Originally Posted by Sinner
(Post 991645)
I have a sneaky suspicion that, in the mega-billion dollar ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY that pro football is a part of, the theatrical production that involves Taylor Swift has been designed and is being manipulated to draw a larger fan base into the NFL loop. The merger of “Pop” Music and “Pro Sports” and commercial advertising has never had such a golden opportunity at crowd control, or mind control, as it is having right now, and it is playing out right in front of our eyes.
The old geezers who miss the good old days of hard knocks muddy and ugly football, are dying out, and no longer part of a relevant targeted market demographic. The game is changing to reflect that. It is becoming more and more attractive to the “Swifties”, who are all too eager to swipe their credit cards and tune into whatever new hype and hypnosis is being orchestrated. It’s a brilliant business model that molds minds and sells product, well outside the fields we are observing.
It’s no wonder that other teams exist simply to support this orchestration. The auto industry is not returning to Detroit, so the Lions will play little more than a convincing supporting role in this theatrical production. Baltimore is not going to be making any revolutionary headlines anytime soon, so they will be strong contenders for “best supporting actor” in this screenplay. All the gold is gone in San Francisco, so they too will fall. Kansas City is middle America and Mahomes has been a Media golden boy for some time already, so Kelce and Swifty blowing kisses at each other, is prime time Disney Channel material, that the entire game has manipulated and maneuvered the audience to be captivated by.
I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong, and welcome all the criticism possible for my rant, but seeing my beloved Saints slowly sink into a swamp of obscurity (by design), has forced me to look at this whole “game” in a radically different manner. Every flag thrown, every bad call, missed call, stupid coaching decision, points spread, press conference, all of it… scripted.
It’s just business.
Rant Over.
Let’s see what happens…