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i appreciate you all

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; my thoughts. not at all what most think. but to be able to argue and then agree and then argue with you guys is nice. i love to debate. i am not really sure why. it is like a magnet. ...

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Old 09-24-2005, 11:12 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 13,101
i appreciate you all

my thoughts. not at all what most think. but to be able to argue and then agree and then argue with you guys is nice. i love to debate. i am not really sure why. it is like a magnet. i appreciate a lot of you guys for your intelligent views even if they differ from my own. euph,stockman,yasoon,loe,saintstoney and some other stuff thrown into that name that is more of a huge scrabble score then anything else. there are some other guys on here too. it is nice to debate with people that can teach me something. i am never affraid to learn even if i am stubborn in my point of view. from my point of view there is never any hard feeelings.

oh and don't break my balls for my spelling. well or do but christ i am just god aweful at it. if i compared my spelling to an ******* it stinks

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