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mjf150 10-11-2005 08:22 AM

You've Gotta Have Faith
With the Saint's dead-set on using Aaron Brooks or Todd Bouman at QB, the Deuce injury, and being without a "true" home, we still have a very good shot at winning..... the number one overall pick, that is. But we'll probably screw that up too by going 7-9, 6-10, or 5-11.

saintswhodi 10-11-2005 08:37 AM

That's where my "Faith" is right now. Matt Leinart, and the first pick in the second round for Rod Wright or a stud LB. I have "Faith" that with Deuce being hurt, people will forget Haz and this team sucked before he got hurt, since he will be out for more games than he played. But this seems like a cruel twist of fate. Yeah we lost Deuce, but maybe we actually will gain a QB for the long haul in the long run.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 09:47 AM

Re: You've Gotta Have Faith

Originally Posted by mjf150
With the Saint's dead-set on using Aaron Brooks or Todd Bouman at QB, the Deuce injury, and being without a "true" home, we still have a very good shot at winning..... the number one overall pick, that is. But we'll probably screw that up too by going 7-9, 6-10, or 5-11.

Try 8-8 and a wildcard berth.

If you thought the NFC was bad last year...

mjf150 10-11-2005 10:24 AM

Re: You've Gotta Have Faith

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by mjf150
With the Saint's dead-set on using Aaron Brooks or Todd Bouman at QB, the Deuce injury, and being without a "true" home, we still have a very good shot at winning..... the number one overall pick, that is. But we'll probably screw that up too by going 7-9, 6-10, or 5-11.

Try 8-8 and a wildcard berth.

If you thought the NFC was bad last year...

Name the 6 remaining games that you think they will win without Deuce or a reliable, consistent QB?

TheGambler 10-11-2005 10:42 AM

Atlanta (once)

Tampa (once)


Miami or St. Louis

NY Jets


TheGambler 10-11-2005 10:43 AM

Don't forget the jeckyll/hyde nature of the Saints, and their ability to beat at least 1 or 2 good teams (New England ?)

mjf150 10-11-2005 10:49 AM

In a normal year (i.e. the last 3 or 4) I would agree with you, but don't forget that they no longer have their offensive center peice, and without him, Brooks' flaws will be further exploited. That's the Saints - not good enough to reach the playoffs, but not bad enough to recieve a top five draft choice. Honestly, at this point our best hope is to get A-Mac some real-time reps in order to see what potential we have on hand. And I'll add that while the Saints do regularly win games that they have no business winning, they lose a hell of alot of games they are supposed to win (i.e. Minnesota, Green Bay). So, I wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch (Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, etc.).

SaintStoneyMount 10-11-2005 10:50 AM

You do better trying to predict the weather for all 50 states than predict what the Saints will do for the rest of the year. These guys aint jekly and hyde they Sybil....We are still uncovering personalities. All that being said. The team probably won't give us a top 5 draft pick.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by mjf150
but don't forget that they no longer have their offensive center peice,

As much as I like Deuce......for whatever reason, he hasn't been setting the world on fire in the first few games. I have complete confidence that if he played this whole season, he'd eventually get his act together...........but in the meantime, I honestly don't see a major droppoff between him and Antowain Smith. Factor in Stecker and Chatman, and I think we can still make plays in the running game.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by mjf150
So, I wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch (Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, etc.).

We'll get Atlanta at least once. Count on it. I actually think it'll be this weekend.

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:00 PM

Re: You've Gotta Have Faith

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Try 8-8 and a wildcard berth.

If you thought the NFC was bad last year...

A fools greatest attribute is that they are impermeable to reason and logic.

saintswhodi 10-11-2005 12:06 PM

Re: You've Gotta Have Faith

Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Try 8-8 and a wildcard berth.

If you thought the NFC was bad last year...

A fools greatest attribute is that they are impermeable to reason and logic.

LMAO!!! That's a sig quote right there. Damn that was funny.

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:08 PM

RE: Re: You
Glad that you like it.

