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saintswhodi 06-06-2006 01:32 PM

Anybody got anything they wanna debate?
It's the REAL slow time of the off-season, and I was just wondering if anyone had any burning issues they wanted to debate. Anything at all.

Tobias-Reiper 06-06-2006 01:33 PM

... does it have to be football?

There are other forums that you can put to use, like The Big Easy Forum or Politics With A Punch forum.

JimBone 06-06-2006 01:45 PM

Here are some things that i will debate with anyone:

Stinchcomb does not look like a starter at right tackle we can depend on. He is still favoring his knee and he has never played RT in the NFL...that scares me.

The Saints have a lot of depth at WR, meaning some good ones arent going to make the team, but we dont have anyone to jump in and start if Stallworth gets traded.

The Saints are still a big DT, and a starting CB away from having a respectable defense. Adding Polley helps, but the LB's are average at best and the CB's and DT's are below average.

Best case scenario for the Saints this year is they win 9 games. I would love for the Saints to go undefeated and win the Super Bowl, but being objective, if they win 7 i will be happy, and if they win 9 they caught some breaks.

Stallworth may be here this year, but he will not be resigned by the Saints unless he changes his attitude drastically...he needs to show more desire to be great because he has the tools and he seems set on being mediocre.

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper
... does it have to be football?

There are other forums that you can put to use, like The Big Easy Forum or Politics With A Punch forum.

I guess it doesn't, but I don't see why it'd have to be just about football when nothing is going ont his time of year. It could be about anything, then when football stuff starts again, they can move it. :P

NewMexSaint 06-06-2006 01:58 PM

Id like to debate why so many people seem to think that the panthers have Meshaun, is going to make them the best team in the NFC S. I mean WTF, hes not explosive, I think stall pepper drew more DT than he did, its not going to free steve smith up any more than he all ready got !!!!

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 02:04 PM

Okay Jim, some of that I am gonna defer to you on, cause you were at the mini-camp:

Stinchcomb does not look like a starter at right tackle we can depend on. He is still favoring his knee and he has never played RT in the NFL...that scares me.
This is one i'll defer. I did read where Stinch said he knew he was favoring his knee, but he is still working to get his strength back, and he hasn't really played in 3 years. I'm still giving him a 50/50 chance of working out. But you saw him, and I didn't.

The Saints have a lot of depth at WR, meaning some good ones arent going to make the team, but we dont have anyone to jump in and start if Stallworth gets traded.
Agree there, and you know Stall's my boy. Given Horn's age and injury history, I don't see how they could trade Donte anyway. But anything's possible. Hopefully with all the guys we have, someone will step up.

The Saints are still a big DT, and a starting CB away from having a respectable defense. Adding Polley helps, but the LB's are average at best and the CB's and DT's are below average.

Well, the D was middle of the pack last year, did not play an aggressive style, and had an offense that turned the ball over the most in the league. We still got ran on pretty hard though. I think an upgrade at LB will help our weakness at DB somewhat, and expect us to at least be middle of the road on D again. A big DT and a solid #2 CB are still big on my wish list though.


Best case scenario for the Saints this year is they win 9 games. I would love for the Saints to go undefeated and win the Super Bowl, but being objective, if they win 7 i will be happy, and if they win 9 they caught some breaks.
I will be happy if they win 6, and it's about what I am expecting. This year is about growing pians for me, and out with the old, in with the new. But with some breaks, I agree, they could hit 9.


Stallworth may be here this year, but he will not be resigned by the Saints unless he changes his attitude drastically...he needs to show more desire to be great because he has the tools and he seems set on being mediocre.
Agree 100%. It's time to grow up for Stall. He takes a step forward, then takes a step right back.

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by NewMexSaint
Id like to debate why so many people seem to think that the panthers have Meshaun, is going to make them the best team in the NFC S. I mean WTF, hes not explosive, I think stall pepper drew more DT than he did, its not going to free steve smith up any more than he all ready got !!!!

