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BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 01:47 PM

Gatorman Rules


I\'ll own up to being a real jerk sometimes. But am I such a jerk that I deserved to be kicked off?
obnoxious jerk..............

[Edited on 15/6/2003 by BucNup]


There ya go...

[Edited on 15/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

BucNup 06-15-2003 01:49 PM

Gatorman Rules

Has anyone here been a member of another Saints fan board? I\'ve been to to see what the birds were up to. There they were partially attacking yet welcoming the most obnoxious jerk called Bucnup. He was a Bucs fan talking trash trying to provoke the Falcons fans to come over to his site, We went to his board and left him a message. But before I get to that let me tell you this. There is this lame azz site A real empty forum with a few members and very few threads written daily. Well Bucnup is under the impression that this is our main Website. So he\'s provided a link to this hole in the wall site for Buc fans to go over and thrash them. Ok, back to my post on his site. Well I told him if he wants to talk trash he could bring it here. So if you see the name Bucnup don\'t befriend this guy. He\'s said on his site how he goes to visiting sites and befriends members and then goes back to his site to bash them. And before its over he\'ll talk trash then leave.

There you go....

BucNup 06-15-2003 01:50 PM

Gatorman Rules
You don\'t have to go looking. I called him an obnoxious jerk...... Because as I stated, he called me one.......

You don\'t need to go pulling threads..... I said it.

And I was referring to GM, based on his discription of me.

Are we all on the same page now?

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 01:51 PM

Gatorman Rules

Two wrongs do not make a right. And ya point is.............

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 01:51 PM

Gatorman Rules
Looks to me like that\'s Gators quote. The other seems it could be addressed to anyone even me.

This is awfully childish. Grow up!

[Edited on 15/6/2003 by JOESAM2002]

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 01:52 PM

Gatorman Rules

He just admitted..I demand justice.

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 01:55 PM

Gatorman Rules

You don\'t have to go looking. I called him an obnoxious jerk...... Because as I stated, he called me one.......

You don\'t need to go pulling threads..... I said it.
What more evidence do you need?

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 01:56 PM

Gatorman Rules
Go on acting like a three year old. I\'m going to watch the LSU game. You can\'t demand anything. It doesn\'t work that way.

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 01:59 PM

Gatorman Rules
Just for the record,

I am offended, hurt, and I can only hope the little children do not ever read BucNup\'s foul mouth remarks. I for one will never be the same

BlackandBlue 06-15-2003 02:42 PM

Gatorman Rules
Dammit, because of reading this thread, my IQ has dropped by 10 points...and to think I was at 12 to start with =/

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