10-12-2005, 10:02 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Hollywood, CA
Posts: 7,601
RE: Re: RE: Re: "Leadership is overrated"
Now luck last year they pulled the season out of there butts for Has so its not not wanting to something for him. Its not not wanting to do something for Brooks because they suck at blocking for Deuce. They are professionals and there next job depends on what they do day in and day out. 2 words for ya... Kyle Turley. They one guy who would rip the opponets head off -literally- ha ha for messing or roughing his QB up reguardless of the score... he is someone who gets it. Hes gone, no one on that line has that mentality... Those are the kinds of players you need on this team for that mentality and leadership. You have to weight in do we want some issues in the locker room for some wins and attitude.