04-17-2006, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by BJSim
worst case scenario... no one trades with us and we're stuck picking #2 and the FO doesn't want Leinart, Williams (those valued at #2). They CAN pass the pick & let Tenn draft #2. Then continue to a point where it's worth it for them to take who they want at the draft slot they want. The Vikings did it a couple years ago. Do they get anything for thier pick? no, but they don't "overpay" as you put it for their draft pick. remember, if you pass, you can walk up to the podium at ANY POINT to take your pick. That's why when the Vikes did it, there were teams LITERALLY running up to the podium to make their selections before Minnesota could change it's mind.
Okay, this, I have to say, is a TERRIBLE idea. First, when the Vikes dropped a couple of slots in that draft, which they actually did two years in a row unbelievably enough, it wasn't intentional. They were slow making a decision, and got leap frogged. Second, in doing somethingl ike that, all you open yourself up to is an agent saying "Well, player A would have been the second pick in the draft had your FO not been incompetent, therefore we want 2nd pick money," and get in a contract battle. Of ALL the things I could see happening draft day, I hope this is the farthest thing from the Saints mind, AND we don't make the Minnesota blunder.