Well, the Panthers had ZERO reliable options outside of Steve Smith last year, and they made it all the way to the NFC champ game. Keyshawn may not be the player he once was, but I read an article about him that said something like 70% or more of his catches from last year went for first downs. That is huge to a team that likes ball possession as a key to getting down field. Plus he is bigger than most CBs in the league. And he is a great downfield blocker on the run. It will be like they have Smith and Muhsin all over again. They are a team to fear.

NewMexSaint 06-06-2006 02:10 PM

Thats a negative lil buddy, he is NO threat, nor will he ever be, Witten was the main threat whcih allowed Keyshaun to get open, and theres no way Steve Smith will stand there and let that twirp get a 1/2 or even a 1/3 of his air time.

NewMexSaint 06-06-2006 02:11 PM

I dont know if Im right I could just tell you wanted to debate something !! They will be better I just thought I would stir up some #$^@

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 02:15 PM

You made me defend a rival. you suck. lol

NewMexSaint 06-06-2006 02:22 PM

At least we all know who your second favoirte team is now!! LOL

papz 06-06-2006 02:49 PM

It is dead around here... I kinda wish BlackonBlack was here (or maybe not). At least he kept us entertained... :lol:

wheelman 06-06-2006 03:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
How's this for entertaining?

papz 06-06-2006 03:24 PM

Ok... since we're so bored, someone help me with this. How do I upload avatars and how do I post pictures? Show me!

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 04:05 PM

You take that crap to the technology forum. This is for debate, not information gathering. :P :P :P

The proper way to gain that info in this thread is:

I bet I am the best on here at posting pics and avs. Somebody tell me how they do it, and i'll tell you my way that's better. :wink:

papz 06-06-2006 04:32 PM

Eat me. :x

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by papz
Eat me. :x

Then you shall continue to wallow in your own pool of ignorance. :lol: :P

papz 06-06-2006 04:44 PM

Now go down there and help me... :annoy:

hagan714 06-06-2006 05:20 PM

okay whoodi :P
should we start the donte bit here to?
:bnb: :computer2:

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 05:34 PM

You don't want no Donte debate. :shock: :wink:

NewMexSaint 06-06-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by saintswhodi
You take that crap to the technology forum. This is for debate, not information gathering. :P :P :P

The proper way to gain that info in this thread is:

I bet I am the best on here at posting pics and avs. Somebody tell me how they do it, and i'll tell you my way that's better. :wink:


hagan714 06-06-2006 05:44 PM
breaks down some good stats.
check it out

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 06:04 PM

Good stats. Donte tied for 15th in the LEAGUE in receiving TDs. Tied for 15th in catches over 25 yards. On a 3-13 team, with a bum QB, and no #1 WR.

hagan714 06-06-2006 06:46 PM

you said it not me. no #1 WR.
That was his job. lol
look up drops and such. he ranks higher in the nfl in those stats. come on look do not be scared

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 08:46 PM

Um, Donte isn't a #1 receiver yet. You'd probably stop being disappointed if you realized that. Second, you know who else is right there with Donte in drops? Plax Burress, Muhsin Muhammed, Chad Johnson, Antonio Gates, Eddie Kennison. Pretty good company to be in. Thanks again, although I already knew that. Receivers drop passes, but receivers who's teams' city was destroyed by a hurricane, playe don the road for 16 games, and had a bum for a QB, will prob drop a lot. What's these other guys' excuses? Strike two. You got one more chance to get Donte out. :P

JimBone 06-06-2006 09:10 PM the consistency card...You know, the one that shows in his ENTIRE CAREER, he has never ever had back to back games where he has had 60 yards or more receiving. You cant blame the hurricane for that. You cant blame all of that on AB. You cant blame all of that on coaching. The blame has to go somewhere. I think Donte has to take some of that.

saintswhodi 06-06-2006 09:52 PM

Psst, trump that with the inconsistent QB and coaching staff argument. Sprinkle in a myriad of injuries his first two years. Make the table fold with the fact he has been playing opposite a #1 receiver who got 90# of the QBs attention. Strike 3, Donte stays.

jnormand 06-06-2006 10:11 PM

I keep saying this....Donte is a good #2. I didn't expect Donte to play like a #1 reciever because I don't think he is a #1 reciever yet. I do think he has it in him to become that good, but he isn't there yet.

