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jn671 10-18-2009 05:56 PM

im tired of all those analyst at NFL gameday bagging on bush. reggie did pretty good these past few games. i know he didnt push out numbers but damn he gets touchdowns, he blocks, and he does all sorts of stuff. why cant they jsut leave him be. especially jamie dukes. that guy always has the dumbest things to say. NFL Game Center: New York Giants at New Orleans Saints - 2009 Week 6
watch the highlights and about 2:25 you will here " hes a a special player, and someone if im not mistaken jamie dukes, says; "and their paying him to much to be a special player". just expressing my frustration. i mean i know bush isn't what we thoguht to be but were still 5-0 and bush is part of that 5-0. the fans are part of that 5-0. so why cant we just give reggie some credit.

exile 10-18-2009 05:58 PM

Re: Reggie
I saw two instances where they could have thrown to him in the "flat" and he probably would have scored. In this offense, there are no superstars. Except Brees.

jn671 10-18-2009 06:04 PM

Re: Reggie
true that. i bet everyone has respect for our saints now after we shut up the top defense in the league.

CantonLegend 10-18-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Reggie
when reggie doesnt fumble, he is one of the most talented backs in the league.....

when he puts the ball on the ground, he falls back into mediocrity and embarrassment

he has a kind of split personality where you hate to see him carry the ball but love to see him carry the ball

lumm0x 10-18-2009 06:49 PM

Re: Reggie
Agreed. I cringe and get excited all at the same time when the ball goes his way. He is a part of our team and a part of our success though and we use him exactly how his maturation in the game has allowed. We are not asking him to be more than he is.

Tobias-Reiper 10-18-2009 07:34 PM

Re: Reggie
The one positive for Bush so far is his blocking on passing downs. He's been very solid helping in pass protection.

But running the ball? PT and Bell!! Man, Bell was putting LBs on their backs!!

dwiley21 10-18-2009 07:53 PM

Re: Reggie
Todays line:

Fumbles = 0
Scoreboard = SAINTS

I think Reggie had a spectacular game

jn671 10-18-2009 08:08 PM

Re: Reggie
exactly go reggie!

MatthewT 10-18-2009 08:46 PM

Re: Reggie
I think it was Aikman who said Reggie Bush should be a WR. Well, that is basically how the Saints use the guy, so I guess great observation. I did get his point, he did praise Bush for his skill as a receiver.

QBREES9 10-18-2009 08:55 PM

Re: Reggie
Reggie did have a good game. It was good to see it.

maximkat 10-18-2009 09:37 PM

Re: Reggie
Yeah, that'd be awesome, make him a WR please, because if I see him run backwards 5 yards after taking another handoff I'm gonna puke. Why does he go backwards at the point it's obviously a complete loss with two guys bearing down on him? Get him into open space, I'm tired of the dancing when he gets it behind the line of scrimmage just mho.

on another note, what a great whoopin' we put on the gboys.

Turbo Saint 10-18-2009 10:46 PM

Re: Reggie
i used to get excited when i saw him run, but now i just cringe. i know there's potential there but how hew as used today was PERFECT. not too much but enough to keep them factoring him in. kudos payton, best game in recent memory.

Cruize 10-19-2009 09:26 AM

Re: Reggie
I'm glad Bush is a Saint. I'm glad I'm not paying him $10 million a year.

bobad 10-19-2009 09:53 AM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Turbo Saint (Post 171033)
i used to get excited when i saw him run, but now i just cringe. i know there's potential there but how hew as used today was PERFECT. not too much but enough to keep them factoring him in. kudos payton, best game in recent memory.

Agree! I congratulate Payton for limiting Reggie's carry's.

DeadmaN 10-19-2009 10:23 AM

Re: Reggie
it may be just me but I saw he looked like he was running with a different determination

it was nice to see him on the first run lower his shoulder and slam into the giants CB

Rugby Saint II 10-19-2009 01:04 PM

Re: Reggie
Reggie hasn't quite gotten back into the game since he was hampered through out training camp. I expect him to get up to speed as we go through this year. I do hate to see him dance around while losing ground...oh well, take the good with the bad.

jn671 10-19-2009 01:52 PM

Re: Reggie
Deadman agree with you. I think Reggie wants this more than anything. All the criticism his style has change just a bit I mean he style dances around but when he knows he can take that corner he does it. I think Reggie want to stay a saint so he's trying his best to silence critics and provetonpauton that he is worth the 2nd overall pick.

Euphoria 10-19-2009 05:34 PM

Re: Reggie
Oh this new tactic we are using is really helping Reggie and the Saints I have to admit... limited the amount times you give him the ball. Put him on the sideline when the game is on the line is really helping him.

