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How do you...

this is a discussion within the NOLA Community Forum; How do you keep your Avatar from being huge, and taking up so much space. I just got this new one and it has made things look weird. Is there some kind of a way to reduce it or something. ...

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Old 01-16-2005, 10:45 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 31
How do you...

How do you keep your Avatar from being huge, and taking up so much space. I just got this new one and it has made things look weird. Is there some kind of a way to reduce it or something. Any info would be appreciated. Thank you, BnG001
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Old 01-16-2005, 11:14 PM   #2
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How do you...


It says in the avatar section to resize the photo or image to:

Maximal height: 120 pixels
Maximal Width: 100 pixels
Avatar max dimensions: 195Kb

It wasn\'t supposed to post it at that size but for some reason if slipped through. I fixed it and everything is fine now.
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