What is with the Donte Stallworth haters lately?

hagan714 06-07-2006 08:44 AM

LOL playing the poor poor pittiful me card are we.
Donte was the #1 WR last year like it or not. A drop ball is a catch able ball thats all. Now go one step further and look at total catches and yardage numbers for the other WRs in that group.
NFL Leaders in Passes Dropped Catches Yards Ave TD YAC >25
1 LaMont Jordan Oak 12
2t Plaxico Burress NYG 11 76 1214 16.0 7 321 10
2t Muhsin Muhammad Chi 11 64 750 11.7 4 NA
2t Donte' Stallworth NO 11 70 945 13.5 7 NA 9
5 Eddie Kennison KC 10 16 322 20.1 0 374 11
6t Antonio Gates SD 9 89 1101 12.4 10 431 6
6t Chad Johnson Cin 9 97 1432 14.8 9 336 12

Musin is the only one that played to the same level as Donte. The rest were more productive. Look I do not dislike Donte I think he is over paid and an underachiever. If the hype is dropped along with his pay sure he can stay. If donte had to compete with the patriots WR group he would have been on the bench here to. sitting as a #4 WR. All three Deion Branch, David Givens, Troy Brown would be ahead of him and would be competing with Patrick Pass for playing time. AB by no means is Brady but that has nothing to do with a drop pass. Drops are pass that should have been caught. So that is why I feel and still do that Bethel Johnson is the same type of WR. Bill Belichick would have sat Donte on the bech to keep the seat warm for the other WR that can catch. Just as he did to Bethel.
There is no need to go into previous years because this is the best he has ever done for us. in 4 years. Why bring up the past which we know is even worse. I am given him a chance.
by the way NA means he is not listed in the top 20 even in the NFC much less the NFL. At best he should be our #3 WR not #2. Joe is and was a #2 at best. Butr with the roster the way it is so be it. I wanted Chad Jackson at 32. I thought he was more important than D'Qwell Jackson to the team.
Now YAC yard after catch I will give you has alot to with the QB.

So my friend the trump is spades not hearts. or did you run out of them? :P

saintswhodi 06-07-2006 09:25 AM

Was that even an argument? Yikes. Talk about easy pickings. Guess what Muhsin, who you would prob say is better than Donte, and IS a #1 receiver, had in common with Donte? A garbage QB. See how that works? Muhsin goes from Jake Delhomme, where Muhsin was a pro-bowler, to Kyle Orton, where he is among the league leaders in drops and has stats equivalent to a #2 receiver. Too easy.

Second, guess what, "catchable ball" is a WHOLLY SUBJECTIVE STAT. It's up to the stat keeper what is defined as a catchable ball and what isn't. Basing your argument on a subjective stat is a sure way to lose. Let me kill the rest of this BS:

2t Plaxico Burress: Would you take Eli Manning over AB?
5 Eddie Kennison: Would you take Trent Green over AB?
6t Antonio Gates: Um, we already chose Brees over AB
6t Chad Johnson: Would you take Carson Palmer over AB?

Um, hell yes on all accounts. And then it gets easier. How do you have any idea what Donte would have done with the Pats with an actual awesome QB? You have no idea yet you keep saying it as fact. Please discern the difference between your opinion, and a fact. It may help. Now, take the fact that EVERY one of those receivers had a better QB than Donte, and throw in the fact this team was pretty much blown up by Katrina=you lose again. I didn't know there could be 4 strikes in the same at bat. Wow. That's pretty bad. :P

