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WhoDat 08-26-2003 09:12 PM

New Salt...Old Wound
Well, I missed much of this debate, but put simply - time will tell. Just wait and see. Delhomme WILL be the starter in Carolina, and he WILL be more efficient than Brooks with a lesser running game, line, and receivers.

I am not anti-Brooks. Maybe you boneheads can get this through your head once and for all. Aaron is a good athlete. He\'s not very smart. There are lots of QBs like that in the league that do well. My major problem with Brooks is that he remains the wrong type of QB for our system. I don\'t know how many times I\'ve said that. Again - time will prove that.

As for Haslett, I love the guy until mid-season last year. And I promise that all of you people talking about how Haslett is the greatest coach the Saints have ever had will be singing a different tune when he\'s fired - just like most of you changed your song when Ditka was dumped. If the Saints go 7-9 this year, should Haslett stay? Will he still be a great coach?

If Brooks ranks in the bottom 10 in the league in passer efficiency again, will he be a great quarterback?

BillyCarpenter1 08-26-2003 09:18 PM

New Salt...Old Wound

Someone once told me that\'s it\'s OK to admit you\'re wrong. Everyone on here has been, regardless of what they might say. Except me of course... :P

Now step up to the plate.... ;)

WhoDat 08-26-2003 09:34 PM

New Salt...Old Wound
How am I wrong Billy? You\'re so right and I\'m so wrong - show me a comment I\'ve made on this topic that is incorrect as of right now. Show me one. I\'ll bet you a million dollars that you can\'t.

What am I supposed to say now? Call you a fag? Right?

BillyCarpenter1 08-26-2003 09:44 PM

New Salt...Old Wound

Delhomme WILL be the starter in Carolina, and he WILL be more efficient than Brooks with a lesser running game, line, and receivers. I am not anti-Brooks.
There\'s where you\'re wrong. You said you\'re not anti-Brooks. Read the above statement and tell me 99 out of 100 people wouldn\'t disagree that you aren\'t anit-Brooks.

Now send me my damn money!!

WhoDat 08-26-2003 09:47 PM

New Salt...Old Wound
Billy - let me ask you a question... if Brooks goes down in week 1, and Bouman comes in and puts up the same kind of numbers, will you believe that Bouman is a great QB, or simply that Brooks was not as good as he was made out to be? Just a question.

BillyCarpenter1 08-27-2003 06:59 AM

New Salt...Old Wound

Billy - let me ask you a question... if Brooks goes down in week 1, and Bouman comes in and puts up the same kind of numbers, will you believe that Bouman is a great QB, or simply that Brooks was not as good as he was made out to be? Just a question.
Simple really. If Bouman can indeed put up Brooks\' like numbers, then I will give the man the credit that he deserves and will defend him from the Bouman bashing crew that you\'re bound to start when he struggles a couple of times.

Here\'s something else that is quite simple. It\'s our fundamental difference in our belief about how a quarterback is developed and how throughout history some of the great QB\'s have been ridiculed by fans(such as yourself) early in their career, when they went through growing pains.

You are not the first fan to come out an openly critisize a QB before history told the whole story. QB\'s such as Steve Young, Terry Bradshaw, and Troy Aikman, just to name a few, have had to endure the same bashing that you and others have so generously placed upon Aaron Brooks.

Early in Aikmans career when the Cowboys were struggling, some fans were screaming that Aikman couldn\'t get the job done and were calling for Steve Walsh to start. Terry Bradshaw\'s start in the NFL was a classic example of how many fans don\'t have patience and call for the QB to run out of town on a rail.

I could go on and on listing QB\'s that were unjustly critisized early in their career. I can show you examples where they went to teams surrounded by talent and where they had no talent around them at all, and they had there ups and downs, but are sitting in the hall of fame now.

Now let me say this. You may very well be right about Aaron Brooks, but so could the fans of Pittsburg about Terry Bradshaw. I think most would agree with me when I say that the smart coaches don\'t listen to the fans and media and allow a QB enough time to develop and see what happens. They know playing musical chairs at QB can set the franshise back for many years and will probably end up costing the coach his job.

saintfan 08-27-2003 08:52 AM

New Salt...Old Wound
It\'s simple really guys. I\'m not now nor have I ever said Brooks was a GREAT QB, yet you two (08 and whodat) always want to put that word in my mouth. I think Brooks is a DAMN GOOD QB who has done NOTHING to warrant running him out of town like you guys seem to want to do. You two started off screaming for Jake, then anybody but Brooks, and he simply doesn\'t deserve that. What I\'m saying here, or what I was trying to say before you guys got started defending Jake again, is that BOTH of you two said Jake would start in Carolina THIS if it were a no-brainer...and furthermore that he\'d beat the Saints when they played...and then we\'d all be sorry. Neither of you said anything about NEXT year and you know it. You guys have continuously been over zealous in your Brooks Bashing. Based on the words both of you were typing at the end of last season and Jakes current position on the Panther\'s depth chart, you were both wrong wrong wrong. Be MEN and freakin admit it already.

lumm0x 08-27-2003 09:22 AM

New Salt...Old Wound

They know playing musical chairs at QB can set the franshise back for many years and will probably end up costing the coach his job.
Or they find the Tom Brady\'s, the Kurt Warner\'s, the Tommy Maddox\'s, the Rich Gannon\'s, etc.
And then the team ends up getting rid of the guy they replaced because the unknown back-up or journeyman gets the job done more consistently.

Just fueling the fire.

saintfan 08-27-2003 02:51 PM

New Salt...Old Wound
According to an ESPN poll, of 3,496 voters, 69.7% of the people do NOT think Jake Delhomme is the QB of the future for the Carolina Panthers.

But then again, what do the Fans know, right?

saintz08 08-27-2003 02:55 PM

New Salt...Old Wound
I think that is the same poll that said the Colts should have taken Ryan Leaf instead of Peyton Manning .... ;)

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