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LordOfEntropy 09-28-2007 10:48 PM

Re: Same ol'

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 140553)
Why? Please explain.

Are you serious? You're serious, aren't you? Wow. OK, I'll give you two points.

1) Drew has been to the pro bowl - Brooks has not
2) Drew has a job - Brooks does not

Enough said.

Do you want more? You don't really want more, do you? Please don't make me start talking about backwards passes, Wonderlic tests, fumblitis, and "I'm a top five quarterback" quotes. Because it's not worth my time. You either already get it or you don't - and if you don't already get it, then no amount of persuading is going to convince you.

iceshack149 09-29-2007 02:21 AM

Re: Same ol'

Originally Posted by saintsmissile (Post 140585)
Let me take a wild guess here 12Gauge, you're African American right? If not, you sure sound like it. I don't care if Drew Brees was green, he is now, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year a better qb than Aaron " I never had a winning record EVER" Brooks. Get off your high horse, buddy. You're grasping at straws. Did Brooks EVER get come back player of the year? No. Did Brooks EVER lead TWO different teams to the playoffs? No. Did Brooks EVER throw for 4,000 yards? No. Did Brooks ever finish second in the MVP voting? Did Brooks ever win Co NFL Man of the Year? Has Brees ever had attend a LEADERSHIP CLASS! Did Brooks EVER have a 60+ completion rate?You my deluded friend may need to up your meds. Or lower them, one or the other. This whole thread is stupid and I'm actually dumber for having read it.

I was about to go off but you beat me to it.
I used to back Brooks. Even when I shouldn't have. There's no question that the guy has physical talent but doggone it his brain was just wired differently. I really wanted Brooks to do well after Blake went down. He didn't. Blake may have taken the Saints further but Brooks just wasn't capable.


I think the frustration is born from most people's willingness to blame Brooks for everything wrong with those Haz teams when it's pretty clear that wasn't accurate. We averaged 29 points a game a few years back with Brooks and still everything wrong with civilization got pinned on him.

Now we have a pro-bowl caliber QB who's probably thrown more crappy passes over a three game span than Brooks ever did and people are defending him. (See the tipped pass argument)

I, for one, have been pointing to the O-Line for several years now. It's as bad now as it was then, but it's no worse.

The o-line has been junk so far this year no question. But should our frustration with it conceive a Brees/Brooks comparison? Surely you jest.

Off topic, where have you been, saintfan? I appreciate your posts and have seen little of them for a while.

Euphoria 09-29-2007 02:32 AM

Re: Same ol'
I think you guys are off track. I don't think it should be a comparison but there are a lot of simularities of what 'some' things that happened to Brooks being behind a sorry line and Brees being behind a very similar line. I don't think you can compare the 2 QB's but you can look at there play and see simularities and I can see Brooks having the same issues.

I'd have to say if we actually had a great line Brooks could have very well lead a team to a SB... hell Grossman did.

saintfan 09-29-2007 08:42 AM

Re: Same ol'

Originally Posted by LordOfEntropy (Post 140594)
Are you serious? You're serious, aren't you? Wow. OK, I'll give you two points.

1) Drew has been to the pro bowl - Brooks has not
2) Drew has a job - Brooks does not

Enough said.

Do you want more? You don't really want more, do you? Please don't make me start talking about backwards passes, Wonderlic tests, fumblitis, and "I'm a top five quarterback" quotes. Because it's not worth my time. You either already get it or you don't - and if you don't already get it, then no amount of persuading is going to convince you.

So you can't compare two QB's if one has been to the pro-bowl and the other has not? That's interesting...and not true.

So you can't compare two QB's if one is currently on a roster and the other isn't? That is also interesting...and also not true, but carry on.

Oh I get it LOE, and your post is exhibit A. Fact is, Brooks played behind a horrible O-Line too, and you never heard about you heard was Wonderlic scores (which make next to no matter) and media quotes which had nothing to do with on the field performance.

