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The Dude 02-06-2022 01:11 AM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we are, a three page post all about Guido. He is eating up every minute of it because he’s getting the attention he’s been seeking for years. Makes him feel very important.
He has been much better as far as the negative, antagonistic, and belittling comments now that SF has castrated him. SF has done his job. At this point it’s probably just giving Guido attention. Guido says he has SF on ignore but he’s full of ****. He may use the ignore function but his ego won’t let him keep it on. He hits refresh over and over to make sure he is the topic of conversation so he can prop up his self esteem. If it were me I would wait until Guido slips up and then start calling him out on it immediately.
And I agree with the sentiment that what SF does is just a very small dose of the crap we all have had to endure from Guido for years.

saintfan 02-06-2022 01:43 AM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 943964)
Here we are, a three page post all about Guido. He is eating up every minute of it because he’s getting the attention he’s been seeking for years. Makes him feel very important.
He has been much better as far as the negative, antagonistic, and belittling comments now that SF has castrated him. SF has done his job. At this point it’s probably just giving Guido attention. Guido says he has SF on ignore but he’s full of ****. He may use the ignore function but his ego won’t let him keep it on. He hits refresh over and over to make sure he is the topic of conversation so he can prop up his self esteem. If it were me I would wait until Guido slips up and then start calling him out on it immediately.
And I agree with the sentiment that what SF does is just a very small dose of the crap we all have had to endure from Guido for years.

If I wasn't well-versed with people with NPD I might feel sorry for him, but that's a waste of time - he has no soul. He lives in a fake world made up by him to suit his own self, everyone else be damned. Any decency he may display is purely to feed his own ego. That's why he saddles up next to anyone who offers him a bone and tries to make 'allies' on the internet pitting one against the other - a passive-aggressive proxy fight. He will tell you exactly what you want to hear if he thinks it will help him, and when he's challenged in any way he becomes the protagonist in his own little play in his warped head. What's amazing about NPD is that even though he's confronted with the very thing he denies, right in front of his face on his computer, he STILL can't see it.

Any bs "apology" is a means to a narcissistic end. The limited support he's been getting is like pouring fuel on the fire, and even in those cases it is acknowledged by those people that he "rubs people the wrong way", which is a gross understatement. And still he can't stop.

He will sign his own death warrant in time so long as the pressure continues to be applied, but he will likely never see his own issues. Stopping now would only give him the sensation that he's weathered the storm and empower him to return to his old behavior. That's how he sees himself as "winning", and he must win. To him its like a drug.

He claims to love this place, but clearly he loves himself more. N.P.D.

I don't know who you are speedo, but I know WHAT you are little man, and you know I know, and it's driving you crazy ain't it? Good.

Hillary was right after all. It takes a village. I've gotta go wash my mouth out with soap...

The Dude 02-06-2022 02:32 AM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 943965)
If I wasn't well-versed with people with NPD I might feel sorry for him, but that's a waste of time - he has no soul. He lives in a fake world made up by him to suit his own self, everyone else be damned. Any decency he may display is purely to feed his own ego. That's why he saddles up next to anyone who offers him a bone and tries to make 'allies' on the internet pitting one against the other - a passive-aggressive proxy fight. He will tell you exactly what you want to hear if he thinks it will help him, and when he's challenged in any way he becomes the protagonist in his own little play in his warped head. What's amazing about NPD is that even though he's confronted with the very thing he denies, right in front of his face on his computer, he STILL can't see it.

Any bs "apology" is a means to a narcissistic end. The limited support he's been getting is like pouring fuel on the fire, and even in those cases it is acknowledged by those people that he "rubs people the wrong way", which is a gross understatement. And still he can't stop.

He will sign his own death warrant in time so long as the pressure continues to be applied, but he will likely never see his own issues. Stopping now would only give him the sensation that he's weathered the storm and empower him to return to his old behavior. That's how he sees himself as "winning", and he must win. To him its like a drug.

He claims to love this place, but clearly he loves himself more. N.P.D.

I don't know who you are speedo, but I know WHAT you are little man, and you know I know, and it's driving you crazy ain't it? Good.

Hillary was right after all. It takes a village. I've gotta go wash my mouth out with soap...

