BakoSaint |
01-05-2023 02:09 PM |
Re: We Haven’t Beat A Stable Established QB
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
(Post 966653)
It's amazing that our piss-poor management has won more games over the past 15 years than all but a couple of other teams and has made it to the playoffs more often than our previous 35 plus years combined. Go figure.
17 years ago Mickey Loomis and Tom Benson interviewed Sean Payton and hired him. Then a few months later Sean Payton, Mickey Loomis, and Tom Benson took a shot on a badly injured Drew Brees after the Dolphins passed on him. Payton and Brees led new Orleans to a great record from 2006-2020. Mickey Loomis was an accountant who was in a room where some good decisions happened 17 years ago. He is best known for his skill at borrowing money to win now in exchange for debt that he has to borrow money just to cancel out and try to break even in the future, at the expense of roster flexibility to move on from players who no longer fit the system or can't stay healthy. Since Payton and Brees left, all Loomis knows it to do Loomis which is borrowing and borrowing and borrowing and destroying our roster flexibility and that does not work when you no longer have Payton and Brees.
17 years is a long time. In the time that Mickey Loomis was GM of the Saints, Jerry Reese became GM of the New York Giants, won two Super Bowls over Tom Brady with coaching and scouting experience, declined, and was let go. Reese is younger than Loomis and more successful but can't find a job because for some reason he is not enough like a son to any owner like Loomis is. Lots of GM's were great and then 17 years later were not great. Al Davis was one of the best GM's in league history if he has just not tried to keep doing it forever.
We can't let our pre-Loomis record impact our decisions moving forward. It is not relevent. We can't let past failure become an excuse to accept present mediocrity or it will lead to future failure. We let go the first coach who led us to the playoffs. Soon after we had a new coach and won our first playoff game. Then we let go of that coach and GM and we won a super bowl. Now that coach left and that GM is washed. The trend is that we have moved forward only by letting go of the past. Hanging onto 2009 out of fear of 1980 is what will get us back to 1980 not 2009. With a new regime we can win multiple Super Bowls because our fans are our greatest asset not a geriatric accountant.