hagan714 06-07-2006 09:54 AM

okay a drop pass is a pass that that hits you in the hands not to hard and still finds it way to the ground.
they are like Errors in baseball and there is a set standard. the are not opion based as much as you think.That does not count those alot of those passes as a pro you should have caught. You know the ones sliding and trying to catch a ball thrown behind you. It is the ones were you want to kick the TV and yell how inn the hel# did you miss that you fuc bumb. those are the ones we are talking about. the others are errors against the QB. Now I have to dig up the definition of dropped pass. gezzzz QB has nothing to do with it.
eddie just drop I would not take him back for nothing besides he had a total of 16 catches. Antonio is a TE.
You can not leave the QB out ofd this much less the hearts trump either. I do not see 4 strikes you are missing the outside of the plate and a bit low.
As far as the Pats go I have been here 8 years now and know what Bill looks for. He comes out and says it.
Just admit it he is over hyped and an underachiever. he is like that kitty. time to stand up be a man. He can do it and the only one to blame is himself. If payton rides him to hard he will not sign here next year.
So now I have to dig up the definition of a dropped pass in the NFL for you. talk about force feeding

saintswhodi 06-07-2006 10:06 AM

If you dig up anything, it should probably be a better argument. Until that happens, good luck with your opinions, i'll stick to reality. I noticed how your argument went from using other receivers, to being wholly about dropped passes once I killed that noise with the FACT, every one of those receivers had better QBs, and the FACT this whole team was a mess due to the disaster.


As far as the Pats go I have been here 8 years now and know what Bill looks for. He comes out and says it.
Um, this is called opinion. Unless you golf with Belichek and he told you personally that Stallworth is not the type of player he would want, it's an OPINION. See how that works? Who knows where Stallworth could be with good coaches and a great QB? I know on this horrible team last year, he put up stats similar to #2 receivers in better offenses, with better QBs, on teams not destroyed by hurricanes. Separate your OPINION from FACT, and your argument may come into focus. Until then, you're just a hater.

hagan714 06-07-2006 10:32 AM

lol you are killing me. here
I have seen bill pull any reciever for dropping a pass time and time again. that is his SOP.
I am looking for that def for you.
Keep me lol dude

NewMexSaint 06-07-2006 10:40 AM



NOSaints 06-07-2006 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by NewMexSaint

It keeps the threads interesting. I almost enjoy their rants and raves as much as i enjoy watching Payton get rid of dead wood.

JimBone 06-07-2006 01:03 PM

I could have told you a long time ago...say what you want about anything, but the minute you question Charles Grant or Stallworth, whodi whips out the death stick and brings it to you.

JimBone 06-07-2006 01:08 PM

The fact is in the last 4 years, there have been some bad QB's that started a lot of games. There have been some great WR's and some average WR's play for those QB's. Now, if you are going to make an arguement that Donte has played as well as alot of #1's, then i have to disagree. I think Donte has all the talent in the world. I think Donte can be the best WR the Saints have ever had. But the image he puts out is that he is satisfied with being average. he hasnt done anything to make himself better. He hasnt endeared himself to the new coach. He should be on his knees begging for things to do to have a breakout year and cash it in with a 12 million dollar signing bonus this offseason. This should be the year he puts his best effort forward, but boy is he starting on the wrong foot. I would love Donte to stay with the Saints, have a great year, get a huge deal, and continue to get better but reality says thats not how its gonna be. thats another reason why you cant consider him great because he doesnt want to be great.

mikesaintfan 06-07-2006 01:14 PM

not to bring up AB but when donte was wide open he had his eyes locked on horn

saintswhodi 06-07-2006 01:16 PM

I don't think anyone has made the argument Donte has played as well as a lot of #1s. I even said:

Um, Donte isn't a #1 receiver yet.
Now, as far as his attitude, I can;t argue with that. By all accounts, he may not have the will to get better, and he has seemed to have gone out of his way to get the coach's attention in a negative way. Maybe his attitude will keep him from taking that next step here. I am not gonna argue that at all. I will say this, this is it for Donte, if he is with us this season, as far as the Saints go. He has a consistent, pro bowl QB running the show, better coaching from what we have seem and heard thus far, he is in a contract year, and there are loads of weapons on offense. If he can't do it now, whatever the it is some people want him to do, he won't do it.

JimBone 06-07-2006 01:19 PM

I dont think anyone can argue one wants him to go now, but he has no more excuses. He is in the right system to utilize his talent, he has talent around him, and he is in a contract if he doesnt do it this year, he will never do it and we can all move on. Do it!! Do It!!

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