Saw a pic of him once posing with Streif who I’m sure Guido tried to wow with knowledge. Guido was all high on this lineman we picked up, can’t remember the name. He swore up and down this dude would be a stud and slammed anyone who thought otherwise. I don’t think he even made the team.

vpheughan 02-06-2022 09:03 AM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't even remember what the thread was about but I dared to play "Devil's Advocate" and offer an alternative take. I was chastised by him on the forum as well as in a personal message( containing many backhanded compliments) for "Not considering my audience" and how the casual fan who should stumble on my response would take it as the "TRUTH". In spite of the fact that his favorite XM Show Moving The Chains hosts Pat Kirwan and Jim Miller routinely play devil's advocate. My response to that was anyone who takes anything posted here as the truth without doing their own research should turn in their Fan Card.

In other posts he babbled on about how he couldn't remember the last time he was wrong. Using his own posts I tried to show him the error of his ways. For my trouble all I got was the eye roll and his diagnoses that I was mentally ill.

He's as clever as he is annoying notice the disclaimer about an incoming coach keeping the existing defensive coordinator. "To my knowledge no incoming head coach has kept the DC from the previous staff." A quick Google search would have helped his remark. I live in Indy now and know all it took was look no further than Frank Reich HC of the Colts who was hired after Josh McDaniels left them at the altar. McDaniels had hired three coaches. The DC Matt Eberflus now Bears Head Coach as well as the other two were kept by Reich. Yet other members comment on his supplying so much informative information?

It's arrogance like that which has gotten under the skin of so many. He is this forums version of Whack A Mole, you can land your shots but he keeps POPPING UP AND OFF.

Until YOU are the victim of one of his attacks you can't understand the frustration he can generate.

He may very well be a "nice guy" in person but that doesn't justify his actions on this forum.

Mr. Know It All doesn't and when he knows he doesn't he'll never admit it.

Boston Saint 02-06-2022 09:44 AM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 943907)
The difference I see in the current iteration is threefold. First is that saintfan goes after each and every post Guido puts up. Sometimes multiple posts as followup to a Guido post. Second each and every one is a personal attack at this point. And finally while each seems to be with the intent of driving Guido off the board, it isn't working. And it's not working because Guido has put saintfan on ignore, as many of the others of us has.

At this point it's just an annoyance with no purpose other than saintfan having this "scorched earth" campaign.

Can you point me to a current thread where Guido is "hostile towards people for the crime of having an opinion"? I've seen previous threads where Guido has gone "La-La-La I'm the Saints sunshine man". But I don't recall seeing this recently.

I really feel this is just a situation where a poster just talks a whole bunch and it irritates some people. But what is going on now isn't a solution. Which is why quite a few of us are calling for a stop to the shenanigans.

I've actually been taking saintfan off ignore here to read what he's been writing. I understand his frustration. But personally attacking each and every post in each and every thread isn't getting this situation anywhere.


It may not be a “Current thread” but here is an example from a
couple weeks ago.

On Jan 13th of this year, K Major made the following post about CGJ:

“Ceedy is wired differently. Flat out dawg. Hope he remains a Saint for a long time.”

Guido follows up with:


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 941718)
Let's hope he keeps that wiring directed toward opponents rather than teammates (ie. Michael Thomas). Apparently that's all cool now and I believe he learned his lesson. I suspect the clubhouse leaders may have tinkered with his wiring a bit over that.

So, I point out about their altercation:


Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 941720)
Thomas was suspended for that altercation, not Ceedy. Brees was quoted as saying about Thomas, “ We had an incident, and Sean (Payton) addressed it. And many of the leaders have spoken with Mike as well.”

I know you always rush to defend CGM and have no problem with how he “handled” his injury, but it Sounds like Thomas had his wiring screwed up over that incident, not Ceedy. Of course Guido blocks me so he won’t see this reply! 😂

To which He responds through KMajor:


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 941723)
Thomas definitely reacted badly and was at blame, as well. Nobody is refuting that. I never said that Thomas wasn't at fault. That doesn't change the fact that he was provoked by Ceedy just as Ceedy provokes opponents. I have no doubt that was addressed internally. That's all I was referring to. I love Ceedy and his style.

