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JimBone 05-16-2006 12:36 PM

Donte has as much talent as any WR in the league. I will admit that. But can you honestly blame AB for him not progressing the way he should? I am not going to say that isnt a factor, but the point i am trying to make is in his entire career, he has never had back to back games where he has had at least 70 yards receiving. What's that? That cant be ALL AB's fault. I want the Saints to keep him, but i wont lose any sleep if they trade him. Thats why i say if he breaks out this year, its for the money...thats my opinion.

wheelman 05-16-2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
2) Horn led the team in drops the last couple of seasons, and just being hurt last year prob prevented him from doing it again.

Link please.


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Now, being the recipient of so many balls his way, is Horn just butter fingers

......................... :awe: That's plain nasty.

saintswhodi 05-16-2006 01:34 PM


Link please.
Previous arguments. No links. You can do a site search though.

saintswhodi 05-16-2006 01:40 PM

Although you can go to this site, and look individually at Stallworth, and Joe if you type their names in. Joe had more drops than Donte in 2003 and 2004, and they don't have a drops record for 2002. Pathon did tie Joe in 2003 for the team lead in drops with 5 though.

GoldRush26 05-16-2006 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
Excellent points ghandi. Well, at least the first one. :wink:

2 more points:

1) Horn got 90% of ABs passes thrown his way

2) Horn led the team in drops the last couple of seasons, and just being hurt last year prob prevented him from doing it again. Now, being the recipient of so many balls his way, is Horn just butter fingers or could a garbage QB have had anything to do with his drops? Take your pick.

Anyone who says Donte hasn't done anything special is not watching Saints games or something. River City Relay? It was Donte making THREE defendes miss to get that started. Guess who has the Saints rookie record for receiving TDs? Donte, in a season cut short by injury. Stop hatin.

And now we're haters again. No one's "hating" just because their viewpoint doesn't coincide with yours. I'm not trying to make Stallworth into something he's not, that's all. Are we seriously using a freak play as a testimony to Stallworth's talent???? Come on now. Maybe if we ran the play every game then we could get full return out of the 13th overall pick in the 2002 draft. Being that high of a pick he should be making 3 defenders miss every game. Whenever I see him he has average agility. Now I have come to accept Stallworth for what he is, which is an average #2 reciever. What could he have possibly shown at any time in his career to make you think he is better than average. And no one cares what Donte did in 2002, not NFL execs at least.

Are we ready to say that Stallworth is as good as

Reggie Wayne(or Brandon Stokley for that matter)
Marty Booker
T.J. Hoshamanzadeh
Eric Moulds
Rod Smith
Jerry Porter
Terry Glenn
Amani Toomer
Keyshawn Johnson
Joey Galloway
Larry Fitzgerald
Issac Bruce
Nate Burleson

Anyone that can give me evidence that Stallworth is as good as or better than any of the above listed #2 recievers please stand up. If not, then that puts him a little bit above the middle of the pack. And a good portion of these recievers have been traded at least ONCE in their careers. And he wants to be a #1 reciever?????? He is what his average to slightly above average #2 reciever.

saintswhodi 05-16-2006 02:06 PM


And he wants to be a #1 reciever?????? He is what his average to slightly above average #2 reciever.
Wait, where did you get info that he wanted to be a number one receiver? You reading his mind now or using you own not so "keen" observations skills?

As far as your list, LMAO!!! Donte is easily better than Glenn, Porter, Moulds, Toomer, Galloway, Booker, Burleson. And Brandon Stokley firmly makes you a hater if you honestly believe he is better than Stallworth. Keyshawn was a number one his whole career. Wayne plays with Peyton freaking Manning and has Harrison on the other side. TJ has Chad Johnson on the other side and has Carson Palmer. Fitzgerald is clearly a number one receiver. Isaac Bruce was a number one his whole career, but Donte killed him stat wise last year. And Rod Smith is clearly a number one receiver. So what point did you prove by making a list with number one receivers, guys who play with QBs CLEARLY far superior to anything Donte has ever had, and guys who Donte is better than? Prob best not to get football info from Madden 2006.

pakowitz 05-16-2006 02:13 PM


Wait, where did you get info that he wanted to be a number one receiver? You reading his mind now or using you own not so "keen" observations skills?
i remember reading that somewhere to... he was sayin it to a writer or something... dont remember... it was a few months back if i do remember correctly

saintswhodi 05-16-2006 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by pakowitz

Wait, where did you get info that he wanted to be a number one receiver? You reading his mind now or using you own not so "keen" observations skills?
i remember reading that somewhere to... he was sayin it to a writer or something... dont remember... it was a few months back if i do remember correctly

I'd like to see a link to that and see what kinda context that was in. But my question then would be, who would want a wide receiver that DOESN'T want to be a number one? Would anyone want a wide receiver who strives to just be a #3? I'd still like to see him saying that though.

TallySaint 05-16-2006 02:21 PM


Previous arguments.
No kiddin'?


saintswhodi 05-16-2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by TallySaint

Previous arguments.
No kiddin'?


How great it would be, if you found something useful to say. :wink:

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