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BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 05:43 PM

Gatorman Rules

That\'s the weakest bunch of bull I\'ve ever heard in my life. Ditup2 calls gator and BucNup classless but that\'s ok because he praised you. All I told him was bye. Mabye I should have said Bye and JoeSam your doing a wonderful job..keep up the good work.

[Edited on 15/6/2003 by BillyCarpenter1]

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 05:48 PM

Gatorman Rules
BillyC, maybe you should quit being such a smart azz and this would be over. If you choose to say Bye as you put it, then goodbye.

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 05:49 PM

Gatorman Rules
Are you kicking me off here?

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 05:54 PM

Gatorman Rules
Not at all. But if you choose to continue causing trouble I\'m sure we can accomadate you. Stop all the BS. Just let this die and let everybody get back to normal before the board gets ruind please.

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 06:01 PM

Gatorman Rules
How do you feel about what Ditup2 said about BucNup? I mean the guy quit coming to this site because of him saying that he was classless. I didn\'t make him quit. Yet, you praise the guy. Seems like we have some double standards here. I say bye and Ditup2 attacks me and what do you do. You edit me. I called no one any names. I kept it clean just liked you asked. Thanks, JoeSam.

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 06:07 PM

Gatorman Rules

Gatorman may know a lot about football, but he has absolutley no class. Bucnup is right up there with him. That\'s not name-calling or showing disrespect. That is simply calling \'em like I see \'em. I\'m not defending ANYONE on this post, except for JOESAM With that having been said, I\'m graciously bowing out of the forums.

I tell the guy bye and he attacks me. I said one word BYE. I get edited??????????? BucNup quit because of this!!!!!!!

JOESAM2002 06-15-2003 06:19 PM

Gatorman Rules
First, understand I shouldn\'t have to explain this but I will. NONE of this would have ever come up if someone wouldn\'t have gone to another site and caused trouble. Then BucNup comes over here at his invitation and you guys jump him like a pack of wolves. I have yet to find a remark that BucNup made that wasn\'t asked for. Now you guys want me to stand up for you when you started it. To that I say hell no. This is our site and you know the rules BOTH Halo and I have posted them. Then you run off a good member D_it_up2, with your childish act. You want to know if I\'m pissed? Yes I am because you are running off good members just to serve your ego. I WANT THIS STOPPED!!!!! Right Friggin now! Grow up and get a life. Get along with the other members or get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you two want to portray me as the bad guy, good do it! but I also can make your posts nothing at all. I DON\'T WANT TO EDIT BUT YOU ARE LEAVING ME NO CHOICE!!!!!

BillyCarpenter1 06-15-2003 07:23 PM

Gatorman Rules

What myself and BucNup had going on was friendly trash talking. He knew, I knew it, everyone knew it. It was meant to be funny, not to insult him. He bashed me many times, hell he had my name at the bottom of everyone of his posts. I took it like a man and fired back. I never heard him complain about me. Now on the other hand, Ditup2 was serious when he said that Gator and BucNup had absolutly no class. If your mad because we lost BucNup, talk to Ditup2. Ditup2 said he was not coming back to this board because of Gatorman and BucNup, that\'s pretty childish. I didn\'t agree with him so I told him BYE!!! He comes back and said I\'m lower than Gatorman and BuckNup, so I told him \" I said bye , you want a kiss too? Now you tell me who insulted whom? You think about that for a minute. You said show your intelligence, so instead of calling him names , I got my point across without being insulting. If Ditup2 don\'t want to hear what I think, then he needs to keep his damn opinions to his self.

WhoDat 06-15-2003 07:46 PM

Gatorman Rules
YEAH, GET GATOR OUT OF HERE!!!! HA HA HA HA!! C\'mon Gator, you\'re over-reacting just a little bit, don\'t you think?

We\'ve all been trashed. Like D said, we squabbled and came out even cooler on the other side. How many times have I been the guy who everyone shat on? It comes with the territory...

That being said...

Can we all please clean the sand out of our Vag!nas and get over this?!?!?!

Sorry if I offended anyone with that quote. By vag!na I meant... eyes. LOL... :)

D_it_up 06-15-2003 08:02 PM

Gatorman Rules
I\'ll step back in here on my behalf. The reason I said you have no class is because you are just as guilty as Gator and Buc are about childish, pathetic, derrogatory comments bashing each other at every whim. It\'s absolutley tasteless. For a point about childishness, I\'ll show you this:


If Ditup2 don\'t want to hear what I think, then he needs to keep his damn opinions to his self.
Isn\'t this kind of like the pot and the kettle here? I\'m sure I\'m not the only person that is sick and tired of your posts, but I\'m one of the few that have said anything. You shouldn\'t expect everyone in here to agree with everything you say. As I am typing this, I am saying this to myself as well. A lot of people probably aren\'t agreeing with me. That\'s part of life, but don\'t expect to open your mouth and not have someone come back and show how idiotic it all has become in here. The saying I\'ve always heard is \"It\'s better to let people think that you\'re a fool than to talk and prove it!\" You telling me to keep my opinions to myself is just plain pathetic. So should it only be YOU voicing YOUR opinion of it all? Telling someone that is just as ridiculous of an idea by you, as you thinking it\'s ridiculous for posts to be edited. You should really sit back and think long and hard about how pitiful you sound with all you\'re whining. I have 10 year old nephews that are much more mature than you have been acting. As far as me name-calling? I didn\'t call names. I just described exactly how you were acting. There\'s a huge difference. I don\'t expect you to understand that, though. You haven\'t stopped witht he \"me, me, me\" enough to think about how immature and foolish you look with your posts. I\'ll close by saying that when you tell people they should \"keep their damn opinions to themselves\", maybe you should be staring at your own image when you say it.

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