Halo 10-11-2005 12:10 PM

RE: Re: You
Come on guys, lets face it, they will come out this week and give Atlanta a good game. If they win, the next week they will come out and tank against the Rams. They think they are an NBA team and can play hard for a week or two and then take a week off or so. Obviously Jim Haslett is not able to motivate this group. He was a great Defensive coordinator and I think he may be headed back to being one.

Venturi... did he just decide to eat pizza during preparations for last week's game? Our D was so sad, and it looked better against the Bills.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 12:20 PM

Re: You've Gotta Have Faith

Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Try 8-8 and a wildcard berth.

If you thought the NFC was bad last year...

A fools greatest attribute is that they are impermeable to reason and logic.

What the hell?

Why did you reply to the same quote twice?

We already have a disussion on that..........a civil discussion...........then you come back with a borderline flame?

I already put one idiot on ignore for similar behavior. Surely you can be above him, and not suffer the same fate.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 12:22 PM

Re: RE: Re: You

Originally Posted by Halo
Come on guys, lets face it, they will come out this week and give Atlanta a good game.

At least someone else won't be shocked on Sunday when it happens..

Euphoria 10-11-2005 12:23 PM

RE: Re: You
We will beat Atlanta...

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:37 PM

Re: You've Gotta Have Faith

Originally Posted by TheGambler
I already put one idiot on ignore for similar behavior. Surely you can be above him, and not suffer the same fate.

Suffer the same fate? Please, don't hurt me, sir!

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:39 PM

Re: RE: Re: You

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by Halo
Come on guys, lets face it, they will come out this week and give Atlanta a good game.

At least someone else won't be shocked on Sunday when it happens..

Uh, he said "good game". That's a far cry from the guaranteed win that you predicted.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 12:44 PM

You sure managed to go from "civil to douchebag" in a heartbeat...

I guess a leopard can't change it's spots for long..

TheGambler 10-11-2005 12:46 PM

Re: RE: Re: You

Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Originally Posted by Halo
Come on guys, lets face it, they will come out this week and give Atlanta a good game.

At least someone else won't be shocked on Sunday when it happens..

Uh, he said "good game". That's a far cry from the guaranteed win that you predicted.

But if he said "good game", then he won't be shocked WHEN they win.

I said he woudln't be shocked.....and he won't. Nobody said HE was guaranteeing victory.

I'm beginning to think you ARE that other idiot, under a seperate name. Your arguments are just as illogical and stupid as his are.

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:48 PM

TheGambler: "You sure managed to go from "civil to douchebag" in a heartbeat"

Civility? At least I didn't resort to name calling. What makes you so sure the signature was about you?

TheGambler 10-11-2005 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
"You sure managed to go from "civil to douchebag" in a heartbeat"

Civility? At least I didn't resort to name calling. What makes you so sure the signature was about you?

Because you DIRECT QUOTED ME YOU IDIOT, followed by your "signature" right underneath it.

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:53 PM

Hey, if the shoe fits.....

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:54 PM

Again, I'm not resorting to name calling.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 12:55 PM

Does this NOT look familiar to you??


Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Try 8-8 and a wildcard berth.

If you thought the NFC was bad last year...

A fools greatest attribute is that they are impermeable to reason and logic.

Direct quoting me, following by the term "fool", but in your mind, you aren't namecalling.....

Are you really that stupid? Or for that matter, do you think people are blind?

mjf150 10-11-2005 12:58 PM

I don't care how certain that you are that you are the fool in the quote, it is not directed toward you.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 01:04 PM

So you just happened to include a quote from me, followed by your statement?


OJ would be in jail if he had your defense...

mjf150 10-11-2005 01:05 PM

Civil: In your last 5 post you have called me stupid twice, idiot twice, and a douchebag once. People with superior intellect can rely on vocabulary and reason rather than resort to name calling when in an arguement. I'm sorry that you cannot do so.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 01:08 PM

Why waste such superior intellect on such an inferior life form?

