SmashMouth |
01-29-2024 01:43 PM |
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
(Post 992128)
Who's to say they didn't try to move up? Then again, they were only one pick away. Nobody expected KC to come out of nowhere to jump up 17 spots. I could just see the anger of the fans if Payton had mortgaged the farm to move up one spot for a QB that wasn't projected to be anything special.
Honestly, it was simply a good move by Reid and company that could not have been prevented by anyone other than a mind-reading, future-seeing mystic. :D
Originally Posted by Sinner
(Post 992130)
Who’s to say that they didn’t try to win more games with “all the right people in the building”? Who’s to say that they haven’t tried to ensure that they have a winning season next year? Who’s to say that we are expected to accept barely being mediocre and continuing to $uck @ss a little les than a few other teams?
We can only use SP's history in previous drafts to surmise anything. And historically, SP was aggressive in pursuing even marginal oft injured college talent, no matter the position of need. Many of those have worked out... and many of those have failed as well, or the Saints weren't patient enough. Although in this day of ridiculously high salaries, can a team really afford to hold players' hand for three years before the produce? It took Ingram (cost of 2 number 1s) 3 full seasons before the light came on, and Karama and a go right away.
Originally Posted by neugey
(Post 992141)
We gotta quit pining over Mahomes as a missed opportunity. I'm not convinced Payton or the Saints org would've handled Patrick as well as Reid and the Chiefs have. The only quality QB the Saints have ever developed in 55 years to any degree at all was Delhomme.
Fair point ... water under the bridge.
Originally Posted by Sinner
(Post 992148)
Yes. We have a whole lot more to pine over than missing Mahomes.
We will be pining plenty next season.
...made more salty by SP's own rhetoric and his moves to GTFOH.