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spkb25 04-22-2006 12:49 AM

and you are a mexican. although i couldn't agree with you tobias. send out the mexican men but let in the women. if you could stay great. if you had to go i don't care. just keep the ladies please

Euphoria 04-22-2006 01:06 AM

UGH... why make this bigger than what it is... that is the deal they can build it if they want to and the Chargers plan is to have the local buisness pitch in 350 million and they can't raise it as of yet this has been going on since at least Jan. The mayor just yesterday said they are free of the lease and can search for a site to build within the county. ITS IN THE NEWS HERE... TV. They may eventually get the full 800 million but its going to be more. The city can't afford to take a loss on anything on this anymore so they are being very guarded. If ESPN is reporting that is the chargers plans then I am sure it is... but I am saying what is the problems with what is all going on from the local news here.

It won't be empty there is still a lot that goes on there, festivals, other ball games... its a viable staduim still, it will not be empty.

I am so offended I am being asked for link...

CHACHING 04-22-2006 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
..not everyone wants to go to San Diego. I sure don't. It's full of Mexicans.

Sure land is expensive in any mayor city... but they are talking about land that is presently occupied by the stadium and its parking lots. So what's the difference?

Tell you want, a freaking empty Qualcomm stadium is not going to be good for the city.

you funny...
but not off base entirely...
As the demographic changes here in Southern Cali, then so does its wants..
This is the reason L.A. won't be able to support an NFL franchise but it can support 2
soccer teams......

saintswhodi 04-22-2006 11:17 AM


If ESPN is reporting that is the chargers plans then I am sure it is.
Ssssooo, if you agree ESPN's must be reporting the correct plan, which is once again, the rest is:


2. City will own the stadium(after not paying for it mind you) but the Chargers will pay all maintenance and operational costs.

3. The Chargers will pay off existing bond indebtedness on Qualcomm(60 million dollars).

4. Chargers will assume infrastructure improvements, estimates between 150 to 175 million.

5. Chargers will sign a 25 year lease with no out clauses and no ticket demands.

6.Chargers will devote and pay for 30 acres of the site as greenlad and park areas.

7. Property will generate hotel, sales, and property as well as other taxes and the city of San D will be entitles to it's full share.

8. All the Chargers need fromt he city is to provide 60 of the 166 acres of the existing Qualcomm site, which currently is costing the city money anyway, and approve development and rezoning.
Tell me when it gets bad. If you don't have a link to what you're saying, I ain't buying it. Get as offended as you want. If this is SUCH a huge issue in San Diego, which I have to imagine it is, SOMEONE wrote an article about it. As it stands, I am gonna go off what ESPN reported, and continue to believe this is the best deal that I have ever seen offered to a city by an NFL team, and think San Diego is foolish for not jumping on it. As Tobias said:


but they are talking about land that is presently occupied by the stadium and its parking lots. So what's the difference?
What's the difference?

turbo_dog 04-22-2006 11:53 AM

Re: RE: Chargers could bolt

Originally Posted by pakowitz
the L.A. Chargers... kinda has a nice ring to it...

Sure does... I think their logo will change from a lightning bolt to a credit card.


Euphoria 04-22-2006 06:55 PM

RE: Re: RE: Chargers could bolt
What you are missing is the politics here in San Diego... you don't know what is going on with the atmosphere here. There is more to it than meets the eye.

saintswhodi 04-22-2006 07:00 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Chargers could bolt

Originally Posted by Euphoria
What you are missing is the politics here in San Diego... you don't know what is going on with the atmosphere here. There is more to it than meets the eye.

And so I ask again for an article or link. SHOW ME what I am not seeing.

pakowitz 04-22-2006 07:41 PM

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Chargers could bolt
he sent u a freakin link to an article...... and i dont know what that will do anyway... he cant show you the atmosphere through a link to it.... people talk... on TV radio... face to face...not everything can be shown over the internet....

saintswhodi 04-22-2006 09:24 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Chargers could bolt

Originally Posted by pakowitz
he sent u a freakin link to an article...... and i dont know what that will do anyway... he cant show you the atmosphere through a link to it.... people talk... on TV radio... face to face...not everything can be shown over the internet....

First, why is it your duty to comment on every response I give to people on the forum? Nothing good to contribute I guess. Second, I asked for a link, cause this is the same guy who told us EVERY Chargers fan was happy Brees was leaving, and when I told him that was untrue, he said I didn't know cause I didn't live in San Diego, not knowing I chat online with fans from ALL teams, including the Chargers, AND that I have seen people switch to being Saints fans from the Chargers simply cause of Brees. So, i'll say to you AGAIN, I hate when people post without knowing their facts.

To Euph, I read where the city said they had too many things on their plate to worry about the Chargers right now, and where it said the deal offered by the Chargers was scrapped. Thanks for the info.

Tobias-Reiper 04-22-2006 09:41 PM

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Chargers could bolt

Originally Posted by pakowitz
...not everything can be shown over the internet....

..I don't know, man... I've seen some .nl and .th sites that say so :broccoli:

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