-You can't fumble if you don't have the ball.
-Less turnovers less oppitunities the other team has staying in the game.

Good Job Payton.
Sorry as highly as he was drafted and the bank he is getting its still not worth the return in what we are getting. I hope he turns it around but still not excited yet.

All this "make him a WR" I dont' buy either. If he is playing to his level you line him up everywhere on the field even put him in the Wildcat. You get him the ball. A number 2 on your roster he damn well better win games for you or whats the point drafting him that high and paying him all that money.

exile 10-19-2009 05:40 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 171315)
Oh this new tactic we are using is really helping Reggie and the Saints I have to admit... limited the amount times you give him the ball. Put him on the sideline when the game is on the line is really helping him.

-You can't fumble if you don't have the ball.
-Less turnovers less oppitunities the other team has staying in the game.

You must have missed his TD run. LOL He was the only Saints RB that could have made that run. Need I post the Bell fumble against Detroit again? :mrgreen:

CantonLegend 10-19-2009 06:59 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by exile (Post 171317)
You must have missed his TD run. LOL He was the only Saints RB that could have made that run. Need I post the Bell fumble against Detroit again? :mrgreen:

i agree with most of your post

the bell fumble and reggies fumbles are very different tho

bell got hit in the backfield almost immediately after he took the handoff

reggie gets hit anywhere on the field or doesnt get hit and still fumbles the ball

he is a talented back but the same argument always applies to him......he struggles to hold onto the ball

Euphoria 10-19-2009 07:09 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by exile (Post 171317)
You must have missed his TD run. LOL He was the only Saints RB that could have made that run. Need I post the Bell fumble against Detroit again? :mrgreen:

THE BIG difference is that Bell contributed to WINS!!! Bush's contributions have been keeping the other team in the game! Give me a break if Bush was actually helping this team then a fumble here and there could be overlooked. Brees wins games... he has INT's but who cares he far makes up for his mistakes.

Bush's TD really... you don't think someone else could have done that... please.

I mean I know you spend your hard earn money on the jerseys and all but at the end of the season I'll buy yours for 2 bucks so I can use it to wash my car with. That way you get something back.

WhoDat205 10-19-2009 07:23 PM

Re: Reggie
First off, you guys need to give it a rest with the "we pay him too much money" talk. You can't rescind the contract without taking a huge cap hit and you can't take a mulligan on the draft pick. So deal.

It seems to me that Reggie is starting to fit into a role on the team. I still think he can be a dangerous punt returner if gets over the yips. With his new found blocking ability, his pass catching ability, and his ability to make runs like the one he scored on yesterday, he's developing into a pretty darn good 3rd down back also. If he accepts that role and really learns that trade, he can be a huge asset to this team.

Granted, it's not what many (any) of us expected or hoped for, but it's what we got.

He's also still leading the team in total yards.

exile 10-19-2009 07:24 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 171331)
THE BIG difference is that Bell contributed to WINS!!! Bush's contributions have been keeping the other team in the game! Give me a break if Bush was actually helping this team then a fumble here and there could be overlooked. Brees wins games... he has INT's but who cares he far makes up for his mistakes.

When Bell returns a punt(s) to win a game like Bush has then come with it. Otherwise, Bell would be cut long before Bush ever will from this team. Just sayin.. just an opinion. No need to get nasty.

Euphoria 10-19-2009 11:31 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by exile (Post 171333)
When Bell returns a punt(s) to win a game like Bush has then come with it. Otherwise, Bell would be cut long before Bush ever will from this team. Just sayin.. just an opinion. No need to get nasty.

Well we didn't draft Reggie with a first round draft pick to be a PR. He's seating 3rd on the list of RB's. I totally disagree with cutting Bell over Bush. Bell doesn't hurt a team he is actually a better RB than bush so far this year. When did Bush return a punt this year to win a game???

Ok I'll buy the jersey from you for 2.25 and I'll pay for shipping.

I don't know how much you have paid attention to the NFL but when a player makes to much money and don't contribute to wins. They usually get cut or traded off. Bell doesn't make that much and is contributing to wins. Bell is more likely to be on the roster next year with a pay raise out of the money that would normally go to Bush.

Hey I hope he turns it around another weapon more points all the better but as long has he does nothing and doesn't earn the money... see ya.

Euphoria 10-19-2009 11:52 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by WhoDat205 (Post 171332)
First off, you guys need to give it a rest with the "we pay him too much money" talk. You can't rescind the contract without taking a huge cap hit and you can't take a mulligan on the draft pick. So deal.

