In my family, we get together every year on Christmas Eve, light up the tree, put on some old holiday LP's (my parents still have a working record player!), and play board games ... usually Scrabble. I dunno how it got started, but with the addition of in-laws and such, the annual Christmas Eve Scrabble game has become a serious family competition - so much so that new additions to the family are somewhat judged by their Scrabble acumen.

Sure, sounds like a lame tradition, but it's been the basis for some of my fondest holiday memories. While taken seriously, the Scrabble game is really more of an opportunity for the family to sit down, have a beverage, and enjoy each other's company and conversation. Hard to explain, but there's something charming about it all, really...

What do some of you guys do?

[Edited on 24/12/2004 by mutineer10]
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Old 12-25-2004, 02:25 AM   #2
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Holiday Traditions

My newest tradition is, I moved to the beach in Texas to have the sun and warmth. I\'m soon to be 53 years old and have never seen a white Christmas until now. This is the last place I thought I\'d ever see a white Christmas but it\'s 1:21 a.m. Christmas morning and it\'s been snowing all day. I have about 4 inches of snow on my truck and the ground is covered. I guess if I can see a white Christmas on this island then the Saints can win a Super Bowl in my life time.

Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot, than to open it and remove all doubt!!!!!

"Every time you think, you weaken the nation!" Moe Howard...The Three Stooges.
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Old 12-29-2004, 01:59 AM   #3
El Mero Mero
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Holiday Traditions

I know what ya mean of a white christmas JoeSam. I drove through snow for 6 hours(normally takes me 2 hrs) to get from San Antonio to my hometown of Kingsville Tx. We got 8 freakin inches of snow there, most ever. We normally due xmas with the wifey\'s family on xmas eve, but she had to work, so we did all the xmas stuff in the morning, then napped , then woke up, grabbed a cold beer and watchd old xmas videos and so on. Good times. Normally go watch a movie with them fams on xmas day as well, but definatly alot of cold brews.

is this all really happening????
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