This is why I blocked Boston. Always trying to make something out of nothing. Sheesh! :rolleyes:

So, I don’t consider pointing out what I did “making something out of nothing”. If ANY other user would have said what Guido did I would hame made the same reply (minus the blocking me bit). And their response (if any) would likely have been something like “That’s true” or “Good point”. Instead Guido attacks me.

saintfan 02-06-2022 09:56 AM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by vpheughan (Post 943980)

I don't even remember what the thread was about but I dared to play "Devil's Advocate" and offer an alternative take. I was chastised by him on the forum as well as in a personal message( containing many backhanded compliments) for "Not considering my audience" and how the casual fan who should stumble on my response would take it as the "TRUTH". In spite of the fact that his favorite XM Show Moving The Chains hosts Pat Kirwan and Jim Miller routinely play devil's advocate. My response to that was anyone who takes anything posted here as the truth without doing their own research should turn in their Fan Card.

In other posts he babbled on about how he couldn't remember the last time he was wrong. Using his own posts I tried to show him the error of his ways. For my trouble all I got was the eye roll and his diagnoses that I was mentally ill.

He's as clever as he is annoying notice the disclaimer about an incoming coach keeping the existing defensive coordinator. "To my knowledge no incoming head coach has kept the DC from the previous staff." A quick Google search would have helped his remark. I live in Indy now and know all it took was look no further than Frank Reich HC of the Colts who was hired after Josh McDaniels left them at the altar. McDaniels had hired three coaches. The DC Matt Eberflus now Bears Head Coach as well as the other two were kept by Reich. Yet other members comment on his supplying so much informative information?

It's arrogance like that which has gotten under the skin of so many. He is this forums version of Whack A Mole, you can land your shots but he keeps POPPING UP AND OFF.

Until YOU are the victim of one of his attacks you can't understand the frustration he can generate.

He may very well be a "nice guy" in person but that doesn't justify his actions on this forum.

Mr. Know It All doesn't and when he knows he doesn't he'll never admit it.

My ex wife is as evil as Hitler - but she has 'friends' who are loyal to her because (a) she turns that on when she needs to, and she's very good at it and (b) they likely have a little bit of evil in them too. Like minds, and all that jazz.

She didn't fool the judge though, because judges are trained to see it. I was educated by our evaluator during the custody eval. I learned some enlightening things. I have been trained to see it too. Sadly, I see it in a lot of people.

Everything you just described, everything everyone else has described, and my own personal experience with speedo points to NPD. It is a mental health disorder, and with all my tongue in cheekieness, speedo really should be in therapy. These things are deep rooted.

You can ignore them after the divorce, but not until because they won't leave you alone. They enjoy the misery they produce. They crave it. It gives them a feeling of power, to effect another person in that way.

Speedo claims to love this place, and I'm sure he does, but not because he's part of a community of people who love the Saints - no this is where he comes to play radio host. This is where he comes to feed off others - to bolster his ego and any expense.

Funny how he's denied race-baiting here over and over again while at the same time race baiting over and over again.

Maybe this thread will be a place where others come to share their experiences with him. Maybe there are younger people on this board who don't yet have the life experiences of dealing with NPD. Possibly they'll find it helpful as in, oh yeah, I know a guy at work who is simply unreasonable.

Once you let these people in your life it can be extremely difficult to purge them.

Happy to see others sharing their experience, and not because I'm trying to 'win' anything. I just want him to stop, and as it has been observed he hasn't been attacking anyone lately. Instead he's being sweet as syrup to everyone because he wants them on 'his side' - again, trying to turn this into a me vs him thing which it is not.

Keeping the pressure on him is how to stop that particular issue. Let him keep attacking me. He will sway the views of a few. He's not the only NPD in the room sad to say, but no more race baiting. Not much I can do on his practice of flooding the board with stupid tweets. He's been called out by a few for this - hopefully more will step up and voice their opinions, because his ONLY response at this point will be an apology - fake as his apologies are, but he won't be attacking them anymore. I guess that means that, despite the drama it's caused, it's working. :p

saintfan 02-06-2022 10:05 AM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Boston Saint (Post 943985)
It may not be a “Current thread” but here is an example from a
couple weeks ago.

On Jan 13th of this year, K Major made the following post about CGJ:

“Ceedy is wired differently. Flat out dawg. Hope he remains a Saint for a long time.”