It seems to me that Reggie is starting to fit into a role on the team. I still think he can be a dangerous punt returner if gets over the yips. With his new found blocking ability, his pass catching ability, and his ability to make runs like the one he scored on yesterday, he's developing into a pretty darn good 3rd down back also. If he accepts that role and really learns that trade, he can be a huge asset to this team.

Granted, it's not what many (any) of us expected or hoped for, but it's what we got.

He's also still leading the team in total yards.

Bush leading the team in total yards??? Where do you get that crazy false stat Colston and a couple of others I believe have him beat and PT is on his heels and he was injured a few games if you recall.

Here is a stat for you Reggies longest punt so far this season is 22 yards, avg yards per return 3.9. Our opponets long 43 and average yards 12.2, point here is someone else could maybe to better and fumble less for less money???

I hope he gets it together don't get me wrong but our cap isn't getting any lighter. We all know someone else would take him off our hands.

Turbo Saint 10-20-2009 12:34 AM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by exile (Post 171333)
When Bell returns a punt(s) to win a game like Bush has then come with it. Otherwise, Bell would be cut long before Bush ever will from this team. Just sayin.. just an opinion. No need to get nasty.

dude you're out to lunch. if YOU think that bell SHOULD be cut before bush, you're absolutely crazy.

i'll admit it...i was psyched when we got reggie. i THOUGht we were getting a much more complete back...he simply hasn't developed. it's ok, i'm dealing w/ it b/c his role has diminished until he DOES get it together, which i really hope he does.

however, my bush jersey bought 2 years ago (by my g/f) hasn't joined me during the games at all this season and look what's's just bad mojo :P maybe it and his mojo will turn around and i can wear it again, until then, it's hanging nicely in the closet.

back on track...reggie just needs to get it together. he's a legitimate 3rd on our depth chart and our rushes show that. say what you will exile, but our 2 main backs are bell and PT and i couldn't be happier that's how it is.

Tobias-Reiper 10-20-2009 08:34 AM

Re: Reggie
Well, after watching some of the NFL Network shows and seeing some people break down film of the Colston and Moore TDs, the one thing I have to say, defenses are still biting hard on the play action with Reggie. The analysts didn't mention it was Reggie on the play action, but I noticed it was Reggie both times.

On the Colston and Moore TDs, Drew faked the hand off to Reggie. The SS immediately went up to fill the gap, and the LBs froze. Result: wide open Colston for TD, wide open Moore for TD.

You also notice Reggie's blocking on passing plays.

So, still, without the ball, Reggie is a big part of this offense. I still cringe when he returns punts or tries to run it up the middle, but if him being in there helps Drew, Colston, Moore, Shockey, etc to make plays downfield the way they were making plays downfield against the Giants, let it be.

WhoDat205 10-20-2009 09:24 AM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 171363)
Bush leading the team in total yards??? Where do you get that crazy false stat Colston and a couple of others I believe have him beat and PT is on his heels and he was injured a few games if you recall.

Here is a stat for you Reggies longest punt so far this season is 22 yards, avg yards per return 3.9. Our opponets long 43 and average yards 12.2, point here is someone else could maybe to better and fumble less for less money???

I hope he gets it together don't get me wrong but our cap isn't getting any lighter. We all know someone else would take him off our hands.

Sorry, Colston overtook him in total yards. I added wrong.

And hey, I realize Reggie has the yips on punt returns. Personally, I choose to consider what he did last season when he had 3 TDs and a 13.5 average in 10 games.

But really? You think someone would take him off our hands? Like who and for what?

exile 10-20-2009 09:29 AM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by WhoDat205 (Post 171434)
And hey, I realize Reggie has the yips on punt returns. Personally, I choose to consider what he did last season when he had 3 TDs and a 13.5 average in 10 games.

I still remember that Vikings game. Before the first Reggie punt return we had an obnoxious Vikings fan sitting behind us yelling "please kick it to fumble Reggie".

Man did he shut up fast. :mrgreen:

CantonLegend 10-20-2009 09:38 AM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by exile (Post 171438)
I still remember that Vikings game. Before the first Reggie punt return we had an obnoxious Vikings fan sitting behind us yelling "please kick it to fumble Reggie".