Particularly on those who can say (or type, in this case) with a straight face that they didn't intend a message to be directed towards someone that they direct-quoted.

mjf150 10-11-2005 01:11 PM

Does this suit you better?

papz 10-11-2005 01:11 PM

Play time of over... let's all go back and sit in our corners.

mjf150 10-11-2005 01:14 PM

"Inferior life form"? "Suffer the same fate"?
Aren't you taking yourself a little too serious?

TheGambler 10-11-2005 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by mjf150
Does this suit you better?

I'll give you an E for effort for your attempt at diversion...........but now yo'ure trying to make it look like it's you're signature in general that I had a problem with...

I could care less what signature you have under the rest of your posts....I do, on the other hand, have a problem with being called a "fool" without any prior provocation on my part in this thread.

mjf150 10-11-2005 01:33 PM

I'm flattered that you allow what I say to affect you so much. I mean to just go on and on and on about it, means I really unearthed something major. It'll be OK. Don't worry so much about what I think and post.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 01:45 PM

Whatever helps you feel tingly and special.

Simple equation for you:

No unprovoked shots at me = no problem with me.

Doesn't even require long division or decimal places.

BlackandBlue 10-11-2005 01:50 PM

Do I really feel like reviewing this thread to see who is at the source of all this un-needed drama?

Ehhhh, no, so knock it off, the both of yahs.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 01:55 PM

Re: You've Gotta Have Faith
I'll help you out. Mjf150 and myself had been having a civil discussion, with no problems whatsoever.......when out of nowhere, he makes THIS post, direct-quoting me and taking a personal shot:


Originally Posted by mjf150

Originally Posted by TheGambler

Try 8-8 and a wildcard berth.

If you thought the NFC was bad last year...

A fools greatest attribute is that they are impermeable to reason and logic.

I was actually surprised to see it myself.

BlackandBlue 10-11-2005 02:14 PM

RE: Re: You

Please refrain from any flame posts.


Ok, but instead of allowing it to die, and for one of the mods to pick up on it, you felt the need to retaliate.

Let me ask you these questions-

Do you feel like he was referring to you as being the fool?

If the answer is yes, which it clearly seems to be, why do you care? If someone does not care for my opinion or me in general, there's nothing I can do about it. I feel like I bring a tremedous amount of knowledge to the board. I know when I'm right, and whether or not anyone else tends to agree with me, is not my problem. All I can do is lay down that knowledge in the hopes that someone is smart enough to see things from a different perspective. But I don't get wound up over it.

TheGambler 10-11-2005 02:23 PM

Re: RE: Re: You

Originally Posted by BlackandBlue
If someone does not care for my opinion or me in general, there's nothing I can do about it. I feel like I bring a tremedous amount of knowledge to the board. I know when I'm right, and whether or not anyone else tends to agree with me, is not my problem. All I can do is lay down that knowledge in the hopes that someone is smart enough to see things from a different perspective. But I don't get wound up over it.

I don't see the point in calling someone a "fool" just because that person thinks the Saints will go 8-8 and into a wildcard berth. The whole point of a discussion board is to listen to all varying types of opinions in a RESPECTFUL manner.

If he had said "8-8, are you crazy?", that would have been one thing............but calling someone a fool is a personal shot, which as you may have noticed in the rules, is not something that's encouraged here.

The fact that he had ALREADY REPLIED to my quote, asking me "which other 6 teams will we beat?".....only to direct-quote the SAME QUOTE out of nowhere 4 or 5 posts later, calling me a fool...........leads me to believe he wanted nothing more than to start an argument. Without a shadow of a doubt, that was his only motivation for doing so. He can't claim that it was "heat of the moment", because it was completely random and out of nowhere. His only intention was to take a personal shot and start an argument, and he got his wish.

When I first got here, you said that me calling another moderator an "idiot" would under no circumstances be tolerated. Well, a poster taking an unprovoked shot at another poster should not be tolerated either.

It's not a matter of getting wound up, it's a matter of pointing out the obvious.

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