12-27-2023, 01:51 PM
1000 Posts +
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 2,308
Re: Week 17 - Bucs vs Saints
I think Dennis Allen and Mickey Loomis have checked out and given up. I think Antonio Brown was more committed to the team at every moment during his tenures with both the Oakland Raiders and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers than DA and Loomis are to the Saints. They are just going through the motions and punching a clock so they can cash their checks. Loomis signed Carr and gave him tons of money because it locked up our salary cap and minimized our flexibility, leaving less work for him because few other transactions or moves would be possible other than simple base salary restructures, with no flexibility there are no tough decisions. Loomis frequently trades away our draft picks so the draft does not keep him off his precious golf course or away from the precious stocked cooler in his golf cart for 3 straight days. Those guys are max checked out. Guys like Kamara and Olave are probably the ones mostly coaching the team.