Man did he shut up fast. :mrgreen:

the best word to describe reggie is "dangerous"

the problem and the solution at the same time is that he is dangerous to both teams

Turbo Saint 10-20-2009 10:38 AM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by CantonLegend (Post 171443)
the best word to describe reggie is "dangerous"

the problem and the solution at the same time is that he is dangerous to both teams

:bartinator: <-----reggie

Euphoria 10-20-2009 11:57 AM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 171416)
Well, after watching some of the NFL Network shows and seeing some people break down film of the Colston and Moore TDs, the one thing I have to say, defenses are still biting hard on the play action with Reggie. The analysts didn't mention it was Reggie on the play action, but I noticed it was Reggie both times.

On the Colston and Moore TDs, Drew faked the hand off to Reggie. The SS immediately went up to fill the gap, and the LBs froze. Result: wide open Colston for TD, wide open Moore for TD.

You also notice Reggie's blocking on passing plays.

So, still, without the ball, Reggie is a big part of this offense. I still cringe when he returns punts or tries to run it up the middle, but if him being in there helps Drew, Colston, Moore, Shockey, etc to make plays downfield the way they were making plays downfield against the Giants, let it be.

They are bitting hard on play action on any RB we have. If you see them going after Reggie its because they see a chance at causing a fumble.

Tobias-Reiper 10-20-2009 12:02 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 171474)
They are bitting hard on play action on any RB we have. If you see them going after Reggie its because they see a chance at causing a fumble.

.. well, even so, if Payton is using the other team's hunger for a turnover to open up the passing game, why stop now?

jn671 10-20-2009 12:27 PM

Re: Reggie
Alright obviously we have Reggie lovers and Reggie haters. I appreciate all your opinions about him but guys were 5-0. And Reggie was a part of it you have to agree. He's not great but he can get the job done (at times). But come on he still an asset to our team. Reggie still needs to find himself and he will. He will benefit us a lot more in the future. We found our dual back package Now we have our 3rd back. Our decoy one that every defense accounts for which make our receivers open. And also allows Heath to run the ball or catch it in the flats. So you may hate but give him credit atleast an ounce. Cause I mean look back at 2006 we made the playoffs with him and deuce and brees. He's been injured the past 2 years now healthy give him time to adjust.

Euphoria 10-20-2009 12:30 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 171475)
.. well, even so, if Payton is using the other team's hunger for a turnover to open up the passing game, why stop now?

LMAO hey ok sure why not as long as its not when the game is on the line and its down the other end of the field so its more of a punt than a fumble right.

I don't know if you guys really pay attention to the game at all but the Saints passing game is all timing and Bree's precision. Everyone is on the same page when the play is for the ball to be at a certain spot at a certain time. Brees gets that ball released to a spot and the WR hasn't even looked back for the ball they sometimes just start putting there hands up or jumping because they know where the ball is going to be. You can't defend that, has nothing to do with an effective running game. An effective running game is to keep take time off the clock. Look what Bees did last year with no running game.
The ONLY difference this year is that we have a D and our running game is slightly improved with Bush at 3rd string (LMAO).

exile 10-20-2009 12:38 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 171481)
LMAO hey ok sure why not as long as its not when the game is on the line and its down the other end of the field so its more of a punt than a fumble right.

So they are counting their chickens on a guy fumbling who only has 1 fumble all year? Or is it the 2 he lost last year that is giving him away? :p:p

Euphoria 10-20-2009 12:40 PM

Re: Reggie
He is 3rd string for a reason.

jn671 10-20-2009 12:46 PM

Re: Reggie
Two fumbles big deal.

Euphoria 10-20-2009 12:49 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by jn671 (Post 171486)
Two fumbles big deal.

Its a huge deal when he muffed punts and hasn't contributed to wins, the amount of money he is making. The real question is at this point if he doesn't get with the program could we win without him and sorry my answer to that questions is a YES!

Euphoria 10-20-2009 12:52 PM

Re: Reggie

Originally Posted by jn671 (Post 171480)
Alright obviously we have Reggie lovers and Reggie haters. I appreciate all your opinions about him but guys were 5-0. And Reggie was a part of it you have to agree. He's not great but he can get the job done (at times). But come on he still an asset to our team. Reggie still needs to find himself and he will. He will benefit us a lot more in the future. We found our dual back package Now we have our 3rd back. Our decoy one that every defense accounts for which make our receivers open. And also allows Heath to run the ball or catch it in the flats. So you may hate but give him credit atleast an ounce. Cause I mean look back at 2006 we made the playoffs with him and deuce and brees. He's been injured the past 2 years now healthy give him time to adjust.

Its not about being a hater or a lover or Bush its about the business for NFL football. If Reggie won a game for us I would pat him on the back and celebrate all the same. If you do nothing to contribute and make a fat check you become expendable. I think we can agree on that issue.

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