Guido follows up with:

So, I point out about their altercation:

To which He responds through KMajor:

So, I don’t consider pointing out what I did “making something out of nothing”. If ANY other user would have said what Guido did I would hame made the same reply (minus the blocking me bit). And their response (if any) would likely have been something like “That’s true” or “Good point”. Instead Guido attacks me.

You ain't blocked bro. NPD speedo likes to brag that he's blocked so and so but he pays attention. He thrives on the discord.

As a 'moderator' here I don't moderate much, and until a couple weeks ago I have never used the tools here to 'ding' anyone - I rarely even send a PM. Most people who blast the forum like speedo eventually move on. Just to get under his paper-thin skin I learned how to use the tool and dinged him some points and he immediately (a) PMd a few of the other moderators here to complain and then (b) PMd me to tell me he told on me. Bah hahahaha

I figure his mental health age is somewhere around 8 years old. Maybe younger. I suspect his childhood was not as great as he would ever acknowledge.

dizzle88 02-06-2022 04:05 PM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get the premise of what's going on here, but this back and forth, from 2 Members that I'd rather not set to Ignore, is getting real tiresome now.

There's something to be said for not stooping to a troublemakers level, its getting extremely childish.

I visit this forum to read interesting articles, news and discuss with other fans. I deleted Twitter due to the toxic people masked as Saints fan with an alternative agenda of attacking each other. Its sad to see a place I enjoy coming to daily, turning into what Saints Twitter became.

I'm close to taking a few months away from this site now, which is a shame because 98% of us get on day to day.

SaintFanInATLHELL 02-06-2022 07:27 PM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm starting to wonder if we're all going to have to leave and let them have it. It's clear that neither is planning on changing behavior to the point where this will stop.

I'm confused by the fact that saintfan is charging NPD, but is exhibiting behavior that actually feeds that disorder. Typically, the way to get to a narcissist is to not engage with them. So, I ask again what's the point.

I taught all my children that you can't change other people's behavior, only your response to it. I just don't see this barrage having any effect on Guido, while clearly it's affecting the rest of denizens on the site.

What's the end game here? Because saintfan has stated he wants peace. And it looks like that peace only exists for him with Guido gone. And Guido isn't going anywhere.

Given that, how do we put an end to this?


saintfan 02-06-2022 07:43 PM

Re: Holy F****** S***!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 944044)
I'm starting to wonder if we're all going to have to leave and let them have it. It's clear that neither is planning on changing behavior to the point where this will stop.

I'm confused by the fact that saintfan is charging NPD, but is exhibiting behavior that actually feeds that disorder. Typically, the way to get to a narcissist is to not engage with them. So, I ask again what's the point.

I taught all my children that you can't change other people's behavior, only your response to it. I just don't see this barrage having any effect on Guido, while clearly it's affecting the rest of denizens on the site.

What's the end game here? Because saintfan has stated he wants peace. And it looks like that peace only exists for him with Guido gone. And Guido isn't going anywhere.

Given that, how do we put an end to this?


Answer: Speedo stops race-baiting and stops attacking people. Sadly little speedo is still in denial mode. Still refuses to admit what he's done and clearly has no plans to stop on his own. So I'm his target. I'm his nemesis. I'm the diversion that stops him from running people away. I'm the one he can attack - I'm the one he can use to try to divide the board.

Ignoring NPD works fine unless you have to see them every day. In that case you have to draw a line in the sand and defend it to hell and back, and that is the only way.

I and others have tried ignoring him and his behavior has become increasingly worse because he is empowered in his disorder. As a moderator I have been approached by people who are tired of having this disordered man berate their every comment. Tired of him reporting their posts as the victim when he's the instigator. As a moderator I left him alone literally for years hoping that he, like some before him, just washed out and went away.

He's NOT going to use the board to feed his disorder anymore. Sure I can ignore him. I would like to suggest that if you're the one seeing all the reports he's made against others here - if you're the one getting PMd by people who want to know what gives, if you're that guy what would YOU do?

It's necessary. If speedo cared at all about this board he'd effing stop. Everybody here knows what he does. Therefore everyone here should take a stand and put a stop to this madness.

I'm not trying to make speedo a better person. That ship sailed, probably about the time he turned 4. I AM going to stop him from his attacking and race baiting. When is the last time you saw him do what is on display in this very thread to anyone other than me?

You're welcome.


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