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Rugby Saint II 01-10-2024 03:36 PM

Re: The Final TD, DA's Lack of Authority, and the Consequence of Salary Cap Paralysis

Originally Posted by K Major (Post 991076)

This team is going 6-11 in 2024.

What makes you think that we'll be that good? I guess it all depends on who we bring in as OC to fix this mess. I'm thinking that we'll finish with a top ten pick next year.

BakoSaint 01-10-2024 08:03 PM

Re: The Final TD, DA's Lack of Authority, and the Consequence of Salary Cap Paralysis

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 991120)

Mickey Loomis is just saying what he has to say. He is also saying it because its true. It’s true because he has to say it. He has to say it because he doesn’t have the power to take the opposite course and say the opposite thing. And it’s true because he doesn’t have power.

Imagine you were the captain of some 18th century boat. You could kick off any crew who questioned your authority. But then you asked all the crew to borrow money from them and went to a lawyer and put down the deed to the boat as collateral and wrote in the contract that they were entitled to their place on the crew until you repaid them. Then you spent all their money. Then they questioned your authority and stopped at an extra port for drinks. What are you going to do? If you call it a mutiny and fire them all you lose the boat. You may have the cash to repay 1 or 2 but still 90% of the mutiny lives. But its not really a mutiny, because a mutiny means taking away power. You can’t take power you have already been given. If a captain borrow money from his crew and spends it and puts down the boat as collateral, he is choosing to give the balance of power to his crew.

So this was not mutiny. It was the people with power doing what they like with that power for their own interests and choices. Mickey Loomis gave the roster the power when he committed to record salary cap manipulation and restructuring that meant as far as the cap is concerned he ‘owed’ his employees more money in the future than he could possibly cover in a year and could not even cut 1/3 of veterans and find any way under the cap. Violting the salary cap for more than a moment or one small comtract miscalculation would be unprecedented and in my opinion could lead to the Saints forfeiting their entire draft and having recent draft pick contracts with no dead cap terminated such as Olave, Adebo, Miller, and Taylor. It would end him as a GM. So the players did not rebel. They did not need to. They simply used power a former leader forfeited. So sure, Loomis plays nice, its all a big misunderstanding. Of course it is, because you can’t afford to take offense if you can’t afford revenge.

But the fact remains that the players have the power on this team. They will do what they like next year too. With our coaching, when the players audible it will probably make us better.

BakoSaint 01-10-2024 08:46 PM

Re: The Final TD, DA's Lack of Authority, and the Consequence of Salary Cap Paralysis

Originally Posted by MatthewT (Post 991075)
This clip with Amy Trask is pure crap. We can pretty much assume there are likely some issues with DA's leadership style, but if someone in a position like Amy Trask is going to make accusations about someone they better have specific examples.

Maybe she signed an NDA with the Raiders that forbids getting more specific. She could be waking the like with an NDA that allows general impressions and vague anecdotes but not specific details of possible HR incidents between multiple other 3rd parties.

Rugby Saint II 01-11-2024 01:06 PM

Re: The Final TD, DA's Lack of Authority, and the Consequence of Salary Cap Paralysis
I left the interview thinking that Amy Trask has zero respect for Dennis Allen. I think that almost all New Orleans Saints fans would agree with her.

The thing that was telling to me about the interview was that right after he was hired DA called the entire organization into a team meeting and then squashed their hopes with one meeting. DA went into the meeting to establish control and alienated the entire organization against him in one meeting. He wants to be a tough guy but he can't pull it off!

He comes across as a wanna' be dictator's son without the confidence that his daddy had.

mapcow 01-13-2024 09:42 AM

Re: The Final TD, DA's Lack of Authority, and the Consequence of Salary Cap Paralysis

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 990991)
When I saw them line up in the chicken**** "victory" formation I was pissed, but then when they ran it and scored our whole section exploded. Screw the Failclowns and Arthur Smith's fat ass.

Who Dat!!


I wanted them to go for two. LOL!

They should have lined up in any OTHER formation than that of the Victory Formation, would have been a touchdown earned instead of given...... but then again, it is you. :beatnik:

Rugby Saint II 01-15-2024 01:21 PM

Re: The Final TD, DA's Lack of Authority, and the Consequence of Salary Cap Paralysis

Originally Posted by mapcow (Post 991213)
They should have lined up in any OTHER formation than that of the Victory Formation, would have been a touchdown earned instead of given...... but then again, it is you. :beatnik:

If they lined up in any other formation besides the victory formation Dennis Allen still had a time out to stop the clock with a timeout and pull Winston from the game if necessary. I never liked the decision to give it to Williams from the victory formation! Not in the least!

It's a black eye for the Saints and helps strengthen the notion that the Saints are cheaters.

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