Yes, Brees is a pro-bowl QB. No one is arguing that. Point is Brees' performance over the first three games of this season compares to some of the worst I've ever seen by any QB. How about you? Now, since you seem to think Brooks is one of the worlds worst QB's lets compare. Find me three consecutive games where Brooks had a 1/7 TD to INT ratio otherwise I guess you're right and we can't compare...I mean that is what you're saying right?

Buh Bye

LordOfEntropy 09-29-2007 11:11 AM

Re: Same ol'
I said comparing Brees to Brooks is ludicrous - and I meant it. And I stand by that - because Brooks is not even in the same ballpark as Brees. Literally. Brooks is unemployed for a reason. He had his chance, multiple chances - and fizzled. It's simply ludicrous to compare them.

I'm not going to argue that Brees has played well. He most certainly has not. And agreed, whether Brees is probowl caliber or not, no one would play well behind this O Line. I don't care if it was Brees, Brooks, Montana, Marino, or God himself.

"Brooks played behind a horrible O-Line too, and you never heard about it" -- tha's because everyone was already busy - busy talking about how STUPID Brooks was. He played like a moron. All the physically attributes in the world, could've been a star - but instead he was hamstrung by a sixth grade mentally-handicapped moron. And I know. I met him. I spoke with him. Not only was he slow - he was a complete mental disaster. A poster child special education. I've encoutered rocks with more intellectual capacity.

And I believe THAT is why you didn't hear about the O Line in his day.

Please.... let this topic die. We'll have to agree to disagree. This is getting old.

Tony180a 09-29-2007 11:46 AM

Re: Same ol'
I see your point 12 guage. It is not a comparison of Brooks and Brees as QB's, it is the contrast of how the fans react to similiar stimuli. It is what it is....

Euphoria 09-29-2007 12:55 PM

Re: Same ol'

Originally Posted by LordOfEntropy (Post 140636)
I said comparing Brees to Brooks is ludicrous - and I meant it. And I stand by that - because Brooks is not even in the same ballpark as Brees. Literally. Brooks is unemployed for a reason. He had his chance, multiple chances - and fizzled. It's simply ludicrous to compare them.

I'm not going to argue that Brees has played well. He most certainly has not. And agreed, whether Brees is probowl caliber or not, no one would play well behind this O Line. I don't care if it was Brees, Brooks, Montana, Marino, or God himself.

"Brooks played behind a horrible O-Line too, and you never heard about it" -- tha's because everyone was already busy - busy talking about how STUPID Brooks was. He played like a moron. All the physically attributes in the world, could've been a star - but instead he was hamstrung by a sixth grade mentally-handicapped moron. And I know. I met him. I spoke with him. Not only was he slow - he was a complete mental disaster. A poster child special education. I've encoutered rocks with more intellectual capacity.

And I believe THAT is why you didn't hear about the O Line in his day.

Please.... let this topic die. We'll have to agree to disagree. This is getting old.

No back during that time there were several people here, well not many but there were a few of us screaming it was the Lines and the JERKS only wanted to blame brooks and not look at the big picture. Now that there QB is looking shell-shocked the same way Brooks looked at times they want to put the blame else where. But I am here to tell you back then we have O LINE problems and we still do.

JOESAM2002 09-29-2007 03:53 PM

Re: Same ol'

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 140641)
No back during that time there were several people here, well not many but there were a few of us screaming it was the Lines and the JERKS only wanted to blame brooks and not look at the big picture. Now that there QB is looking shell-shocked the same way Brooks looked at times they want to put the blame else where. But I am here to tell you back then we have O LINE problems and we still do.

Yeah, but at least we don't have to look at his stupid assed grin when he screwed up. Good ridance to AB. He doing well now, he's flipping burgers with Elvis.

Euphoria 09-29-2007 04:14 PM

Re: Same ol'
I don't know I recall in another thread someone pointing out after the tampa game Brees and a grin and talking it up with the bucs.

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